Benefits have to be dealt with

Welfare is the death of society. Give em tents and porridge, but nothing else. No money, just offer minimum wage jobs.

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Now I understand what they've meant when talking about the benefits of mass immigration.


Nigger you Germans are retarded AF, you allow millions of refugees in and then give them houses / benefits while NOT allowing them to work for a long time, even the ones that wanna work have to live on benefits and focuss on integration first.

If people move to another state their waiting time is reset and they have to wait the same amount of time again before they even can/want to apply for a job.



what a great way to boost gdp!


>mfw Poland brings the bantz

He he good one poland

How many more immigrants will it take to fix this?

not being allowed to work is not an issue its a strawman law for unqualified refugees.

Money lasts forever though. Just throw more infinite money at the Islam problem and everything will work out fine.

based Sup Forumsack

Fuck that, why should the native people of a nation suffer because (((they))) let a bunch of outsiders in?

>giving jobs to shitskin rapefugees instead of citizens
this will surely work out well

Depends on the gold price and the average weight of illegals upon arrival.

Holy shit Poland

Zajebitse post

B..but they'll pay for German's future pensions

Oh wow, it's the kind of thing the ULTRA-RIGHTWING NAZI TERRORISTS have said for all those fucking years, but NOOOOOOO, just don't fucking listen to them, because EVERY FUCKING THING THAT'S NOT LIBERAL-GLOBALIST IS BAD AND EVIL!

Too late now . they are in Europe and they ain't going back . not without a massive political upheaval

Average 23 year old native young men with post-grad masters degrees have a hard time entering the job market.

How do liberals expect 3'rd World shitskins with no qualifications, experience or even the language to compete?

Lol that is classic should be made into a meme on photoshop.

Well imagine my shock

why can't I live in based poland ;_;

every single person I know who's on government aid is an absolutely worthless faggot who should be sent to do community service

Jordan Peterson made a piece on that
basically they wouldn't even be able to do anything in modern society. It's not possible Angela was not aware of that when she announced that Germany will take any number of immigrants from Africa. It's all part of a plan of undermining society structures, like it's described in marxists books.

poland ball comic now

by taking shit jobs and not expecting their salary in golden bricks?

>giving jobs to shitskin rapefugees instead of citizens
That's what we are doing here. Only we, two-upped it. First we make sure that they are completely unqualified for the job they are given (even if they knew the language) and kick out a qualified local (seriously) and give the job to the nog. Second, we give them jobs requiring high skill sets and which pays pretty good because it would be raycis to give them a menial job.


as a jobcenter employee who gives them their gibs every month I knew this was going to happen. immigrants from iraq or afghanistan who have been for 6+ years literally never worked a day here and still cant speak german. they dont give a single fuck about intigration as long as the money keeps rolling

are you retarded they're only not allowed to work while their shit is processed which usually takes a few months in which they dont even learn any german anyway and are literally unemplayable afterwards

Out another kek on the barbie, m8.

recent highlight is a 15 year old pregnant refugee who allegedly was raped and knocked up by her dad on the way here but theres nothing the government can do. good shit

Yet the world is being told that the benefits of flooding your country with third world Islamists are huge and that we have no choice.

>muh low birth rates
Why is immigration a good thing in a world with scarce resources where everyone is trying to reduce carbon foot prints and people are in poverty, etc?
Why is increasing population good?

Majority of refugees have to go back, where is the issue?

If you are black and from Africa you will not even get Asylum here! If you are Syrian then you will have to go back when the Situation there is resolved - will work it out with Assad great guy!

FPBP and with digits

based poland, stay strong brother