What's the quickest and most effective way of redpilling a commie? A few of my friends from highschool have become commie scum and though I enjoy having political debates with them and respect their right to an opinion their opinion is wrong and I want to change it in the most effective means.
What's the quickest and most effective way of redpilling a commie...
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Commies aren't people. You don't redpill them. Better dead than red, user.
We are better than you.
realizing that they're right and you're a retarded white kid in college who doesn't know shit
Ask them the JQ
throwing them out of a helicopter with rope tied around their neck
There is no fast way, especially if they have diametrically opposed views. You can't be confrontational about it, show them the path, let them do the legwork. Give them the impression that it's in their best interest and start slow.
It may be impossible to reconcile their beliefs if they are deeply intrenched; even more so if it is part of their identity.
Wow it's like you're really describing the average commie in America
get them to read the gulag archipelago by Solzhenitsyn
All the argument you need
just tell them that karl marx and che guevara were racist (which they were) and that their disgusting right wing islamophobic beliefs are not tolerated in 2017
>quickest and most effective way of redpilling a commie?
>pic related
When will you fucks realize that system just doesn't work? If it did, why would you constantly need to tell people it "hasn't actually been tried yet" so that you don't have to admit it's failed numerous times and ended in the deaths of tens of millions? Or do you just like the idea of mass graves and starvation, with virtually no freedoms?
Ask them to share their girlfriends. Communism is based around sharing
Tell him the truth about Stalin. It worked for me.
Isn't Stalin to modern Russia as Hitler is to modern Germany? Or is he actually still somewhat celebrated?
>quickest and most effective way of redpilling a commie?
Lead through his head.
If they're not well read commies but merely hold some views of abstract teen-like pseudo-communism, then stuff like Yuri Bezmenov and "In the shadow of Hermes" documentary by Juri Lina can make an emotional appeal against it.
If they are well read in their own ideology then "muh victims" won't work because victims don't matter. And they're not wrong.
The issue is that communism isn't wrong in itself. Everything a man can think of has two polarities, and communism is a manifestation of one pole pointing towards a much deeper urge. It is feminine in nature and femininity itself isn't wrong. So, in conclusion, it is merely a choice they made (or what they indeed are deep down).
At that point, you can only fight it with brute force (making a woman know her place) which will fulfill them, or change their mind on a metaphysical level. The latter would entail something like Evola but it's a hard sell for them.
Just give them a nice helicopter tour
This. I made an addendum to the criticism portion of the wiki article. The kgb apparently had a smear campaign, in which they made a book in Solzhenitsyn's ex-wife's name.
He is still celebrated mostly by elderly.
Pretend that you are a jew and that this ideology will work great to destroy the goyim from within. It will make the system collapse due to immigration and loss of structural integrity. It's a great way to subverting the west in a way favorable to Israel.
Once they get out of highschool and college they will realize their ideology is bullshit.
I swear to god most self proclaimed commies I talk to are in fucking school.
Lmao that's fantastic, will definitely use that for some since they're moreso convinced by the deep seated ones and can easily be dissuaded out.
Yeah, one of them was a girl I went to highschool with who was and still is pretty cute but her undying love of communism is slightly concerning.
You've projected so hard I think you've left an imprint of your image on the wall opposite you.
I realised I worded my OP badly. I'm actually 20 and in my third year of university. These were people I was friends with in highschool and have sort of rekindled friendship with in the last few months.
explain the flaws of internationalism first to turn them into national-Bolsheviks, and then slowly begin introducing them to benefits of capitalism to bring them more to the right.
These are the kinds of people who believe that borders shouldn't exist. Trying to explain why borders exist and their necessity (using South Africa and Europe as examples) leads them to saying I'm cherry picking or bigoted.
They're still in college, no? Or have you guys graduated?
It seems once people get out and actually have to pay taxes and work for a living they realize that this whole communism thing is a load of shit.
I think I realized it when I looked at my cheque one day and I noticed the government took about 30% of it. Meanwhile I have a sister who is in perfectly fine health but she claims to have depression or something and the government gives her $2000 a month.
This. Communism is robbing the productive members of society under some misguided sense of equity. True communism can never exist because lazy people exist. If you have a communist community and say, 10% of the population don't pull their weight it breeds resentment. Resentment leads to conflict and conflict leads to community breakdown.
make them have a discussion with an eastern european
although i'm sick of
>bbut dey hoarded da grain
>bbbut the soveet constitution was the most democratic in the world checkmate
also, revolutionary activists always get the bullet
Commies generally implode when you point out that Marx was pro-gun.
lmao just accept that the commie is inherently superior to you on all levels and ask permission to be around them a while
Communists killed more then nazis
Mao: 79 million.
Stalin: Over 20 million.
Hitler: More Then 7 million.
I love history.
