Oy Vey
Other urls found in this thread:
absolutely no evidence and people who dont understand how radiotelescopes work jumping into conclusions
ayy lmao
Can't wait to remove xeno scum.
We are anomalous
We are a region.
Forgive and forget
Expecto Patronum
I'm going to be very disappointed if it's some barely qualifies as life microorganisms found on some small rock.
Please archive your posted links as well as original sources inside that link.
>the latter has a link to a deleted thread
The video:
They can't even predict themselves getting a girlfriend, why would I trust them over predicting when NASA will announce alien life?
wuz we aliens?
so larp?
So if true, they're advancing Bluebeam and the alien deception. Interesting, I thought we would have a couple more years ahead of us, but it's quite evident the satanic elite is losing their grip and maybe want to tighten up now.
Cool. More nonhumans to hate
Disclosure is going to happen, but not from radio telescope data or spectrographic analysis.
This would actually be a cool COD
Project Bluebeam
The "Aliens" are demons
Now let's see how they play it
Will they be "friendly" ayys to unite us?
Or evil ayys that we have to unite to fight?
Either way they get their one world govt
They will save us from quantitative easing and racial intolerance. It's the only way.
>having been exposed as 1 retard with LOIC & empty threats
>retarded kids who used social engineering that was part of anonymous got caught and arrested
>real hackers already outed these fucktards
The wall is now a dome.
If aliens are announced, does this disprove god?
what if they happen to be also christian?
I hope so. Any kind of volunteering to go to space with the ayys and check out their planet, I'm in. Also, alien sex would be neat.
How will liberals react when aliens come and don't give a fuck about political correctness and start treating niggers and minorities like subhumans? the aliens wouldn't give two fucks about their subjective morality
Probably say its Satan
What if they deceive us and pretend to be friendly and want to help us, but every step is part of a process we don't understand will lead to our own enslavement or destruction?
Could there be some prophetic book that would predict such deception, and warn us of the temptations or making a deal with strangers of malicious intent that will foll people?
This pic sure is spoopy
Sounds like the synagogue of Satan to me. Perfect rulers for our lost world.
>22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen?
>Romans 8
how? you mean christianity?
How do you do, fellow hackers?
Unless NASA picked up something even bigger than the Wow signal, it's going to be exactly that.
>aliens are demons
This guy knows. And they hate us. Hate them. Kill them. They are our enemies
Or maybe they'll mock us for not getting rid of niggers yet
The Reptiloids are the Demons, not the greys.
I don't see them going after the invasion narrative, because human nature will be to revolt if they are perceived in a evil way.
I'm most certain they will bring them as savior of humanity with all the peace and love unite as one bs (see the pepsi black knight video), they kept humanity asleep it would be stupid and self-destructive for them to go any other way now.
Fellow rare flag
The past few years seem to reinforce that the truth is stranger than fiction.
However if the primary western powers are in contact with beings from another world, or entities that have manifested here from another dimension, then that would indicate they have had a hand in attempting to shape world events.
Can Sup Forums out think a hive mind entity with a super iq?
Time to reveal the real ((((them))))
so close.... also: 11:11:10
Trust in God the creator - Their power is as nothing compared to the Lord revealed through Jesus Christ.
The bible is ambiguous on alien life.
did i accidentally click on /x/ or where are you psychos coming from
Beware the alien, the mutant, the jew...
Sup Forums would be pretty boring without crazy people
This is one of the only legit sources about the matter - see for yourself, might come in handy later.
I just want a grand change. That would be interesting.
It's an older meme amongst the religious that Aliens are simply just the modern worlds interpretation of Demons or Evil Spirits.
Whether alien life on other planets exists is an interesting point to think about personally as a Christian because it raises dilemmas regarding salvation and the uniqueness of God's Covenant with Mankind.
Both are. The shadow people are demons too
actually this video is more on point
If they're Pleiadians, we're in good hands.
More infidels for muslims to kill more tickets to heaven.
*expecto petroleum
the legend goes that they followed the star to find jesus at bethlehem.
what do objects (like ships) entering the atmosphere look like?
you dont know a shit about aliens and reptilians until you watch this dude who explain the shit deeply
I'm not trusting anything I don't sense as benevolent, since the dark side is adept at manipulation, and there have been stories about renegade Pleiadiens as well. This is also your best weapon against the reptilians (and pretty much everything else)
(((They))) have been memeing aliens at us for 70 years or so. They're going to need something huge to get every nation on earth to give up sovereignty.
Purge with fire before they lay eggs
do you follow VoL by any chance?
nope, what's that?
