Race war simulation

You have to fight off an entire Black Lives Matter mob who accused you of racism, some 50-60 feral niggers.

Do you fight them with
-50 Drunk British sports fans
-50 Russians and other assorted slavs
-50 Americans armed Berkeley-style
-50 Chinks, Japs, Gooks, Slopes, Slants etc.

Or 1 handgun with a full magazine. But remember if you use the firearm prepare to spend time in jail, you're in a highly liberal area they'll lock you up big time for even aiming a gun at their pet orangutans.

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50 British sport fans or Russians hands down every time

Both literally white niggers anyway

russians and slavs
>will not fuck around
>used to violence
>want it just as much as the nig nog mob
>russian and slavic accents terrify blacks
brit accents would just encourage them
berkley mob would be american and therefore racist and prone to legal ramifications
gooks would also encourage the mob

russians tho? nah they would hear some shit followed by immediate lets fuck these niggers up.
the mob would flee or calm the fuck down. guaranteed.

the chinks because I remember the LA riots

Slavs hands down. They can lay it down good.

I'm going to go with my fellow burgers.

>50 British sport fans or Russians hands down every time

this guy know it , 25 each sounds good.

Oh yeah forgot about the Legendary option

5 Serb ex-kebab removers armed with combat knives who are gonna get life in the Hague anyway so they got nothing to lose

I choose 50 roof-top koreans. I could hold off thousands with 50 of these glorious bastards.

The only answer is the Russians.
>British will suck them off first.
>Americans open their assholes.
>Gooks don't all know karate and they will be over-powered by the ground-apes.
>One hand gun only has 14 rounds which wouldn't make a dent in their numbers even if they niggers could count.
At least the Russians could hold off one on one, and that's too much work for a nigger so there would be no fight at all.

This option seems the best

I want to shoot them up close in the face.

>>One hand gun only has 14 rounds which wouldn't make a dent in their numbers even if they niggers could count.

I can guarantee you if you fire off a single shot the dindus will scatter like cockroaches.

>50 Russians and other assorted slavs
Literally fucking murder of niggers. youtu.be/bsIykHP_D_U


one firearm wouldn't do the trick, I'd go in with 50 Russians

also racism is bad

Slavs, no competition
Literally worse than niggers if drunk

>Race war simulation
>The simulation isn't even realistic

I don't need an army of 50, just give me a couple of friends who can think tactically and are prepared to fight, we will be more deadly than a 60 man army of niggers


last white people with balls

a handful of job applications will immediately disperse them.

Either that or it will sound like a rap song intro. Better chance to kill all of them with 50 Russians.

The jew option isnt unlocked yet you have to beat the racewar simulation game on Final Solution difficulty with all the medals and heinrich himmler awards

this, fought down 2 v 11 they had hammers, chairs, and tire irons.

me and my half nip friend grabbed the stools and donkey kong dropped two of them on three of them. we were even backed into a corner.

Precision, Distance, Timing. They beat power and numbers any day.

MacDaddy McGregor is gonna knock out king nigger pillow puncher.

Thanks for that Russia.

all i need is 10 aussie meth addicts

Careful Crocodile Dundee these aren't abos, abos are tame. These are Americanized killer negros. Much more aggressive.

If you don't choose the Russians for fun then you are a fool. Look what the russies do for fun youtu.be/59kRXfuG48w

Of course he would in a real fight. So would PacMan Philippiano. Mayweather runs like the nigger he is the entire fight though

You forgot the best option

Eh I've seen worse. Reminds me of a tamer Baltimore riot. What's with the fireworks?

this is different breed of white guy holy shit

The more interesting question would be: how many members of the various groups do you need to fend off 50 blacks?

-50 Drunk British sports fans
-25 Russians and other assorted slavs
-75 Americans armed Berkeley-style
-50 Chinks, Japs, Gooks, Slopes, Slants etc

Any answer other than Russians/Slavs is retarded.

Slavs, with a preference for Serbs. I was in Srebrenica in '95, I saw what they can do.

literal white niggers

Everybody knows that Russians allways have the best Bayonett-Stats

Russians and Slavs

russians and slavs


But aren't you with the niggers?

if you have a hand gun shooting one wont scare the others away? but i guess i would take 50 Slavs of different kinds they have some practice

Hey, fuck your unis.

is it possibly for me to take one gypsy clan? they have swords pic related

I'll pick the Koreans. Here's why:

They're smart
They're less empathetic and more willing to protect themselves
Rooftop koreans
They're a minority

So minority vs. Minority should give me the win

1 handgun because what matters is less niggers.

Ivan... get the shashka

Definitely the Slavs

No joke they might team up. Niggers like gypsies. Of course they're dumb as fuck and think gypsies are like Esmeralda in that Disney movie, so they think they're exotic and shit.They like LARPing as gypsies too, pic related most famous gypsy larper negro

i can not fucking believe it there is some one that larping as gypsy what? why?

Probably russians because the more you beat slavs up the less they feel pain.

Must be the vodka for breakfast.

>-50 Drunk British sports fans

How is this even a question. A fucking mob of hooligans vs. Burger Nogs is a no brainer

The slopes, so even if we lose, the world still wins a bit.

Slavs are fucking animals they would destroy them

> fuck you i'm millwall

niggers are not this organized or disciplined

50 Slavshits would deal with the 60 ferral niggers in no time. Remember, slavs are the white equivalent of a nigger, so you fight niggers with white niggers.

Poland? are not slav?

This. If a single unarmed hooligan can fight a group of machete wielding terrorists and win, just think what 50 can do.

One gypsy clan to whipe them all.
In Spain even the mexican maras are scared of them.

can they add niggers to the UEBS ?

you think he's only gonna walk?

look at how fluid he is in the aldo fight

He's gonna lift a bit more for the adjustment in weight on his hands.. it'll be over faster than you can say legend.

