Is Sup Forums being infiltrated? Something smells so fishy

Is Sup Forums being infiltrated? Something smells so fishy...

moms vagina

who dat

almost like there's some blond poster here.

>a grill on my Sup Forums?
its more likely than anyone ever thought.

alright I gotta go do shit. peace Sup Forums stay alive without me for awhile, I got irl shit I need to handle. I'm climbing the corporate ladder for you faggots so we can do great things alright. I got people to call in the morning.

Sup Forums is a CIA social experiment. We're a petri dish meant to see what happens when you give users varying levels of anonymity under specific social conditions depending on the board. We're all unwitting CIA assets.

sorry thats me i didn't think anyone would notice

the anti kek anti trump shills can't stop us


That's a nice polaroid 600SE pack film camera she has there.

pol has already been infiltrated
it's too mainstream now
even the normies talk about it on tv

and of course, infiltrated by cia/nsa

nice cameras.

there's a roliflex there.....

>Is Sup Forums being infiltrated? Something smells so fishy...

Esti (((Ginzburg)))


>On 18 December 2013, it was reported that Ginzburg's father was suing her for allegedly failing to pay him money owed for a house he sold her and her husband. She no longer has a relationship with her father after he sued her, and he has not met her son.
Money before family.

A Jew. Google her name

Shills are going nuts right now, it's hilarious

After the Loretta Lynch thing came out they must have new orders for this place


lmao these people


Literally anyone who says shill is fucking plebbit material, I don't even give a damn about Trump, his shenanigans are good for the cause, but his manlet balding amerilard army is disgusting.

t. shill

See? This is what I'm talking about, quit squealing shill, and try to involve yourself in a political discussion, one day you might grow out of that untermensch shell of yours.

t. shill

spotted the shills.