>ayy lmaos land in syria
>"we come in peace, humans. i am here to extend a helping hand in impro-"
>some durka durka sniper shoots the ayy lmao
>crowd of sandniggers goes bezerk and kills more ayy lmaos
>they drag the bodies down the street while yelling allahu ackbar just like in black hawk down
>ayy lmaos land in compton
>bright metallic blue ship lands in a basketball court
>ayy lmao comes out
>"greetings humans we come in pe-"
>blood gang nigger shoots the ayy lmao for being surrounded by a blue aura
>the rest of the nogs join in
>female ayy lmaos get BLACKED and the rest are robbed
>spaceship is covered in graffiti and stripped for parts a week later
Delete this
We have to kill as many as we can become the liberals give them rights
Those are renegade Nordics from the Orion empire. They are in league with Dracos.
Observe them through the prism of service to others and service to self: Which are they? Do they respect free will or do they try and manipulate you into performing as they desire? What does your own intuition say?This is how you shall know them.
this is exactly why you don't have ET contacts
You forgot your average midwest gun-toting redneck's reaction, also reactions from Russia, North Korea, any military installation anywhere, etc.
This shit isn't funny, it's pretty damn sad.
>The "Aliens" are demons
So The Promised Neverland is based off a true story. Better start working my brain so I'm not insta killed.
Victory of the Light. Look it up on twitter
Sup Forums does /x/ better than /x/, lad
you cant make me laugh like this, user
Word, brah.
Wew lad, that is amazing. I love seeing such things, thanks for the link.
Thank you guys for the energy.
Sup Forums does several topics better than the actual origin board
Independent is clickbait, its literally on the same tier as buzzfeed
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Fuck, what else?
>average midwest gun-toting redneck
>alien gets deported to cambodia for being in the country illegally
>alien gets shitfaced off of the fumes of vodka alone, ends up marrying a fat hairy woman named olga and wears space age track suits
>north korea
>alien gets life of hard labor for not having the right state regulated haircut
>alien gets hit with article 15 for being away from his unit's base at area 51
No, many religions have different views on aliens
Why do journalists still pretend Anonymous is one distinct organisation?
>Implying beings capable of interstellar travel are arriving at their first rodeo.
Do you honestly think they would land without any intelligence and meet with anyone except highest ranking officials and representatives the planet has to offer?
Somehow superior technology ends at a fancy flying car? Even with our technology a laser from far away can pickup vibrations in glass and convert it to audio.
Think again. Your real question should be why are they interested in us if they do exist?
Because journalists are in on the lie too.
You are completely off mark with the nigger hypothesis.
Niggers are absolutely, ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of the supernatural or extraterrestrial. Especially the ghetto ones. Fuck, they go wild over simple magic tricks. That's why they cower at the idea of a God and are the truest "God fearing" people around.
Niggers will run for the hills. They won't even attempt to fight back. More accurately, they will go "Nuh-uh, Nigga! Not tahday!" while running away screaming. Niggers are all bark with no bite, and this will be especially true with the aliens. Not even gangs will touch them with a ten foot pole.
>Islam spreading through the world
>Allah says he created life on millions of worlds
have you seen district 9? all the aliens were doing drugs and ate literal garbage. niggers corrupt even beings capable of interstellar travel
>A crowd of hysterical negroes running in terror from a bemused ayylmao
Kek, thanks for the mental image, user
They are superstitious as fuck.
Aliens would probably scare them off the streets and into church.
Ahh old Razael larping as an alien. Congrats lads, we live to see hell on Earth realized. Tribulation time.
Suffer not the alien to live.
Azazel? But he did repent, according to Enoch.
Would their tech be the same as ours? I think the bullet would be just as foreign to them as whatever they have is to us. They could've settled disputes like Canadians
> if you kill your enemies they win
their entire existence, whereas violence is our refining measure of victory. I think there's a chance. Good job leafs one that 2 mile hadji kill, some of you are alright.
Or they might be higher density aliens of positive or negative polarity like in the law of One/Ra material? That book series is crazy but fascinating as hell. And at least not all doom and gloom like a lot of other stuff.
>Turns out the anatomy of the alien species can easily survive standard Muslim suicide explosive
How do you wager Muslims will cop? What if to boot the alien species overall is resilient enough to your average Muslim suicide stabbings, shootings, and truckings along with the explosives?
Wrong aliens are black they just went to enrich other living creatures in the universe with their melanin intelligence.
I wonder what Sup Forums would be like when ayy lmaos reveal themselves or someone in the government reveals the existence of ayy lmaos.
Real life is like one long ass Civilization game except the aliens just thought it would be funny to not tell us that they won the game a long time ago.
>ayy lmaoooooooooo