Is Sargon of Akkad redpilled and a reliable critic of politics and culture?
I keep hearing about him, but I want to know if he is good or just another youtuber who circlejerks with his fan base
Is Sargon of Akkad redpilled and a reliable critic of politics and culture?
I keep hearing about him, but I want to know if he is good or just another youtuber who circlejerks with his fan base
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No he is control opposition
He's okay but m-muh capitalism
He get upset because he predicted a Corbyn defeat massacre which wouldhence show that gommunism has no place in the UK but then Corbyn only lost to May by like 2% and all Sargon's REEEEEing about how much people hate gommunism looked silly
Of course supporting capitalism in an age where 99% of Fortune 500 CEOs suppported Hillary over Trump is the ultimate cuckoldry.
I am no good source of him,
but I do know that many of the youtubers I respect, respect him. ive been meaning to catch his vlogs
Well, feminists consider him a garbage human, and I always trust feminists.
We dont mind you sargon but please dont shill yourself here
I can't stand people who think socialism is infallible, but people who think the same of capitalism are equally misguided.
That's a shame, Sargon sounds like he could be a light in the dark. Only discovered him because Fem Frequency roasted him a few days ago at vidcon and he tried to get her banned for triggering him
No. He's a cuck who got roasted by Anita Sarkeesian and had a whine about it after. I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes a meme related with him because it fits perfectly. Probably the only reason it hasn't been done already is that the left can't meme....
Just call him a cuck and a dumb civic nationalist. Calling anyone who isn't a white nationalist "controlled opposition" makes the term totally meaningless.
No Carl, you are not redpilled. Now stop shilling your channel.
I can't listen to him for more than 5 minutes. It sounds like he's trying to do an impression of molyneux, which immidiatley puts my guard up.
It doesn't help that when I click on a video about "issue x" he spends the first 40% and last 40% complaining about how everyone else just isn't as rational as him. He might as well be Rand talking about how everything comes about from A = A.
he's a demi-cuck
I like him when he''s not ranting too much.
He's one of those that actually does research on the topics he's talking about, rather than just sit down and respond right off the bat
Another good one is Black Pidgeon
How can you be sure it's controlled opposition, and not just someone you don't like?
>he predicted a Corbyn defeat massacre
Yeah, that was fucking annoying. I think he uploaded 15 videos ranting about corbyn
>How can you be sure it's controlled opposition, and not just someone you don't like?
How can you be sure he's not controlled opposition and not just someone you like?
I recommend watching a some of his content then see if he is a person you would enjoy, i like his videos personally but some of them run a bit long.
not really. he's a mostly sensible classic liberal, but defo not ourguy
Hi Carl
>want to know if he is good or just another youtuber who circlejerks with his fan base
He's an arrogant faggot with sub-par ability for seeing the world from someone else's perspective than his own.
Still way better than most.
>please don't shill yourself here
>OP has an American flag
Failed a spot check there, eh?
He's good
He's a centrist so crazy extremists from both sides hate him
I don't think he was actually upset, just trying to take advantage of the rules to hurt Anita
I'm not trying to be an ass, i'm just trying to ask in general
How do you recognize controlled opposition without mistaking it for just a random guy who doesn't go as far as you?
You do know sargon is IN america right now, right?
He's no styx that's for damn sure. His opinions are pleb-tier but his voice is relaxing. I like jerking off to that.
He turns into a raging collectivist the moment his clique gets criticised, because he won't let go of his dream of being more than a political nobody.
Given how much he shits on the left for this exact thing, he's a major hypocrite.
He doesn't read his own sources, didn't respond to YouTube support after getting DMCAd so his second channel got shut down and he blames the guy who DMCAd him.
He has some points but he is a retard.
>You do know sargon is IN america right now, right?
No, I actually didn't. I haven't been following him for the last week or two.
He is a fucking liberal a literal cuck and doesn't acknowledge the JQ. Like all jewtubers he is only talking about feminists which are a product of judeo-marxist intellectual schools.
He is good. Generally well informed and a fan of KEK. He isn't a conservative but opposes SJWs. I like him
Also he is the faggot which attracted the 13 year old crowd of kekistan.
Yeah he keeps saying how much of a "centrist", "left leaning" he is when all he does is shill for Trump, right wing ideas and Tories.
focuses on stupid shit way too much
hes certainly not the worst alt right youtuber
Anyone see that VidCon faggotry? Apparently he was there, Anita Sarkeesian got triggered and all the sjw cocksuckers had a bukkake circle.
>He get upset because he predicted a Corbyn defeat massacre which wouldhence show that gommunism has no place in the UK but then Corbyn only lost to May by like 2% and all Sargon's REEEEEing about how much people hate gommunism looked silly
to be fair, it's pretty hard to predict that May would just throw the election for no reason
The Tories are extremely leftwing.
The difference between Tories and SocDems is non-existent.
