Any liberals out there wanna debate something? Or at least try, we all know liberals always lose
Liberals are retards
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maybe go to reddit
the j00 shit is fucking retarded
>on Sup Forums
The most you get is a drive-by shitpost
What's the problem with pointing out jews?
>What's the problem with pointing out jews?
I mean the j00 are trying to erase the aryan from the earth or still try to bring in communsim or what fucking stupid shit you believe is retarded
See this is what OP was probably referring to. All you did was coming with some awkwardly place strawman. Do you even know what an argument is? You don't get to come in to a discussion and assign the other parties' viewpoints you fucking retard.
No need to name call anyone because you're fat, ugly, have a tiny penis, and can't get laid so you pretend to be alpha.
>arguing with people instead of just telling them what to do
>Do you even know what an argument is?
like you tards have an homogeneous view of the '''''''''''problem'''''''''''''. i could ask 10 people on 10 thread and get 10 different answers.
Fuck off.
We have enough liberal debates we have the
You really are dumb. See if you had some sort of topic to debate you would come in with an assertion on said topic and then wait for a response like a cogent non-retard. Instead you did exactly what I said you did.
>like you tards have an homogeneous view of the '''''''''''problem'''''''''''''.
No shit you mean this board isn't a hivemind and there are a plethora of individuals with their own viewpoints? Finish your primary school logic studies you fool. Should have changed your flag before you posted the first time.
tits or gtfo Tomi
This is not what I expected
you sound pretty mad edgy faggot. the jew shit is retarded theyre not out there to ruin you or your country fucking weirdo
Liberals don't debate, they just scream and whine
>I still don't have an argument let me just carry on leafposting.
Very true
implying you did anything yet except shitpost and flagpost. OP asked ''Wanna debate something'' so i brought a topic. its not hard to get fuckign fag
have you checked if a j00 is tracking your IP before posting ? who knows man maybe da j000000s are watching you as we speak
Just hate how commies/leftist/feminazis stole Liberal label.
> if you had some sort of topic to debate you would come in with an assertion on said topic and then wait for a response like a cogent non-retard.
I know that goes over your head but, try really hard. Remember the part about not using a logical fallacy (strawman in this case). I don't believe you can do it but try anyway :^)
everybody knows what i mean when I say ''The JQ is retarded''. literally everyone. stop trying to be an obtuse twat
Lurk more
You still didn't make an argument user. That's okay though. Nobody expects you to.
They all kind of mixed together and create one big group of retards. Now you have politicians using stupid millennial to do their dirty work. They send antifa to rallies thinking it'll change anything. As far as I'm concerned the left are the fascists, not the right. I'm as conservative as they come and I'm not the slightest bit racist. But the entire left is racist towards whites. Which is one thing I've never really understood, they scream for equality and then shit on white peopel
Go back to redit
If you are not racist you just haven't seen enough empirical and statistical evidence yet.
For somebody who doesnt expect me to, you sure as hell bring this up often retard
you still gonna be a faggot or youre gonna tell me why the JQ isnt retarded
What do you mean?
I guess I'm an optimist. Just make an actual argument man and we'll talk. Be specific. Use data where applicable. And remember: no fallacies.
garanteed ive more hours spent here than you
found that recently, back when your country was white
Start with this
Check the references
It's the truth.
Look at all the race-mixing propaganda, how whites are constantly shamed/portrayed as evil no matter what, and how "refugees" only come to white countries. "Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY!"
Jews such as Barbara Spectre have even ADMITTED this is their game plan.
They want to get rid of whites and instill communism (which was invented by the Jews themselves) so that people will be easier to control!
Why don't you read Marx instead. Our work is already done.
Well thing is in EU its more like
Liberals = classic liberals, freedom, cuting down on taxation, decreasing goverment involwment
Commies = feminazis antifa LBGWTFBBQ, more taxes, "equality" or white racism, more govt controll
I'm not watching a 38 minute video. Explain your statement
im talking about the US
Look at the comment section lazy nigger
Commies/leftists/feminazis are liberals, albeit extreme ones. Still cancer.
