>cousins boyfriend dies fro. cancer at 22 in April
>she already has a new boyfriend
Cousins boyfriend dies fro. cancer at 22 in April
life goes on
There's literally a line of 5 men waiting to date a given women.
thats why i pretend to be all five
jesus how do we fix normies?
but secretly she is dead inside.
She is more dead than the robots on r9k
Tell her that the body is warmer than her heart
This. I've seen it happen. Women end up missing having someone to hold and touch. They have a really hard time withdrawing compared to men.
That's the way of the world. Work harder to keep your girl, leaf.
the games we play for love
you think thats bad?
Men used to get stabbed to death by other men, and then have their wives/mothers/girlfriends/sisters etc etc breed with the guy that just killed them on the battlefield.
The female nature is fucked up.
And no its wasn't all "rape" the truth is women have naturally bred with those men and then use claims of rape to cover their shame as time goes on.
Not to say rape didn't occur, it did. However there were plenty of women who shacked up with the conquerors willingly. Look at Native American women for an example. Literally created a sub-race because they were so willing to take white cock. Even though whites were quite literally replacing them.
Women just have no instincts to uphold a tribe or society. They think only about taking the strongest sperm, and thats it.
The dude who died from cancer? well he wasn't the strongest afterall, so she replaced him quickly. Can't waste her eggs after all.
Probably been cheating on that guy since her boyfriend got diagnosed. Women naturally like tougher men and there isn't really anyone weaker than a man on chemo.
God damn you're a bitter one
She probably got upset with how long it took him to die too.
You dummies ... NO WOMAN is going to settle down with a man before the age of 27(ish), which means you'll be 30(ish). In the mean time, focus on gaining MONEY and POWER and just tug your dick for 5 minutes if you feel horny one day. RELATIONSHIPS BEFORE THE AGE OF 30 ARE POINTLESS AND A WASTE OF TIME
This. She had already emotionally withdrawn from the relationship months in advance and was doing mental hoops as she was fucking another guy while her bf is on his death bed.
That's realistic though. You can't change the fact that a sick man will eventually turn off his woman and that eventually she will go through stages to move on and finally leave.
Well it's not like he'd be able to fuck her while dying anyway. Not really cheating when the man is incapable of satisfying his woman.
At 22 nonetheless. I would be disappointed by a woman who's been married with kids to him for over a decade but still not exactly surprised.
Artificial wombs when?
It's true, though. You can't expect a woman to remain attracted, and therefore faithful, to a sick man. The man likely knew she was fucking someone else why he was dying.
Sure you can. If they're in a serious relationship anyway. Short relationships, no. But if they were together over a year that'd make more sense.
>no use whipping a dead horse..right?
how much Power?
>sister is a 6/10
>has 5 beta orbiters despite being engaged
I don't even know if I hate men or women more
theres 5 for 1/10 women
8 for 2/10 women
12 for 3/10 women
20 for 4/10 women
100 for 5/10 women
120 for 6/10 women
150 for 7/10 women
250 for 8/10 women
and every single male in the world is lined up for a 9/10 woman
>try to date a pretty young lady
>we both change our social network relationship status together
>10+ orbitters commenting on if they can still hang out with her
Females, dude; you gotta stop considering them the same way you do a male.
ultimate redpill time, faggot: we all suck, we're all retarded, we live in a computer simulation that exists on a "phone app" of an alien teenager. Why do you think people eat their own shit?
>le rick and morty intellectual
Rot in hell mouth breather
Prime breeding age
Literally MADE to move on
Who gives a fuck.
Stop fucking playing around and make families.
For Christ sakes you really believe this boyfriends and girlfriends at age 22 bullshit has any cultural or historical precedent out side kike propaganda?
You fucking think it is going to last a generation or two from now?
Live a real life user.
Not some kike perpetual adolescence hologram of one.
I guess the new boyfriend was also an "old friend".
Oh god. A beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer.
That's pretty fucked, but at the same time I hear stuff like that happening all the time where I live.
Women are about 100x less capable of being alone than men are. They cannot emotionally handle it.
