>Pres Trump Weekly Address #22 6/23/17
>VP Pence visits NORAD/Cheyenne Mt Bunker 6/23/17
>Trump Village unveiled in India 6/23/17
>Pres Trump signs VA Accountability act 6/23/17
>Vets talk about meeting Pres Trump 6/23/17
>VP Pence speaks to Troops @ Schriever AF Base CO 6/23/17
>VP Pence @ Focus on the Family Event in CO 6/23/17
>Pres Trump on F&F 6/23/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence comments @ Congressional Picnic 6/22/17
>Pres Trump meeting w/Drone CEOs 6/22/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing could make me migrate to gaymerchan.
>OP trying to start a war with /pepsi general/ again
Bepis is bretty but Pocari Sweat a best.
that's not pepsi, it's Cola®
made a thing..for some reason
Here we go again...
Is Cola Cola trademarked? I would buy that trademark.
the MSM is nearly gloating at this point about how effectively they're destroying foreign politic relationship between US and Russia.
Same. That interview made me genuinely sad. Perhaps sad isn't the right word. I felt depressed after it. Ann Coulter really hit me in the feels with that statement. She articulated what I and so many others have felt all our lives. That our country is being taken from us and we have very little time left to fix it.
>We'll be homesick forever.
Goddamn, Ann. Right in the feels.
Sleepy gn /ptg/
I read in Pat Buchanan's new book that they did on study on schools that said once the demographics got between 30%-50% black It reached the tipping point and in the next few years it was 90%-100% black. Hopefully Europe comes to their senses before they reach that point.
>spic birthrates are dropping so we don't have to worry
Tell me, what is it with WNs and their inability to search, read, or recite numbers correctly?
This shit is all public, why the lies?
nn nog-chan.
Nah they're just making shit up and saying sources told them. He's gonna meet Putin at g20
A large portion of the reason they are being expelled as quickly as they are is because is because white people know they are an issue. Everyone recognizes that.
>VP Pence visits NORAD/Cheyenne Mt Bunker 6/23/17
lol with that music
it sounds like mike pence is going to learn about aliens and super secret technology.
it's over, the corporate media has failed. the russia story is so fucking dead it's not even funny.
Wow it's almost like whites subsidizing the living costs of hispanics through taxation and welfare creates a birth rate disparity. If only we had elected a President to drop ta-
Guys Fash the Nation was talking about some New Jersey research group exposing that millions of illegal voters have been casting their votes in elections since at least 2008.
Is Trump on his way to being vindicated again? Are the Democrats about to be BTFO into the next dimension?
All signs point to yes
>Ass-ravaged Aztlan Chicano is still at it
I think they're referring to this. We'll never know for sure but it will be telling if the Democrats have millions less votes in 2020.
are you self refuting your own post on purpose?
I'm alwats skeptical about these kinds of things. Even concrete evidence seems to disappear from sight when it involves the Democrats. Hopefully, this time the follow-through is clean.
looks like Mary from Psych
explain yourself.
who the fuck are these 2? her personal bodyguards?
Could you imagine the butthurt from the Dems if the Trump admin clamped down on this?
My god, they'd permanently fucking die as a party. Trump would be hailed as a GOP God Emperor for all eternity. I can feel it.
Well it's from 2008 any relevant evidence has long since been destroyed. That's a dead end. But if they're afraid to be on food stamps they'll probably be afraid to vote too, in whatever corrupt fucking precincts they're in.
I need more Juliet in my life
>2006 was when the democratic party started to die
>2006 was also when spic birthrates started plummeting
Wat da fuck?
Are any of you from Atlanta, Georgia? How is that city like? Is it one of the best cities in the U.S.?
Time travelers from the KANGZ empire in the future to monitor the beginning of the great white uprising.
yeah those 2 year old voters sure did a number on dems
it's wonderful, bring your friends, we're having a small get together soon
I asked my Georgian wife how she'd describe Atlanta in one word.
If we get mandatory e-verify and continue the ICE raids, those "noncitizens" may be long gone by 2020.
Trump should absolutely keep up the pressure. Drive the beans away.
I'm from Mississippi but the heat there is unlike anything we get here
Maybe I've just picked shitty times to go but jeez. I nearly passed out at 6 Flags
doesn't mean he implemented it MORON
How's that wall going
not my point
Bepis mmmm
how are you still online?
why am i still online?
>Fash the Nation
it's going
I didn't wake up til 1 pm so I'll be good for a while
I saw his sister give a speech....very anti abortion, crazy old hag
We need voter ID laws too. Fucking disgraceful that we don't have them in every state already.
Its fucking awful lad. Terrible. Dirty, niggers everywhere, lefty has hell, gay capital of the south, everything is way too expensive for what you get, crime-ridden, etc. I had a friend from interior China who even hated the place and thought it was fucking dirty.
FTN is basically /ptg/ condensed right now. Very rational and measured takes on current events surrounding the Trump administration. I recommend it.
Daily Shoah and the rest of TRS is trash though. Nothing but stormfag blackpillery autism and LARPing.
depends on the viability of the private schools
my high school has been around 35% black for decades
the private school options nearby are shitty. people would be a couple grades behind when they transfer over
Quick question for any sober anons out there.pic related. Why do these Ukrainian nationalists fly the anarcocommunist flag?
>live in Commiefornia
>went to vote
>show my ID
>immediately received a look of disgust and was told to put it away, almost as if they were in a hurry
>FTN is basically /ptg/ condensed right now. Very rational and measured takes on current events surrounding the Trump administration. I recommend it.
