Join a pol discord

>Join a pol discord
>They're talking about smoking weed
>Ask them if they're being ironic
>Blows into a full scale argument about how weed is healthier than alcohol
>every sentence ends with KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK
>Other guy says ketamine and dmt should be the standard recreational drug along with weed and that dropping acid is the only way to see through Jewish propaganda
>One says I have a deep voice, must be a NIGGER
>Tell them I'm Cuban (black) and they proceed to call me a NIGGER

So me as a hard working black man that's never touched any drugs and occasionally share a whiskey with my grandfather am less of a degenerate than 50% of pol

I get it now, you people are bitter; you want what is advantageous to you and only you because it angers you that you're so pathetic instead of manning up and fixing it. You are sick of little white girls going after black men and Hispanics, you know why they want these men? because they're more masculine. While here you are in your MAGA hat, the stench of weed and piss jars sticks to you because you never leave your room and don't know a single thing about living a physically intensive life style. You don't really care about killing Jewish propaganda and destroying brainwashing. You're already a victim of it anyway.

I regret voting for trump knowing it enabled you emasculated pussies, just the less disgusting breed of the nu-male.

Other urls found in this thread:

I sympathise with you so much. It's disgusting. They don't even try to hide it.

Meth is the only drug worth doing.

Mfw you all fell for the faces of meth meme.

so Sup Forums is full of hypocrites. what's new?

>So me as a hard working black man that's never touched any drugs and occasionally share a whiskey with my grandfather am less of a degenerate than 50% of pol
yes one ever learns
>Sup Forums
>one person

so you just realized Sup Forums is full of teenagers?

is this your first time in an online chatroom?

anybody who goes on the internet to talk to people over voicechat is the type of person who is too insufferable to talk to people in person.

kys fedora tipper

They're the useful idiots, user. I always limit my interaction with degenerates on our side of the aisle.

The left has Antifa, we have Kekistanis. Just don't expect to gain any conservative insight from the larping memers.

Reprehensible people are reprehensible at an individual level, regardless of any collective membership.

I can understand why you'd be upset, but you're really just perpetuating the cycle of resentment by passing judgment on "us" as a collective, rather than judging "us" according to our individual merits. You don't know me, none of those things you just tried to hold against me are true of me.

Practice what you preach.

I joined one and there was a room dedicated to no fap, it had a dozen guys in it all talking about how its wrong to beat your dick

this shits a joke and isn't worth discussing longer than a few seconds, keep it to yourself

I hate that fucking faggot "kek" shit. They only use it because "fuk normies I special"

>oooh look at me i finished school at 15 years old and now been hard working cleaning toilets, but i haven't touched any drugs, so i'm better than everyone else, ya'll some degenerates

Tell me more about being bitter. Go cry somewhere else.

>going to discords
Reddit as fuck.

Congrats on being a nigger. Please report to your nearest oak tree for a formal tie fitting. Have a nice day.

Yeah, it's pretty annoying to have to mentally filter shit like this out, especially on Sup Forums where everything is grounds to be posted.

It's like how Sup Forumstards use "nigger" ironically because it's
1. It's tabboo / offensive
2. Freedom of speech, "nigger" in reality is just a sound/word which can be appropriated
3. We're anonymous here

Nigger this nigger that, constant holocaust jokes, but it's cool because we're all supposedly smart enough to know that not all people of the world holds true to these one-dimensional jokes - but eventually it bleeds into their lexicon and it becomes acceptable to weave the whole "blacks are implied inferior because a disproportionate amount of them account for the stereotypical stupidity we all laugh at through videos and internet news articles" meme into their arguments and rationale on this board.

It's like you have to filter the Sup Forums element out at all times here. Sup Forums is kind of like this in a way too, but it usually result in things being funny because you know taste in video games is subjective and arbitrary to begin with; on Sup Forums people are injecting this random/vulgar/edgy vocabulary and "ironic" racial implications into serious discussion and vigorously debating on behalf of them, it's dumb.

It's like how Hitler scapegoated his need for domination and progress against elite Jew-ery so hard that he was actual okay with killing the normal everyday Jews that weren't even capable of opposing him with globalist jew-ery.

Now, I will use words like nigger or faggot or jew as interchangeable insults for somebody being a dumbass,

but racism for racisms' sake is no longer funny on the internet, it's lost it's luster even faster than being vulgar for vulgarity's sake. Now normies think a lot of us who discusses here are automatically a tinfoil-hat wearing wannabe racial supremicist.

While a lot of this racial shit is obviously satire, there's a clear problem retards coming out to defend it with serious intent.

holy shit what a faggy post

kys, my dude

>It's like how Hitler scapegoated his need for domination and progress against elite Jew-ery so hard that he was actual okay with killing the normal everyday Jews that weren't even capable of opposing him with globalist jew-ery.

Lot of words that say nothing. The destruction of the physical manifestation of the jew was only the first step, destruction of the metaphysical manifestation is the goal, therefore no jew is good because of left alive he would still posses knowledge of Jewry and be able to spread it.

well said

Completely agree with you. Drugs are the mark of a degenerate.

ITT things that didn't happen

>join a Sup Forums discord
>guy saying he lost a lot of money when Silk Road went down because he sold drugs
>another guy saying he wants to buy bitcoins RIGHT NOW
>myself and another try to explain to him why he shouldn't, as it's peaking
>literally can't comprehend what we're saying and keeps saying he'll use them in a week anyway
>conversation ends when they all want to go play video games

most of Sup Forums is full of hypocrites and faggots who are addicted to video games.

Who knew /Pol was just a bunch of larping degenerates...

You sound like a nigger kek

Discords are always full of fucking manchildren, what do you expect?

