
>you must have a black and white world view or you are a fence sitter

Bell end caucasoids thinking they are ubermensch are just so pathetic.

>Dumb mystery meat scum wanting to keep status quo

What's the point of having ideologies when you do as much as centrists, AKA, nothing at all?
Or do you think making threads about how offended you are at stuff, and voting for one president or another will change anything?

>Should I suck cock or not suck cock?
>I will suck cock and stop halfways
>YES, that's the most centrist thing to do.

Oh look it's another divide and conquer shill thread

No, it's about laughing at those who find themselves in the position of asking whether they have to suck cock or not.

if half your beliefs are far left and half are far right then you are a centrist and still "believe" in some things

When the FPBP is also a leaf post

wow a non-white person doesn't support white nationalist politics or the establishment of a white ethnostate haha wow imagine my shock lol haha

also she's a woman. enough said

yes let's make fun of hot youtubers with huge impressionable audiences who oppose mass immigration

>anything that sits on the fence should be shot just on principle.

>extremist ideologies are the only ideologies
>every aspect of opposing sides of the political spectrum is irredeemable
come back when you're 18

I'd fuck her and make 3/4 white babies

but your son would have a small dick

I think her position is understandable because she's a half breed. It's just self-preservation. She knows she wouldn't have a place in any ethno-state, so she instinctively reacts negatively towards the idea.

enjoy your 3/4 Elliot Rodger

I'd fuck her and not make babies.
Cum slut.

jew propaganda to get asian men to hate whites

Who is this anyways?

I'm a centrist so fuck you. Very often in life the answer is in the middle of two extremes.

not what centricism is you cockslurping retard

Everyone has to decide to suck cock or not. Some just dont want to think about it.

Roaming Millennial

I've fucked asian chicks, and they said all the chink men they'd been with were like 4 inches. And they all felt like virgins even though they werent'

Roastie Attention Whore #1302302


>This is the 7th time we've made this thread and we've become exceedingly efficient at it.

>oh gee, its another episode of Sup Forums has no clue what the fuck centrism is, and thinks its just fence-sitting

Roaming millennial, worth a watch.

I admittedly skipped her vids for awhile because I figured she was another sjw. She isn't.

I like that she's against mass immigration, but she says some seriously retarded shit

>your homeland is whatever country you're born in

>we're all mixed to some degree, so race doesn't matter

I'm chalking it up to her being young, and she has moved further right with time though

get fucked dutchcuck and go listen to some camel fucker rap or whatever you do besides pot and shrooms faggot.

>I laugh at you all because I don't believe in anything

Centrism isn't atheism you moron. Left and Right makes zero sense because you can be a left fascist with a communist policy. The entire political grading between left and right is fucking retarded because it is such a varied and nuanced system. I can be a Anglican who promotes secularism within the government or have a million ideas that almost might seem conflicting when placed right next to each other. You can even be a radical centrist.

Centrism isn't seeing black and white then picking gray. It is understanding that there wasn't just black and white to pick in the first place but to realise there are many hues between.

>trusting what women have to say
they told you that because they thought that's what you wanted to hear faggot.

and asians being shorter is jewish propaganda too huh

No it isn't, the concept of centrism would be to let the cocksuckers suck cocks as long as everyone else doesn't have to deep throat it. By sucking cock and stopping, you have still sucked cock. Absolutism and centrism don't go hand in hand and that is generally what fucks up society more than anything, radical polarisation.

>Bro you either got to suck the cock or not
>Well I don't want to but Jane wants to suck my cock so I also don't want to ban it

You see the issue here right?

At least she had the balls to debate white nationalists and interview Richard Spencer unlike most alt-liters

I'm subbed to her, and don't think /pol should be shitting on her, just expressing some gripes. She also said she is willing to have Jared Taylor on

Anyone willing to give platforms to white nationalists is a good thing, even if they themselves are not WN. Such exposure will certainly bring some people to the WN side because the arguments of Jared Taylor are so solid.

I think she's much more pro-white than Sup Forums would give her credit for.

getting rid of country flags was a mistake

kek agrees..

>Oh look it's another Shareblue character assassination.jpg

Could you stop? Doesn't this sort of corporate-run spamming violate global rules? Why don't you try to bring something positive to the world instead?

Remember kids, sage in all fields.

Cenrism is a strategy not an ideology

The centrist meme dies with the end of uneducated voters when they learn what's truly at stake and why their votes matter.

hahahaxd wait i miss the part where she is extorting money from single soccer moms oh no wait no i didn't u just made that shit up like a fgt bitchboi


yeah and shes got tens of thousands of viewers who have never heard of him

Isn't she one of those "socially liberal but fiscally conservative" know-nothings that is entirely propped up by her rich parents?

not necessarily, some ppls genuine viewslie in the center

shes not socially liberal wtf

Why hate her freedom of speech are you a Fascist Leaf?

>If you want neither gulags nor holocaust you are a fence-sitter

Pre-puberty life is so carefree, I envy you guys

This. I don't know something so I'll blindly go with "that".