Reality is escaping me these days.
Was This Written in 1996 or 2017?
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Fucking hell. What is actually happening to our timeline?
Kids in the Hall were way ahead of their time man
Scott Thompson being such an open fag is mainly why they're still relevant today
And they finished in 1995
the more they look like a literal joke the worse it is for them
deserves more attention
fuck. time machines must be real. this is TOO spot on.
I was born in 85 and watched Kids in the Hall from 91' to 95'
I still remember being sad when it was finished. I thought it was so funny.
And it wasn't until maybe 5-6 years later that they started showing it in reruns.
When I watched it again I was thinking, "I don't remember all this fag stuff"
I was too young when I first watched it to know what gay and fag was kek I just liked The Flying Pig
Born in 79... This shit ue to be funny, not reality.
its because canada is decades ahead with this kind of stuff
This is great.
duh, the show was run by kikes
Wow. Spot on.
Jesus Christ. This was supposed to be a comedy sketch, not a prediction.
This shit had already started by then, senpai. Only difference was that there was still a strong general aversion to this sort of bullshit. People would laugh at those who brought it up, leftist politicians still felt the need to hide it behind platitudes.
It was mostly confined to obscure collegr courses
All this shows is that these people have been around for a long time.
Society, in real life, consists of thousands of micro-groups. These people have been around for decades, just not in your own social sphere.
Same with all the other "emerging" groups you see today. They aren't new, you're just seeing them for the first time because of communications technology (internet).
>I guess fat black crippled dykes are hard to find
KEK holy shit, you definitely couldn't get away with that today.
I don't get it because i'm millenial.
But is this show being serious or making fun of these faggots?
it worries me whoever wrote that doesn't realize they paid for the recycling fee they're getting back at the store.
Thats insanely accurate
What if you buy $1000 worth of Bitcoin one year ago?
It's a Canadian comedy show. Just more proof that we Canadians are ahead of the curve and knew this shit was coming way before the rest of the world.
>le things are just the same but your exposure to them has changed
Nope, this shit is everywhere now, even mainstream politics
that's because they're a diamond dozen now adawys
>Jesus Christ. This was supposed to be a comedy sketch, not a prediction.
the best comedy IS prediction.
Have you watched PCU from 1994 with Jeremy Piven ? It also predicted current shitstorm.
>implying Canadians can be funny
Right on Amera-bro! And satire as well. Satire is the ultimate based communication method. The world needs more satire, for it is the lens with which we can focus in on the truth. Comedy with a take-no-prisoners approach.
>the best comedy IS prediction.
UHF from Weird Al will blow your fricken mind