I wouldn't watch anything from the point of view of controlled Oppo man and the people who raided us so constantly after nearly costing us the election.
Coke is vastly superiro to Pepsi in everyway. Also no Georgian can claim to be a true Georgian without supporting coke over pepsi.
Pepsi has this synthetic taste to it.
i don't think i could ever bring myself to listen to anything spencer is associated with
reviewbrah is the only youtuber I need in my life
How was Atlanta in the first half of the XX century?
I don't think Spencer would like FTN in its current state. Too many positive things said about Trump. Even the TRS stormfags are getting mad at FTN for being "trumpcucks"
>Thanks, AltRight Andy for all that you do. But here's the thing: I can't share an Alt-Right video of a show that is such a cuck for the rabidly Zionist Trump administration. How in the world can a movement that claims to be red-pilled on the JQ still be supporting Trump. It makes me question the legitimacy of the TRS network. Anyway, if they ever stop cucking for Trump, please put that in the description and I will start listening again.
l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.
The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.
Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.
The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.
Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
Based Reviewbrah.
OP is leaving
last time I listened I remember hearing them whine about how trump probably wasn't getting impeached, but I'll give it another shot.
>to place the foreskin of your dick over someone else's penis head.
I had no Idea that was a thing
sounds fun
except for he aids part
I sure hope this has never been posted unironically
It was still then one of the blacker places in America and nowhere near as wealthy as comparable cities. During the first half of that century white flight already happened to a good degree. The city was very poorly planned and it has some of the lowest greenspace per capita in the US while the US is already low greenspace. It has always been a poor, corrupt city no matter who ran it.
I don't care what he thinks, I wouldn't touch anything even affiliated with TRS after all the damn raiding and attacks on us, nearly costing us the election, and being lefty ammo to shill against us. Ecelebs are fucking trash.
Don't listen to TRS eceleb trash and the people shilling that garbage.
i'm out too.
have fun burning down atlanta, mississppi
nn Aussie baker.
In this case: was Atlanta ever good then? First half of the XX century (up until 65 let's say) was more or less the golden age of American cities so if Atlanta already sucked by then when was it ever good?
Hey don't worry, I know you jarheads aren't too bright so I archived that link for you since you're a little too slow to know how to do it yourself. Now go scrub the toilets before the sergeant wakes up and learns you've been posting on that anime board he told you to stop going on after you came back from shore leave and brought some cartoon shit back on board and your fellow soldier reported you for possible mental instability and risk of pulling a Private Pyle on everyone.
Donald.... did I ever tell you about the kikes?
>Open kikebook
>See this
Cant believe my childhood friend is a fan of that fag.
Short answer would be that it always sucked but I give you the long too if you have the patience.
A lot of Atlanta modern metro was farmland at one point and thus had tons of black slaves. It is one of the few major cities in the world that is as far as it is from the sea and it doesn't have a major river running though it either. It had little to no city planning at all so it is an absolute clusterfuck. Most everything was burned down in the civil war so antebellum was reconstruction. It has never been a major center for anything important.
It is such a god-forsaken shithole.
when it comes to kikebook milo is god tier dude. 99% of them are maddowfags.
>99% are maddowfags
Must be hell opening kikebook and see her face everytime.
Just because he's asain they have to involve math!? Racist!
it's not as bad as it used to be but my half brother used to post clinton crap all the time and my old friend would always post occupy democrats shit. i have literally never seen one right wing post on facebook period from anyone i know.
That's what you get for starting businesses in America and defending your property.
> pakis in charge of not getting blown
> Overturned oil tanker explodes after Pakistan wreck, killing 120
> MULTAN, Pakistan — An overturned oil tanker burst into flames in Pakistan on Sunday, killing more than 120 people who had rushed to the scene of the highway accident to gather leaking fuel, an official said
Happened in Nigeria as well a couple of years ago. Who would think it is a good idea to approach a scene with an incredibly flammable liquid laying around turning into a highly explosive air fuel mixture.
Bets on how one of them had a lit cigarette
>8 years
wow he's lucky he gets to sit out drumpf's presidency
Is David Duke controlled opposition?
Thanks for the long answer. Futurama once made fun of it (I think), something like it's only claim to fame being the Coca Cola plant and the international airport
probably just a retard who does it for free
It is really good for starting a lot of businesses for a lot of reasons but it is a fucking miserable place to live. No culture, the worst metro public transportation I have ever use, worst traffic in America after LA.
>>Thanks, AltRight Andy for all that you do. But here's the thing: I can't share an Alt-Right video of a show that is such a cuck for the rabidly Zionist Trump administration. How in the world can a movement that claims to be red-pilled on the JQ still be supporting Trump. It makes me question the legitimacy of the TRS network. Anyway, if they ever stop cucking for Trump, please put that in the description and I will start listening again.
>wahhh wahhh Trump can't enact his agenda fast enough for us because of a multitude of factors! He's clearly a Zionist cuck and his supporters are also cucks wahhh wahhh wahhh why hasn't he nuked Israel yet even though I knew full well he has significant familial Jewish ties for years before voting for him wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh
The complete and utter stupidity of TRS posters never ceases to astound me. They'll be on the helicopters after the Marxists.
> mentions robber by nationality but shooter by ethnicity
Can I assume the robber was black?
Trump scammed you all. The wall will never come. The wall won't matter because of tunnels anyway.
What's going on, /ptg/? An hour and change remains until I get off for the day and anticipating drivel from the politicians that are going to give the usual party line on the Sunday shows.
Anyways, how y'all doing.
>Can I assume the robber was black?
It was a convenience store robber. Not even really necessary to ask.
You dont think its a spic or white right?