Sure I'll look in the comment section because you're too lazy to explain your points, I wanted to debate people not a YouTube comment section, so fuck off and find a new Thread if you are going to be a cunt
I should have used a picture of Lauren southern, she's 20 times hotter.
I'm technically liberal but pretty much just centrist. I'd like to debate Saudi Arabia. Trump rightfully talked shit about the Saudis in the campaign because they're basically ISIS that made it. But now he approved a $400billion economic deal including an over $100billion weapons deal. They are literally a terrorist state and he's selling them cluster bombs.
Inb4: but Obama! Yeah I know. He's a way criminal too. I'm not defending him and that's not what we're debating.
wanna debate a white nationalist, cuck?
finally, somebody who isnt fucking autistic like that mongoloid molymeme larper >Look at all the race-mixing propaganda
what would be the goal of that propaganda ?
>how whites are constantly shamed/portrayed as evil no matter what, and how "refugees" only come to white countries.
because we have welfare programs and we're fucking stupid enough to let them take advantage of it. its not because our country is white
>Jews such as Barbara Spectre
yes ive seen the video. Its just 1 person though. means nothing
>They want to get rid of whites
some probably. just like some niggers want that too. just like some people here want to get rid of them.
>and instill communism
can you prove that a disproportional amount of jews push communism today ?
>molymeme larper
Did he invent the logical fallacy or is that just your excuse for when someone tells you to stop being an intellectually dishonest cunt? Can't say I didn't give you a chance.
you can go sperg somewhere else weirdo, ive somebody to talk to now
Not a single person on pol can address this because it is blatant hypocricy.
>Look at all the race-mixing propaganda
>what would be the goal of that propaganda ?
Pic related
Not everyone on Sup Forums sucks Trump cock.
He was a good goy from the start.
I may be right but I don't fully agree with trump nor like him. I try to trust most things he does, but I agree with you on this one. It's stupid.
>i try to trust most things he does.
Why? You should never trust a politician by default. Use critical thinking for fuck's sake.
I'd say over 90%
Of course a fucking leaf was behind this post.
I don't trust him by default cunt, I trust most of his decisions because he's the leader of our nation and most of his choices are to help America. I agree with some and don't with others, but when it comes down to it he's in charge, the people voted for him and I trust him to make America great again
Jews disproportionately own most of the media, which has the heir of un-trustworthyness about it.
For me, the kike meme isn't about Jews themselves, but the major establishment. It seems like replacing European culture would usher in a time of great chaos allowing for corporations to take control and unite the earth under one central bank with one form of currency.
I call it the "Santa Meme Theory"
>saint nick and krampus were well known figures of Christmas lore
>abundance of culture and dignity formed behind the divine justice that is brought through balance
>white man comes to America but forgets his heritage
>media "jews" uses archetypal figure to appeal to American Christians (this time it only do good things lol)
>uses newly branded "Santa" to sell horrendously cheap and unhealthy beverage "Coca Cola" to an unwitting mass of blossoming consumers
It's business, which is understandable. Jews are great at business and finance, I'm not going to dispute that, but people need to know that our culture and way of life is at risk of collapsing at the feet of our new corporate overlords who will continue to profit regardless of consequence.
Obama was the leader but you still don't just trust his decisions because he's the president. Holy shit what a submissive little cuck.
I trust the decisions they make but don't agree with the outcomes
Just as retarded as conservatives, but at least conservatoves can sometimes fight
In the past oestrogen filled beta nerds got beaten up, these days people aspire to be them.
The jews put too much autism in the water supply.
Pick a topic
are you actually trying to imply that the large majority of posters on Sup Forums don't think jews run the world?
>inb4 it's all ironic
the deal was finalised under the obama administration
It's more of a meme.
Trump went along with it.