It teached us.
afaik marx was more Sup Forums than any liberal
communism takes the means of production from the most productve and gives them to the least productive.
as an example, if you disallow a car manufacturer from hoarding some capital he will never be able to upgrade/innovate and thus keep producing at a low level while his taxes (his labor) finance the frivolous lifestyle of someone who does nothing to earn it.
additionally, the enforcement of a system like this implies absolute power of the state, so its inherently authoritarian/totalitarian.
this isnt some psychological thing, its just some direct consequences of the idea
Don't listen to people saying "tell them this cool argument!!". I argued with commies a lot; and I know all the objective reasons why communism makes no sense. Communism is mental illness. It's not something you can rationally debate against. Listen to Jordan Peterson, he understands this.
>if you wanna change the world you start from yourself and work outward because you build your competence that way
>I don't know how you can go out and protest the structure of the entire economic system if you can't keep your room organized
>don't be fixing up the economy eighteen year olds. You don't know anything about the economy, it's a massive complex machine beyond anyone's understatement and you mess with it at your peril
>So, can you even clean up your own room? No. Well, you should think about that. Because if you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the whole world?
You can smash the economic calculation problem in their face brutally; they'll just stop replying to you and go back to being a communist the next day and pretending they were never explained why communism makes no sense. The way of changing them is curing their mental illness, not debating them. You have to change them on a fundamental level.
>Muscular men less likely to support social and economic equality, study suggests
Basically, having more T just wipes out communism from your brain.
A bullet to the fucking head
take their wallet
as someone pointed out here or maybe on 8pol westerners who sympathize with gommunism usually are scrawny, mentally unstable passive-aggressive guys who have an urge to scream at people. and that the leadership of we're-totally-not-sjw /leftypol/ is trannies and assorted freaks.
well, the antifa protest videos show utter cult behavior.
An ice pick through the temple is a quick way.
They are beyond redemption and destined to be Greens or Labor voters for the rest of their lives. The odd one may wake up in their 30s and see the error of their ways, but they're mostly destined to be angry and bitter as they age and see everyone else passing them by and doing better in life.
My best friend growing up turned into a raging pinko and fell deeper and deeper into it even as he got a PhD. Haven't spoken to him for over a decade, but still sometimes talk to his younger brother who is a based oil drilling engineer that's worked in some hostile countries. He wonders how the hell they came from the same parents.
Send them to any communistic country. Don't bother with taking him back though, too much hassle for a retard.
No man is a lost cause.
Lol fuck off know-nothings.
And make sure to point out that a majority of the capitalist pigs are Jewish.
>You can smash the economic calculation problem in their face brutally; they'll just stop replying to you and go back to being a communist the next day and pretending they were never explained why communism makes no sense. The way of changing them is curing their mental illness, not debating them. You have to change them on a fundamental level.
user that is EXACTLY what Hitler said in Mein Kampf.
It's funny how these things never change.
Throw a commie in a gulag they wont like communism anymore.
He was born to early.
He would have 100% been on the fascist philosophy train while bringing similar theories to the table.
tell them its about as effective for the betterment of people as nationalism is
If they believe in surplus "theft" then they have no claim to the victories of labor
What exactly does this chart prove? Public workers shouldn't unionize?
It's referring to unions for public sector jobs i think. They have those in America, unions for government workers.
But what is the argument here? I understand that the point trying to be made is that unions are bad
Unions for government jobs push for higher wages -> Government pays those wages with tax.
A private business is at the mercy of its customers, it has to be able to be competitive. This keeps the union demands in check, since if they force the business to enact rules that are destructive to the business itself, then all those workers simply lose their jobs when the business implodes.
The government on the other hand simply passes the buck to the taxpayer. The union can demand all sorts of ridiculous shit and it doesn't effect the government at all, since it subsists entirely on the blood of the taxpayer. Since the government defers the cost, the union can make ridiculous demands with impunity and those workers jobs remain secure at cost to the taxpayer.
and then after gaining their trust level a gun at the back of their head and pull the trigger.
Well, you have plenty of historical and economic evidence of Communism being an absolute failure. From a more theoretical viewpoint, Communism is basically the same evil as Capitalism, because it cares primarily about MONEY and the distribution of MATERIAL WEALTH. It's a Jewish construction that reflects Judaism's greed for material wealth and its disinterest in idealism. Jews abused the Russian's spiritual soul, told them how great a communist country would be, and then slaughtered the Russian peasants mercilessly when they didn't fit their needs. Now, Germanic idealists who dream of a better world are coaxed into communism by the same seducers that have ruined the Russian people during the Soviet era.
Communism is an idealist's fantasy, but its reality is grim and restricted to material/economic calculus. It's end goal is the alienation of all peoples from their racial kinsmen, and a categorization of peoples into "bourgeoisie" (which must be fought) and "proletariat" (which is somehow good).
The government lives on taxpayers, they cannot survive without it. So if the taxpayers are sucked dry then it is totally possible for the government to go "bankrupt" like in Greece.
Therefore there really isn't much a difference between a private or public union. Also, it's not like you can just go around telling workers they can't organize for what they want
>Haha bro jus load the commie fucks into your personal helicopter and then throw them out HAHAHAH BRO
libertardian underage redditors are not welcome here
Unless they borrow irresponsible from foreign powers. Like greece. And who has to pay back the loans?