So, why did you guys vote for Mr. Trump, even though Clinton and Sanders had decades of political experience (no, driving casinos and steak companies to the ground is not political experience)?
I can't wrap my head around that. Sad! Covfefe!
So, why did you guys vote for Mr. Trump, even though Clinton and Sanders had decades of political experience (no, driving casinos and steak companies to the ground is not political experience)?
I can't wrap my head around that. Sad! Covfefe!
Republicans are, by far, the biggest threat to democracy, liberty and equal rights. They are far worse than ISIS because Republican extremists terrorize people via shitty legislation (stealing free healthcare from the poor, sick and need, for example). Everything the alt-right does is to destroy our way of life. There are moderate Muslims hundreds of times better than moderate conservatives. Between Muslims and Republicans, who body slams reporters, bans gays from marriage and steals healthcare?
Brexit is destroying the British economy (good thing, to punish them), the EU is punishing Hungary and Poland for their racist laws and Trump ended up being an incompetent, racist, orange buffoon.
The Republican Army is the biggest terror group in the history of America, and anyone who voted for Trump should be locked up for life, never to poison another (stolen) election again.
Ridiculous. Ri-fucking-diculous. You should all feel ashamed of yourselves. Very, very ashamed.
That’s why they aren’t going to reply or debunk your post, they are little chickenshits afraid of the truth: the full truth and nothing but the truth. Watch them make Mental Gymnastics an Olympic sport as they try to do damage control now…..
the same reason I've seen you post these image macro's with froppy several dozen times you fucking shill.
We do it because we're paid to, or we enjoy being angry with someone dedicated enough to taint froppy with impact font and a stroke filter.
Get fucked.
>everybody universally hates this guy
>implying that doesn't make him more likeable to everyone but infantile morons
Bernie is out of touch and never worked a real job, and Hillarys relevant experience involved her fucking the country over
>every economist is anti trump
obviously you dont follow the economy. people who do noticed articles written by people in the know on websites dedicated to the economy
it is in my paste bin for funny shit (europe in ruins) and the election cycle of 2016. basically the west over the past 3 years
without zoey quinn there wouldn't have been a trump. i wonder how she feels right now, knowing that she was the one who kicked the entire thing off.
shit b8
And by the way, it's President Trump now. Numbnuts.
>even though Clinton and Sanders had decades of political experience
for precisely that reason
those niggers have presided over a decline in the people's fortunes, and it seems to be on purpose
if they've been doing such a good job, why is everything getting worse?
My favorite thing about Bernie is how he literally has a wife's son. A few of them. And he let minorities cuck him out of his podium because he's A FUCKING WHITE MALE. He's such a meme. It's still amazing what he did and he would have fought the establishment in his own way. He's 1000 times better than Hillary. But there's just something off with how people like him think. There are some things about people and society they don't understand. They're kind of ridiculous.
Tsuyu is objectively Best Girl, but what the heck does she have to do with your message?
I wanna fuck the frog
Because I don't want open borders.
Please stop making threads and kill yourself now.
Every Schlomo, Kike, Shekel clutcher, easy bake pizza, Israelite, hook nose, and Jew rejected trump
And yet I voted for a much better option than 'Socialism totally works goys;' Sanders and Hillary.
I like the butthurt he creates.
>The most intelligent people in America got their shit pushed in by Sup Forums
Sup Forums likes people who make liberals mad, no other logic required.
>Clinton and Sanders had decades of political experience
>political experience
at lying to people to steal their money, you mean.
To btfo stupid niggers like you.
It is always darkest just before the Don.
Does Soros pay overtime on weekends?
dumb political statement + animu grill = pure kino
are you fucking joking?
weren't hill shills only making cents a day?
fuck ALL those socialist pieces of treasonous trash. and may they burn in hell.