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what the fuck where is this

straight out of a fucking zombie movie man wtf

I would have fucking floored it.


I would be shitting bricks if one night I'm just driving my car down a lonely road and all of a sudden a legion of nigs emerge from the darkness and surrounded my vehicle. What were they trying to do? I would slam my foot down on the gas.

i don't understand why nobody's murdering them

there's no evidence they even exist and there's nobody protecting them. serial killer's wet fucking dream

No smart person encourages serial killers, user. check your IQ.

This is highway robbery, and it can be a part of life in your country all you have to do is import the third world.

>What were they trying to do?
Get into the vehicle.

well the reddit butthurt didn't take long to get here


I'm pretty sure that's a clear indication of room temperature IQ right there.

I'm just suggesting that no one should play games with fire. With serial killers, its starts with nobodies then escalates into citizens. A smarter person would realize this and think, maybe we shouldn't play with serial killers.

What about you, user? Why don't you know these facts? Why are you so low IQ?

yes, we surely must address this leddit invasion asap

This isnt from Europe but from Detroid. There's an issue of feral nigger packs attacking cars. This car obviously had fortified doors and/or gun so they backed off.

barely read that, suppose you never heard of 'mission orientated serial killing' as opposed to the 3 other kinds, or that they're not all like dexter

why are you replying to me

Oh I see. So if ((they)) say, 2+2 is 4, its false.
Address my argument like a thinking person.

pretend they didn't ruin this board. pretend you're not one of them

Robocop makes so much sense

It's a like a fucking horror movie.

this is calais, you fake news fuck


Liberals are making sure our highways are "beautiful and diverse" I see. Why have a 'Highway' when you could have a 'Slaughter Lane' for white people

I never thought about it, but wouldn't it make sense for the males to be up front as they are more fit and probably faster with more endurance? if you record the first few moments of the group of course it'll be all males.

let me in, i doctor



and swerved side to side.

is that Samuel L Jackson?

I hate them so much


Yeah we really love the metric system in Detroid

someone should drive down that highway with a gat out the window

Why anyone could see this and not turn to nationalism, I do not understand.

Actually it's in France, in a town called Calais.

There are frequent migrant attacks there on trucks.
Here's a video on that:


looks like Tiger Woods

Is this from a movie ? I must see it

What in the he'll is this?

>t. The_Donald migrant, circa November 2016

only retarded nigger shills like yourself could see annoying normies that are on our side as a bigger problem than actual commie piece of shit subversives funded by millions of soros bucks trying to neutralize the place before 2018 and 2020

fuck you both, comrades

Holy Christ this video is giving me the utter shits.
Fuck this shit.

I would never go outside again if I saw that shit

Well, everything seems to be in order here.



Too bad that coal burning bitch Diana got all those landmines removed.

i thought you lived in america lmao
just get an LMG or something and fuck them up

All this and Le Pen still didn't win, lel

He's a bit angry...

I'm in Cali and am noguns, best I could do is a 10 round shitty rifle anyway

how do you know they're not?

I would drive over them, killing as many as I could
If anybody caught me I would say that I didn't seen any of those because niggers in darkness without any reflective jackets or stuff? Come on, they are almost invisible

File got delet, what was this??

>Leave your wife and kids alone in the back while traveling amogst the rapingist people in the world while under no authrity surveillance.
>Yet to see one video or picture proving the "mostly women and children meme"



Jesus they act like a pack of hungry hyenas.

What the actual fuck? Men in business suits and weird masks? Some kind of occult shit?

post the video of the based polish guy running the migrant gauntlet.


Just get some cattle catchers from the Aussies and mow these fuckers down. Problem solved.

this is what I was looking for

based trucker

just weirdass flash mob
I did occult and if you do stuff that you don't want to be seen by anybody you do it in remote location and don't walk through areas that are settled.

It's a little ironic that most serial killers exhibit quite high IQ.


it was a guy just driving a car normally at night 3/4 of the .webm but then he stumbled upon that
and then a explosion went off in the background

you should've seen it man rip

yes they are animals

>what was this??

Weird shit


1000 points for every one you hit

Szep munka volt, biztos.

I felt like the guy at 0:12 was going to drive into the shitstains.

>putting Aussie in charge of removing pests
they couldn't stop a large flyless bird how are they going to remove larger chimps

god we need to nuke the third world

They are not alone but in packs of 50+ subhumans


7:25 the dude tries too

unfortunately he probably got in more trouble for doing that than the migrants ever did in france

So I have a question, why don't all the truckers band together and start running them over?

blood on truck might get them in shit

forensics + shitheads like ACLU defending kebab

>drive down highway several times
>wait til no other car is near
>roll down window and unload on them with a gun

Jesus Christ this is bad, buddy.

because the frenchies have already surrendered

This really seems to be the strategy, turn on high beams, and blow your horn loud as fuck to frighten them.

I didn't say to put the Aussies in charge. I said get cattle catchers from them. Mount them to the front of the trucks. I think Aussies truckers still use them. Pic related.


Well I just leave it here:

BBC is fake news, very, very fake news!

Pretty sure it's from some Monty Python sketch

suprisingly fun game

This is why I carry an AR-15 and Shotgun in my four-wheel drive truck.

it's officer tenpenny

My bet is on France near the channel tunnel

The problem with these people is that they have absolutely nothing to lose.

what shotgun is it? Spas-12? or pump action?

You mean bull bars? they work great on roos.

Yeah but imagine then once they've gotten used to the horns and aren't afraid,
total chaos.


Also car variants. Problem is windscreen has 0 protection. But that can be sorted out relatively quick and cheap

Yeah, we call them cattle catchers here in the states.

That's pretty fucking badass

Death Race/Mad Max coming to a town near you.

Pump, grew up on 'em, it feels much more comfortable and balanced in my hands, and with a weapon, that's really what's most important. AR-15's for long-ranged firefights, a pump is more than enough for a large group, one or two shots and they'd scatter.

Time to go get my conceal carry license

One can hope

Like fucking World War Z