Anyone who knows anything about UK politics knows there's zero appetite for an-cap and libertarianism. Only complete dullards aka internet political commentators would think people would be turned off by nationalising the rails
He is a faggot that posts interracial gayporn on his twitter.
He is definitely not redpilled, maybe pinkpilled
He's a decent shit poster. Jess Phillips, a Labour politician in the UK, launched an anti bullying campaign and managed to receive a ton of rape threats. Sargon tweeted out that he wouldn't even rape her, which caused a shit storm and lulz. The best part is that people were demanding he apologize for making that statement without realizing that good people shouldn't apologize for NOT raping someone.
Recently at a convention where Anita Sarkesian had a feminazi panel at, he sat in the front row and managed to trigger the shit out of her. The very sight of him pisses of SJWs.
He also has a ton of content on gamer gate and covered it quite well.
He's good for destroying SJW bullshit.
black pigeon is about 100x better then sargon of cuckaad
>for no reason
She didn't want to go through with Brexit. The chaos of having commie corbyn win would have been enough cover for (((them)) to shut it down.
The guy is too extreme. He makes some good points, but I can't agree with a radical centrist.
This is exactly why he is useless. Feminists are gone the second marxist institutions like their universities get "normalised".
Why don't you go watch him instead of trying to get approval from the Sup Forums hivemind?
This. At least I believe he acknowledges the differences between races and wants a total ban on immigration.
>dem 55 minute ramblings about obvious shit that could be explained in 15
>dat im such a tolerant centrist white nationalists are dum i oppose de culture not de people
>fails to acknowledge and express how jews while having high IQs are genetically predisposed to subversive sociopathic behavior often mixed with leftist messiah complex and ideology and caused by the much higher likelihood of mental illness and the results of this behavior
from time to time he produces good content, like that analysis of BAMN video
the ONLY good ones are Styx and Lee Stranahan. sometimes lionel. i had to drop varg; he went full retard. not interested in the golden one (though i pretty much agree with him)
Hello, Sargon. Still not used to U.S. time zone? How did Laci Greens big tits feel pressed up against you?
content wise his stuff is fine, but his personality is repulsive, he's very whiny, and his sense of humor is basically "look im a shitlord, I can do it too, boys!"
Can only watch in increments.
>dropping varg
stop doing that
i was willing to indulge his random inane comments until the french election. he totally lost me with his self-satisfied, smug anti-LePen shit.
>>dat im such a tolerant centrist white nationalists are dum i oppose de culture not de people
This is the biggest joke you could hear from right-wing circles. The race makes the culture.
See pic
he's good, but ranty
yeah it's pretty easy to talk shit about the loud voices of the left, but it doesn't make him not a centrist
Everyone on Sup Forums thinks they're The Fucking Arbiter. Shit stacks, all of em.
He's no Styx, but he certainly isn't bad.
He's right on almost everything but his insane hate for Christianity and silent tolerance for Islam make him really suspicious.
"He's right on almost everything" He said a lot of completely outlandish things that aren't backed up by any empirical evidence. For religious things, ok, that's the role of religion in culture. But when it gets into material issues like archaeology, genetics, economics... don't take anything he says with more than a grain of salt.
Sargon is a left wing communist who supports ''''first wave feminism'''''
All he really does is shit on the more crazy feminists like Anita Sarkeesian, and he makes strawmen arguments against white nationalists.
I stopped watching him after he spent months talking about ''Trump is a buffoon'' only for him to come out and say that he has never seen a single Trump rally or interview. He would spend some time in every video going '' just wow, Trump is a buffoon'' without ever having heard anything Trump said.
There was another video where he made up fake numbers to push for increasing minimum wage in the UK. He made it sound like working minimum wage in UK means you can't even afford food and clothes.
When you point out where he is wrong he deletes your comments. If you make a terrible shitpost he doesn't delete it so he can play the victim later.
I remember writing a comment on his video where he tried to spin the alt-right as right wing SJWs who want safe spaces. I made arguments point out where he lied or made shit up, and that comment was deleted.
What he didn't delete were a bunch of comments saying ''nigger nigger nigger'', which he later used to say that white nationalists are dumb and can't come up with any arguments.
The little I've listened to is basically just circle jerk material.
He's an egotistical cunt who goes for the lowest hanging fruit, and avoids public debate with Sup Forumsacks like the plague, instead going the route of talking a load of shit and arguing against his own strawmen.
Like all """skeptics""" he won't address the JQ
Can you tell me why anyone should listen to him at all? What are his achievements?
Getting thoroughly and completely BTFO by Diana Davis, an MRA on youtube, and then getting salty about it.
He does address it. He is just a leftist asshole who strawman's the JQ and tries to explain it away with typical jew talking points like saying white people talking about the JQ is like niggers talking about how whites are oppressing them.
Just dumb false equivalence.
I find him funny, can agree on some of his points, on other not.
But he does good resarch on his side and allways have sources to back up. That alone makes him good in my book.