Here is a huge fucking redpill on why the divorce rate exponentially skyrockets for women past 3 partners: Every man past her first man is a rebounder. no exceptions. Women never actually get over it. Ruined once, ruined for life.
if you died, would you let your gf be alone for the rest of your life and mourn you?
let her move on
Women are like monkeys, they never let go of one branch until they have a grip on the next.
What did le kek mean by this?
Scientifically proven that women get over relationships and deaths much faster than men
The caring sex my ass
Thank you for still flying your flag leaf
>tfw my mother moved in with my sister's boyfriend's father within a month of my father dying
>she stayed with him for 9 years
thanks for reminding me OP
pretty much this, and that's how it should be. Settling early with a woman your age isn't such a good idea.
>that women get over relationships
Then why do they keep thinking about their exes so much?
The only time I think of an ex is daydreaming about seeing her hit by a bus.
Wrong. 30 is when you're going to be dealing with roasties who want you to pick up their broken pieces, unless you somehow have enough game and looks to snag 18 (or 16 if it's legal) year-old girls.
Go for young teen girls. Mould them into wives. You cannot fix a broken girl who has been indoctrinated.
Refer to the new boyfriend as tomb raider next time you see him and make a point of it.
> lulz
it's just another talking point to them.
it's like you talking about the last video game you played
>getting no practice in what it means to be a meaningful partner for your future kids
Shut the fuck up retard. The world is more complex than hurrr durr money and power.
Look at the way French women fucked nazis!
If that were true, I wouldn't be hearing the same old story about a girl thinking about her chad ex and going back to him, I.E. cheating.
you missed the part where I said not to settle with a woman your own age. Ever. If you're 30 you have 0 reason to settle for a 30 year old woman.
Unsettling, sad, and very probable.
Don't forget that much like in the animal kingdom women are hard wired to want to breed with the strongest and healthiest, even if their emotions tell them it's wrong. But hell, women don't need to feel guilty now that they get to choose since men have all been sissified.
The thing is, I am in the waiting list for like 6-7 women. So what is worse, having waiting lists or signing up for all of them?
Of your 30 and have avoided women til then any woman 25+ you're going to find would have had at least 42 cocks inside her. And your sex game will be at amateur status.
> develop your own game but don't commit
> work out the type of woman you want
The list isn't like a queue, it's more like a stack where she will keep putting in better picks and the least desirables will stay at the bottom until all the others on top clear out. You may be waiting a while.
Is this why men and women are "polynamorous these days? The men these hipster-ish women seem to fuck don't look to manly. They just fuck all the liberal arts, raver, punk, etc. guys that look maybe 140 pounds and at the most, six feet tall.
you guys are so utterly clueless about women. Stop larping and go outside.
Put keylogger on wife's computer, sabotage back-up's cars, they all die, profit.
That's nothing, when my girlfriend died, I already had a new girlfriend before she even killed herself.
how fucking retarded are you anglos, just because you're 30 doesn't mean you're stuck with 25+ old whores
Ahh, the hipster crowd. In order to appear more attractive to the female since for the most part, male hipsters are as you siad, not very strong, to make themselves more apealling to women, much like in the animal kingdom agian, it's just another part of the mating ritual. But usually, those women don't stick with them long cause they usually notice, their week bodies and lazy attitude don't make them very goid providers, unless they are rich of course. But even then her brain will be hard wired to find a more suitable partner. Hence why she will end up cheating. Women's wiring is messed up. They are far from logical thinkers and hard worker's. That what the male body is built for. Women's body are built to rear children and keep their young safe. They are designed to be protectors of their young.
My grandmother was 26 when she met my granddad who fought in WW2. Had one child before the war and six after. Grandpa cheated on her multiple times, still stayed with him until death. My dad met my mom when she was 26. He had one accidental child beforehand. Had three children with mom. All because mom wanted us, and they are still married. Both mom and grandmom were highly educated teachers. Your move, /r9k/.
Pic relatedy my grandpa in the 30's.
>implying she wasn't already fucking him long before
This is the world we live in.
We all grieve in different ways
some sluttier than others.
My mom died when I was 8.
Pop used it to get consolation
>3 months
>the rest of your life
you're a sick retarded animal