Erdogan IS DYING

die motherfucker

All he did was prevent Soros from taking over his country. He is not the bad guy.

I'm not reading that but... if it's about him having terminal illness you can bet it's only for the sympathy vote.

Good. Rot in hell roach

He fainted during a prayer, Hans.

was pretty close to where it happened, its the end of ramadan and this prayer thing usually takes a long time, i suppose he faked it

Wow! Based turks do what needs to be done! Praise to Erdogan (swt)!

one horrible person can oppose another horrible person. See: Lenin and Hitler being on opposite sides of WW2.

I've been praying for and imagining God punishing the Mohamedans, fire falling from the sky on their cities, etc. Suddenly hundreds of them are getting burned into crispy kebabs in London, in Pakistan, and now the Roach King is about to die?

Perhaps it's his body telling him that he should eat and drink on a hot day....but who am i to say.

He's in active politics since 1994, started things with being the mayor of Istanbul. He has been thrown into jail for reading a poet. He survived a coup attempt. There is too much tear & wear on him.

Also the jews and Europeans leftists hate him so I can say he does thing right.

Who would replace him?

Berat Albayrak

Can someone explain Sup Forums hating Erdogan but loving Putin?

Their politics are exactly the same in their countries yet Putin is worshipped here, while Erdogan called roach

>He survived a coup attempt.
It was a controlled coup to justify political purge that followed it.

This guy. It takes a long time, but he gets shit done.

On his deathbed, he reinstates a law which recognizes and re-thrones the surviving Ottoman family as Sultan again, and recreates his own position as Grand Vizier.

Some intel on these guys pls

Quite the opposite. There was already going to be a purge in the military. The American-Zionist backed FETÖ was going to be cleansed from military. So that group tried to hijack the command chain of the Army. They failed.

Based Muslim Brotherhood.

What did they mean by this?

He is not dying. OP talks shit

He's married to the daughter of Erdoğan. He's currently the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

Exactly. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

Yes because Lenin was totally alive at the time, or at a time when Hitler was relevant


jew poison

Roach spotted

I came to have similar feelings. Nationalism needs nationalism everywhere. He's just doing with his country and his religion what we should be doing as well, protect it from outside influence and keep it true to its roots.
Of course his call to conquer Europe for the Turks must be rejected. But even this served as a wake-up call for a lot of normies who were dismissing the "they will take over when they outbreed us" talk as nazi conspiracy theory. Nothing opens the eyes as much as a head of state openly admitting to it and calling for it.
Naive leftists can only survive in a world where everyone is a naive leftist and they all can play make-believe. When contrasted by the likes of Erdogan, people realize the massive flaws in the leftist ideology/propaganda.


>Nationalism needs nationalism everywhere
erdoğan is not a nationalist in the slightest
only 4 of his 26 people cabinet are turks.
also none of the akp founders are turkish
he is by far the most anti-turk president we have ever had


This is like with Putin.

"He gonna die any day now."

"Russia will revolt - any day now."

t. hoping for others to die because they're stronger and more successfull then you, rather then fighting them and winning.

What does this mean for my country?

>bad guy
The Donald is waiting for you

Can't read kraut, please Gib translate, don't leave me hanging after getting my hopes up

I wasn't necessarily worried about Erdogan. Rather I'm worried about who will take the reins from him after he made Turkey a dictatorship.

that's erdogans daughter?
she's not bad looking

Leader of Turkey is dying at the same time that Turkey politically and economically backs Qatar against the sanctions imposed by the 4 Sunni State Alliance.

With Erdogan gone, this allows Turkey to fall back in with the fold of other NATO nations, abstaining from getting involved with Qatar and it's sponsoring terrorism, which sets them up for a trade war against Iran if their loyalty holds up.

reminder that erdogan had the coup members beheaded in the streets, Turkey is Syria tier.

Even roaches die eventually.


His death will cause a power vacuum where a genuine Islamist would take over and thanks to the new presidential powers he would have a ton of say

erdoland, backward country

Never mind, he only fainted due to his diabetes. Got my hopes up for nothing op. 7/10

> no jokes about roaches surviving nuclear blast
i`m disappointed

he's not dying, he just collapsed
what's up with the wishful thinking? When this woman who actually tried running for president in 2016 and whose name eludes me because she's irrelevant now collapsed at the WTC memorial nobody thought she was dying

This fucking guy is more likely to pass a law that makes himself Zombie-Sultan-President

Is the mosquito ok?

its worse.
he merely felt slightly faint.

There is more sympathy for Putin because he isn't a Muslim and doesn't lead a Muslim majority nation hellbent on destroying western civilization. Also Russians have the decency to not boo at a football match during a minute of silence for victims of Islamic terrorism in Paris.

prolly been given joo medicine like Castro, Arafat, Kirchner, Chavez and all those who oppose them.

I wish Erdogan good health.

how do i get qtpi turkish gf?

Hope he chokes to death when his organs fail

Fucking turks, rot in hell you scum.

t. k*rd commie

He is the guy developing Mount and Blade seriers. Kinda the only good thing made in turkey in since the fall of konstantinople. I hope they release it before we take it back.


He was a pretty good reason to finally break ties with Turkey and make things escalate into conflict up until we take back Constantinople;

>what is islamic ottoman nationalism

turk is a made up nation that doesnt exist. Ataturk conjured it out of his butt