Just watching my favorite movie. What dies Sup Forums think of my set up?
Just watching my favorite movie. What dies Sup Forums think of my set up?
Thats a big tv
So how was the process of zombification?
>no google image matches
For you..
what the fuck
This site is for whites only
Nigger gtfo
ghouls get the fuck out
include me in the upboats
taking "frog poster" to the next level
Oh shit wrong board. Sorry mods.
I see the fire rised a little bit too much.
Can't tell if you're black or just burnt.
Frostmourne hungers
Looks good. Too blurry, however.
what the fuck man? why aren't you dead?
Why not both?
Disgusting user. Batman? For shame.
Here's an image match from twitter last year. OP is always a fagit.
>reverse image has no results
>its fucking real
Fucking gross.
Why would you rest your foot on a TV stand?
Next time use lense blur instead of gaussian blur. It'll look better.
literally looks like the legs of corpses I've handled, in fact they were more hygienic than OP
You probably shouldn't post self-incriminating evidence of grave robbing online.
>tfw OP is unironically a serial killer with decomposed bodies used for shitposting
>them burning scars
shit m8 what happened? who did this to you?
It wouldn't surprise me. I'm a medfag so I've dealt with a lot of cadavers. They have a similar texture to OP's pic but a lot cleaner
>no gay sex with hats square
S-should I be afraid?
Why the fuck is TDKR your favorite movie?
This board is to secure the existence of the living and living children.
Get back to deadit
Living pride wordwide!
post more feet
Xfinity blows.
Becuz op likes le ebin may mays xD
filthy casual
>inb4 all b8 cause this thread
Nice legs faggot
>holy cow
>D E S I G N A T E D
We should use you as the ultimate weapon against the left extremists.
There's no way a zombie wouldn't top their progressive stack. You can get away with murder... I mean, well, being murdered. Let those redpills fly outta your mouth like those gnats do.
I never thought of this, where would zombies fit into the leftist oppression Olympics paradigm?
this reminds me of a guy i went to primary school with. he was chinese and at a shitty chinese restaurant the cooks spilled a giant pot of burning hot oil (or maybe it was water, i forget now) on his legs, badly burning them. he had to have skin grafts in hospital and they gave him a blood transfusion which was HIV positive so he now has AIDS. pretty bad luck. china is a shit.
Fucking lost it, sides officially gone.
Holy fuck!
Do you eat the crust?
Are you a phil hale painting?
If they are as rare as OP, then they'd be at the top because they're the smallest group around. Also, they are legitimately marginalized, unlike the babies on the left. Pretty much no set od laws in the world treat the dead as equals to the living because... they're dead. They can't own property, they're shunned out of every public establishment, will be shot at by anybody with gun (forget cops), and can't marry. They can't take any seats in goverment, become a student, or get involved with any established sport, either.
Their graves get spit on and desecrated, their identities get stolen, they get culturally appropriated by occultists, and raped by necrophiliacs.
Lord help us if they start saying "Uhm, ackshually, I identify as living, shitlord?" Zombies are a leftist's pipedream, and their nightmare if the zombies become right wing.
Lmao, don't forget the countless cultural appropriation on Halloween, plethora of movies depicting graphic violence against zombies. They truly are the most oppressed group. We need to advocate for zombie rights. We can meme this into reality m8s