>Western """"""men""""""
Western """"""men""""""
Other urls found in this thread:
Western white "men" are a fucking embarrassment.
They want the world to recognize white superiority yet they are the biggest cucks on the planet.
Shes cute what's wrong with that
Sorry we're so disappointing...
yeah i'd destroy that boypussy anyday
If you want society to see you as a woman (even though you aren't) you probably shouldn't behave like a gay man.
Sort yourself out.
Wait, is she wearing crosses?
What the fuck, this blasphemous cunt.
> 9 years old
> queer
> Lactatia
Daily reminder that the world is coming to an end.
Soon, my friend.
I guess this is why immigration happens
Sorry sweetheart, I'll try...
He was raised by a sigle mother. And it's the single mother that has pushed her child to do this
I'm confused are you a woman or male
Would drag my balls through fire to pound that boipuss.
I'm a preHRT FTM woman.
When single mothers actually wanted to have girls and got boys this is what happens.
>tfw effeminate crosdressing freak.
>tfw i am called upon all the time as the football loving 'real men' around me cant do simple tasks like start a campfire, bbq, change tires and generally anything I would consider manly
They cant even drink straight bourbon ffs
I see you are taking the long path to suicide
She's wearing a cross? Disgusting! He needs to be burned.
I'd do it already if I didn't transition.
Boypussy thread?
Boypussy thread.
Jesus shave your fucking mustache at least you sick faggot. Think of the children
Why is the author of this in prison?
Some teenage boy squeaking still can be heard in his shouts. I imagine he's gonna be a mess when he's adult
I'd fuck him ddeessuu
Just kidding
Why have it spread to our country! Sweden, take them back!
he has a faggot's mannerism, so you've got a chance, you prancing homo
Post your goofy man body
>he has a faggot's mannerism
yeah, plus he's wearing makeup and literally spent the entire video talking about how he thinks he's a girl. good catch with the mannerism thing though
Asked her if she wants to meet up with us and get fucked hard.
Please upvote on Youtube, she will probably reply soon.
I'd hate if I got doxxed, everyone would know I was a terrible driver as a young man and basically a Mexican because insurance is a spook.
I mean, he could have been still into girls. Don't go sarcastic on me.
what was the question? Sup Forums wants to fuck you, please, could you come on anonymous homo breeding forums?
>3 gallons of make-up
yeah sure, (((shes))) cute.
No, I don't want to be over-eager. Just asked if she wants to meet up to get her ass fucked. 10 upvotes and she is in the posting chain.
Stop giving attention to that monster. Please return to your containment zone. >>/lgbt/
The bible says nothing about transgender people you fucking retard. You shouldn't need a fantasy book to tell you whether something is right or wrong anyway you brainlet.
I'm sure there's something on effeminate men, but I cna't be bothered to search.
A man’s item shall not be on a woman, and a man shall not wear a woman’s garment; whoever does such a thing is an abhorrence unto Adonai.
Deuteronomy 22/5
Mere behavioral pattern, historical context to society/race, nature and psychology tell you its wrong, something a national socialist would take into regard.
You just know.
I have a totally normal man body currently. I'm not on hormones; I shaved and put a hair band and girlish glasses on.
Don't get mad leaf.
>pic related, shave and a hair band away
Pretty sure I'd wreck you in a fight, French Canadian manlet.
Christ you are the ugliest trap i've seen. Take some time to re invent your look or just give up and cash out your funds at a proper rope store
I'm not Canadian, wtf?
And now you're acting like a dude. Wanna see my pre-hrt faggot body? I'm thinkin' about doing it. I probably had/have hormone problems or something. You just look like a goofball LARPer breh
I'd doubt a rope would support this fat faggots weight proper, suicide is literally just trannies crying for attention and should instead be encouraged. The only thing I think is necessity the state pay in regards to transgenders disease is helium exit bags, that is socialism I'd support.
>these brainwashed goyim
>espousing white virtue
are you retarded?
Daily reminder:
This is your offspring if you breed white women
Instead you could have an alpha Hapa offspring who takes a gun to school one day and blows this little faggots brains out.
Probably the most well argued point for race mixing I've ever heard.
I feel like a door to door sterilization program would be more cost effective
They are everywhere.
The African and Middle Eastern ones however get beheaded.
I'd emigrate for that
>don't go sarcastic on me
>pls no bully
Watch the make up tutorial he starts with no lake up. Very cute.
i wanna fuck him
The sad party is that "she" will go bald very soon due to being a man with shitty hair genetics. Can't wait until it puts on a weave.
Poor tobias...
trannies generally off themselves before 40
She is sooooooooooo cute.
You can already feel that being with her would be much more fun than with a vile lying sadistic genetic woman who would likely abuse you.
Traps are so much more honest, cute and adorable.
>trannies generally off themselves before 40
No, not really. The suicide rate was quite large in 80s in USA from what I remember (30%) but majority(70%) never do.
You were in the threads last morning is your girlfriend a girl or a transhitioner
last numbers I saw said 75% of trannies attempt or commit suicide in their lifetime.
Growing up and watching youtube vloggers all day as your only source of entertainment like his generation does really fucks you up. Would be aweful to spend time with him.
im going to come grab a swedish chick and give her a green card and a kid
I am quite sure you are wrong. The last cited paper I saw said about rate of 30% or so.
Go for it, Pedro.
That thing. Few things make me want to purge and remove so much. I yearn for a holy conflagration that will cleanse the world of what is impure and I can't even care if it would consume me as well.
jewish talmud black magic to get the |West nuked, why you think they push it allover the place they want to fucking kill us . But the nuke will fall on them.
>Framed Ted poster
Find some meaning that doesn't revolve around your dick mate.
youre just a guy with a mental illness
i'd hit it
>the leaf is right
leave .
what the fuck dude, you can't just STOP posting like that
Is that like Norway's top YouTuber now?
Kind of hot
And new friends