I smoke meth

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber for whiney degenerates
Wow, ya fuckin cracked the code user. Now leave and never look back.

>browse Sup Forums for years
>never once been in a discord chat
well either I'm exceptional or a discord isn't a good reflection of Sup Forums's demographics

Discord is for attention seeking faggots. Avoid any thing that involves discord.

There are retards on both sides. The left has Antifa and we have Kekistan. Just less violent. Don't get your panties in a knot over trivial disagreements among a minority.

>any type of drug is degenerate
>I'm alcohol and I'm borderline degenerate

Jewry is not genetically inherent to Jews. It's learned and gained through their Jewish tradition and value structure but it's not exclusive to jews and the principles can be transmitted through communicative grooming by and to anyone, it's only prevalent in Jews because they also pass such principles on to their children. Killing them all isn't going to end it, their poker chips will just to the remaining non-jews.

Would killing jews have stopped John Podesta from digging his roots into the Clinton/Obama powers?

>le 1 post may-may

Kneel before me, nigger. Beg for fogriveness, then I may read what you have to say.

another Sup Forums is one person meme?
sage, with deep cuban voice



>Someone was mean to me
>Therefore I regret my vote because they also voted for him

You should never have voted in the first place.
Also, not your personal blog.

>No USA flag
Nice shill attempt, leaf.

Dude I am on pol discord and we spend 20 minutes shitting on a MUH WEED libertarian yesterday. Are you sure pol is one person? Also vc usually consists of obnoxious retards on every server, you cant just join it and should wait for comfy people and timezone, or just say fuck it and dont use it at all

Sounds like you had an encounter with the edgy 16 year olds of new Sup Forums

Also I feel you bro, I'm a non religious Jew. If I bring my heritage up on Sup Forums everyone flips their shit

Dude weeds are not human.

>Sup Forums


Hello, I'm with BuzzFeed and I'd love to know more about your experiences with the alt right neo nazi discord app. Please get in touch.

If you quantify how good a person is by the substances they use i guess you are. But honestly of all the people i've encountered across my life straight edge and "recreation drinkers" are easily both the worst humans at a base level and the most sanctimonious when it comes to shit like drugs.

Same way you share a whisky once in a blue moon i'll spark a joint. Don't really see the difference to be honest, all things in moderation and all.

> Being a nigger.

Only attention whores who have no friends irl go on (((Discord))).

What if you and all your IRL friends have a discord?

>joining discords

lol fucking newfags.

so many falling for this cuck's bait

>joining Discord

Do you see those retards who wave the Cuckistan flag on the streets? They are the ones on the server.

>pol is filled with white trash crackheads

heroin is best guys

Every Sup Forums discord I've joined is full of 14 year olds, discord in general is 14 year old gamers so it's not surprising.

fixd that for ya

That's what i was about to say. Having your own private server with only your friends is extremely comfy.


your'er on the the wrong Sup Forums sever niglet
OPs name is sage and he is from canada. he also cant maake arguments

I joined a Sup Forums discord once. It was during the days right after the election when antifa and the progressives were rioting in the streets and I was thinking "Oh man, might be able to meet up with some of these people and take part in some riot viewing shenanigans and also talk to like minded people for a long time!" The group was a mix of some classical liberals, a few libertarians and ancaps, a few conservatives, the a bunch of natsoc guys. Well, 1/4 of the gang was into drug culture and almost no one had any plans for mass raids on lefty websites or actual meetups and one of the admins was a die hard natsoc that would ban anyone who spoke ill of Hitler or national socialism in general; I got banned because of that.

>hardworking black man
So? Doesn't change your genes.
But you are right about Sup Forums users being fucking retarded. A long time ago, was still on /new/ I believe, I once joined a camera and microphone hang out session. Seeing greasy nerds with band T-shirts say: "Scanduhnavjuns are duh highest on duh Aryun tier list" gave me a good impression of what I was and what I am still dealing with. Incredible fucktards.

Pretty much, just replaced Skype which itself replaced IRC.

>every sentence ends with KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK

digits confirm

>Sup Forums is full of degenerates and shitskins
Not a surprise. Still, what makes all of you faggots come here? Masochism?

Guys I'm actually in the works of creating a discord myself. For the sole purpose of having a place to discussing happenings and relaying coordinates to safezones and caches incase of SHTF?

Who's interested in joining?

Really nobody gives a fuck about having a place to rendezvous incase of a happening?

Fine! Whatever...

You are my brother. Watch it posting well thought out and articulate original opinions here. Posts like this draw out the retards hardcore.

>pol discord

they should all be gassed

>The sorts of people who would seek out other Sup Forums users off of Sup Forums to voice chat with
No shit they're going to be subnormal. A substantial proportion of Sup Forums is human trash, who don't read and are incapable of completing a sentence without using the word "nigger". That doesn't mean that all of us are.

I hope you had a better reason to vote in 2016 than trying to fit in with Sup Forums.

Get off nigger were not being ironic

Also that flag has been posting divide and conquer threads all morning. Interesting.

Your a nigger, you could have invented true AI and you and your degenerate filthy race should still be gassed.

would agree with you if you didnt regard DMT and LSD as if they are dangerous, the truth is that DMT and psychedelics in general are dangerous to the jew and their cultural control.

kekistani cancer, teenagers and deep cover buzzfeed writers. discord is fucking degeneracy and whenever some faggot agrees to talk to the media about being an epic 'alt-right meme creator' you can guarantee they come from a discord. many there are posting behind several layers of irony but then one wonders why they don't just post here or 8pol

Sup Forums is full of edgy teenagers, who could have guessed

There is nothing wrong with smoking weed from time to time you faggot.

Im sorry you were always the nerd in high school and are still never invited to parties.