>M-muh 54%! XD
Fuck off, its almost 80
M-muh 54%! XD
It is 54% you southern retard. No wonder why you guys lost.
>mfw counting """"""white"""""" hispanics
>Post source
Fuck off sweden
source you nigger
yeah its 80%
if hispanics are white
ya buds, wheres the hispanic white
bump for asshurt. ICE will remove all illegals
80% maybe including """white"""" hispanics
they include hispanics, indians, arabs and north africans as "white"
Agreed, no average Hispanic man passes down as white anywhere in America. They're brown, closer in relation to Indians and Asians.
they count hispanics as white.
>"white" hispanics
>counting hispanics as white
Not even my league, try harder
with that logic turkey is at least %90 white
hi fellow white brethren
Lol "white"
Too bad thanks to you little faggots without them our birthrate is negative. I wish you idiots could see this.
I'm counted as white (not by choice) even though I'm only genetically a 56% European( mostly medshit) beaner.
61.3% non-hispanic white
source: july 1, 2016 census estimates
North Africans in Canada easily pass as white, don't know about the US.
pic related
They don't mention hispanic on ur pic sorry, no way burgers are that white.
Lo IQ mongrels in 4 generations unless they figure something out
>literally posts source
>b-but rural and suburban retards!
>spic detected
Anything above 60% is a lie to make whites believe they still have a place in this country
OP's actually kind of right. Non-Hispanic whites make up 62.6% of the country's population
Illegal aliens love to answer the US Census, right?
>note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic
Remember that there are still more white people in America than any other country in the world.
If hispanics are white, which your source claims there are, white crimes are at an all time high and american (((whites))) are the most degenerate group there is.
You better think twice about this.
its 16.5% actually