50 russian "sports fans" every day of the week

Slavs, hands down. I assume many will come drunk to our advantage.

1 Carbide should be enough to do the job

I must be russian cause
I dont give a shit about niggers

Hypno Disc is the light.

Russian and slavs. We have no white guilt. We didnt used niggers as slaves. We dont see them as humans. I would feel mor gulty about cutting down treee than killing nigger.


Slavs are barely human and rather resemble animals
They can smell your fear and will tear you apart, no competition

Maybe in about 2001. The world has moved on since then

at least trees don't make society worse.

The Americans would do nothing, Americans have been conditioned since a young age to follow commands. Very few Americans can actually think and act for themselves. That being said, the Americans would be ineffective and would most likely yield out of political correctness.

The chinks would probably put up a decent fight though their victory isn't certain. The brits or the Russians have the best chance, the Russians would probably wipe out the nigger force with ease, the brits might struggle a bit since they've grown somewhat soft over the years but they could pull it off.


Abos aren't as violent. But they are better figthers than American niggers.
I've fought a few of both groups. Abos are harder to hurt and have more natural skill.
Best thing about abos is if they put you on your arse, 9 times out of 10 they won't jump on your head. Unless It's personal.

This is the truest breed of white guy

>Abos are harder to hurt
That's because gasoline has a numbing effect on pain receptors.

Probably because abos are honor bound due to their tribal nature, they seem more human than American niggers.

>Be me a 45 year old Serv
> I was 20 when Kardazic decieded to Remove Kebab and was well trained in Guerilla warfare.
>Randomly teleported to America and see 50 saharans, all disgruntled and angry.
>See 49 other assorted Slavs, we all transformed into Adidas jumpsuits and ak-47's in a synchronized transformation.
> We open fire and kill them all while Serbia Strong is playing over loud speakers.
> We celebrate and then get air striked by the UN.

Any one of those groups would beat the blacks, there's no question about it.
Probably 10 organised whites would beat 50 monkeys without suffering any losses.

>Abos have lower IQ than a nigger but more are more human than a nigger
Lol, I guess maybe when you compare them by how they fight but there is nothing human about NT abos

just those 5 polacks should be enough


>50 Drunk British sports fans

A solid option, that hooligan who confronted the muzzies during their machete spree certainly could take some damage.

>50 Americans armed Berkeley-style

So leftists? They're worthless, you give me a bunch of pissed off rednecks and we'd be in business.

>50 Chinks, Japs, Gooks, Slopes, Slants etc.

Welterweights vs. middleweights? I think not.

>Or 1 handgun with a full magazine.

At best I'd be looking at a Glock 19 with a 30 round magazine. They'd probably scatter if I started shooting; but you never know, plus I'd rather not go to jail.

>-50 Russians and other assorted slavs

This is the only logical choice. The Germans killed 20 million of them and they kept coming for more.


I'll stick to my blood and go with the slavs + magyars

das rite

the Russians would have got fucking battered if most of the proper English hooligans weren't banned from travelling to Europe during the football. They brought their best guys and were planning this, wait for the World cup 2018 and the English with smash the Russians on their own soil.


>they build a barricade on a roof
>they calmly gun down any approaching niggers

I need 20 good men.

We'll see. Before Euro 2016, I would have gone with the limey hooligans; but I have to take recent history into account and that gives it to the slavs. I'm just not sure the English are as rowdy as they used to be all that BBC leftist propaganda may have pussified them.

Where are my 50 Drunk Irish buddies.

Honestly, they weren't fighting English hooligans there, they were fighting drunk Brits who enjoy a fight, and there were fights the English were winning. When the actual organized hooligans turn up it will be totally different, they don't run from anything.

I don't think any western hooligans are ready for the level of violence that will be inflicted upon them by the Russian police. It's about as smart as smuggling drugs as a tourist in Thailand.

Still have questions?

I'm from the UK, i promise you there will be hordes of English turning up after the Euros, most of them won't even be going for the football. The Euros was seen as an embarrassment to the English hooligans because they are banned from Europe. There will be thousands of them turning up, the Russians will need an army.

I think if any slav ever felt bad about Westerners calling them nonwhite, they should read this thread. They may make fun of you but when SHTF they prefer you over anyone else watching their back.

I'd ally with roof Koreans and BTFO the niggers just like in '92.

Wow, muslims suck at a fair fight, who would have thought....

i am pleased to see this thanks Ivan

I understand what you're saying and I see your point, it's just that Russian policing is very different from western policing. They won't just stand there watching the brawls like bobbies on a sandnigger chimpout, they're basically like hooligans with riot gear when it comes to having fun with civvie crowds. People will get fucked up on the spot, fucked up in transport and fucked up in their cells. I'm pretty sure they're going to side with the Russian hooligans when no media crews are around too.

I know you guys think you've seen it all and you want this, I'm just saying you might get a rather nasty reality check if you're wrong. I mean it's Russia, it's all on a completely different level and nobody's playing with kiddie gloves there.

If guns are allowed I'd definitely choose Chinks, Japs, Gooks, Slopes, Slants etc. because it's more likely on average that they're smart, healthy, resourceful and apathetic towards blacks and if it would come to close combat they'd probably all know the basics of Judo or something similar.
If It's a fist fight I'd pick Russians and other assorted slavs since they aren't drunk like the British so I would quickly make them do the Zulu war bull formation and use it against the blacks, using their own fighting tactic against them which would be just beautiful.

Sure must suck living in a area where you don't own a rifle with a shit load of mags and ammo plus the ability to defend yourself without worry of imprisionment.

Hand gun, every time. If your going down, might as well take some niggers with you. I would go down in the history books as a Trump supporting brutal nigger slayer.