For reference.
Basically Sargon, like all autistic males, is completely useless at dealing with females, particularly devious women.
He aight, vids are high quality but could be shorter in some instances.
My recent gripes with him are that he played up the garbage human thing a bit much and forced the kekistan meme way too hard.
Based Kuifje
Harmful Opinions and Dr Layman are the only political youtubers I like.
Zarathustras Serpent can also be interesting, but he's a jew so take that as you will.
He's half nigger apparently
what a lame bitch. sargon, i mean.
quarter nigger, actually.
His grandfather was some kind of a half-nigger, I don't think he was even pure black.
The existence of that nigger is the entire reason Sargon is such a leftist faggot who lies about white nationalism and gets butthurt when people talk about ethnostates.
I used to like him but once I started understanding true racial differences and the JQ his content just stopped being interesting. He's still stuck on feminism, "antifa are the true fascists", that sort of thinking. Seems childish looking back on it, blind.
you cancerous retards
Swear, the amount of people around that are terrified to admit they're right wing in any way, for the most lame reasons, like risk of losing their contrarian edgelord lefty-but-not-sjw status when said lefty aspect doesn't benefit them, coupled with their "I only believe in teh evolutionz, unlike dum religious ppl lulz i r rational and logics alone, much smarts" really only ever means "I sure hates me some jebus, sheerly cuz I want the libertine buttsmash and to toke 4 lyfe, also only is one race human race as evolution =/= neck up only no jebus and guilt free buttsmash plz"
Hating sjw's is itself, become a right-wing position. It's just how the spectrum has swung, and people hate it's the way thing are now.
Admit you're right wing on this, cowards.
Sargon of Mossad
He accent is abhorrent.
Also, isn't he a offspring of a shitskin?
>(((Lauren Southern)))
>Danish Jewish heritage
I don't think he would go through the effort of a proxy just to shill on Sup Forums of all places
useful tools, nothing more
I call bullshit.
Fuck, sargons OK. Obviously he's not gonna be what most of you want but he's a very useful idiot at the very least for bringing people closer to our way of thinking.
You cunts continuously running these faggy 'purity tests' is just counter productive. It's like you don't want to win coz you're too pussy to actually do something when the happening finally gets started.
yeah, no one would ever do that on Sup Forums, the epitome of rationality and sensible moderate actions kept well within the realm of reason
This needs to be updated, particularly the Thunderf00t part. Nigger went full retard.
He is literally the Ana Kasparian of the """""""Right"""""" Wing. Pretty sure his political compass put him as a Libertarian
low effort trash. 90% of his videos are simply reacting to a person or event with a slightly right-leaning opinion that he backs up with nothing. he rants on for 30 minutes at a time while making maybe one decent observation that he can't even properly support. hes a cuck who is afraid to ever take a tough stance and possesses no more insight than your average guy who reads a book or two every once in a while
I think (for me at least), the reason people don't explicitly call themselves 'right wing' is 'cause everyone would stop listening.
If I told my colleagues or family something and called it right-wing, they'd ignore it and pass it off as the boogieman
ARF also nice trips
>Picks low-hanging fruit
>Laughter as an opening argument.
>Insults the person he's attacking while claiming to be above it all.
>Laughter as a second argument.
>This wikipedia article and this article I took from the first link on a Google search disproves everything.
>Laughter as further evidence.
>Claims to be a liberal while thinking anything to the left of Pinochet is fullblown communism.
>Laughter as a closing argument.
>Makes stale meme reference to back it up.
>Laughs again as a final parting shot after spending an hour "dismantling ideological nonsense" by an infallible argument of laughing, stale memes, and reading out a source he found on wikipedia.
>Thank God for the sceptic community and our logical and rational focus, we're winning the culture war guise, please donate to my Patreon.
He doesn't shill for Trump at all, or right-wing ideas
He just takes down left-wing extremists, which are way more prominent than right-wing extremists right now
He shouldn't have apologized to Anita
Did someone say Amazing Atheist?
Hes a centrist. Centrists have some right wing leanings, but they also lean left on other issues. You wouldn't call yourself right wing because that would imply you favoured the right on most issues as opposed to more split down the middle.
That is why he wouldn't call himself right wing even though the centrist label already includes some right wing ideas.
Who's that?
He's a fairly low-information liberal but he's still bitter than 90% of the "skeptic" community, who are a bunch of kike shills.
Ryan Dawson is better in literally every single way except that his content isn't as entertaining, it's more informative.
He's a civic nationalist, and, ironically, a legitimate cuck raising another man's kid.
He was actually right, if May hadn't gone Full Creationist trying to legalize fox hunting and death panels for old people she'd have dominated Corbyn utterly.
I don't like Blackdad that much but he's not wrong about Socialism in the UK, nobody wants it unless it's the National kind, the Tories are just such an ignorant out of touch group of retards that they drive people to the Left despite Corbyn's best efforts to alienate literally everyone.