If capitalism is so greedy and terrible and evil then why doesn't a candy bar cost $100,000,000?
If capitalism is so greedy and terrible and evil then why doesn't a candy bar cost $100,000,000?
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Because you should eat poisons
because good socialist like bernie sanders keep greedy entrepreneurs in line
Earth is 6,000 years old
2 thousand year old dickhead
That's completely false
Because there is competition on a large scale. Though it is still over priced. Mega factories are pumping out bars for 10 cents a piece and selling them for 2 dollars and buying out any small company that makes significant gains.
We are in 2017 dummie, so Earth exist since 2017 years
That just means 2017 years after Christ
unrestrained capitalism for the lining of pockets is bad
capitalism to sell a service and advance your nation and yourself is good
chocolate is only priced at $2 a bar because the cocoa beans are in africa, if we grew them here they would either be more or less expensive depending on the method
supply and demand
Unless the candy bar market was monopolized nobody would pay 100000000 for a candy bar. because a competitor would sell it cheaper for more profit
economics 101 bitch
what the fuck are you doing? what are you? kill yourself pronto quicksmart
Because you can't afford it !
Yeah the man who created the universe morron
Stupid childish fucking question
Actually the earth didn't exist until the period between what we know as World War I and World War II.
earth didn't exist until first color photography
it's 5 years old you dumb.
the world ended in 2012
capitalism keeps NEETs complaining, impotently on Sup Forums, and the elites eating truffle cake
Because no one will buy and most people can't afford to pay that for a candy bar so there is no incentive to price it at that much. Capitalism works because people compete to make the most money. They make the most money by making the most sales. People will buy either the cheapest item of the best quality so inevitably costs go down and product quality goes up as companies compete to produce the cheapest and best quality candy bar, thus benefitting everyone in society.
I just woke up and had a dream about how the value of the dollar got so low you needed a hundred thousand dollar just to buy bread.
I-it's not gonna happen, r-right guys?
That was in the 1800's
Retarded trinitiarian belivin in catholic lies
because no one will buy a $100,000,000 candy bar
Fuckin heretic, I should burn you down for what you said
Shut the fuck up Socialist get out of my country
It can, that's about all I can say.
Stupid french faggot
Kill yourself francois but before you do how to your statue of Mary one last time so I can be sure you're going to Hell
one candy bar is worth $100,000
>the rest: priceless
It happened in Germany in early 1920s
Because it's the greatest invention in history
It's called a chocolate bar
>one candy bar is worth $100,000
Marxist economics.
>it's 2017
>sheeple still don't realise the earth is 2017 years old
Come on folks, it's 2017! Twenty-seven-motherfucking-teen!
>unironically being a young earth creationist
>he didn't take the old earth creationism-pill
Uneducated fags pls go
if you don't believe this, hate jews, and other race, then you are a shill.
No one would buy it
who are you quoting?
because it wouldn't fucking sell you idiot. capitalism is greedy not just in terms of the bourgeois, it is greedy because people become materialistic.
It could have just popped into place with all the molecules in place where they needed to be 3 months ago, and we would be none the wiser.
Because unless that chocolate bar is made out of 4-D antimatter with photon synthesized cocoa and structured from scratch sugar. I'm not gonna buy it
There is no other race, there's just mankind and we come in one flavour, made in Gods I made, do you think the nigger who was chucking spears at each other in 1900 who has a thicker skull and different skeletal structure from us could be made in Gods image? The nigger can't even tell from right and wrong he's a beast of the field according to the bible. He will make your high ways desolate, make you few in Number, steal your children, he has violence in his hands he wears clothes and cries unto God! That's the nigger! No other beast cries to God just the nigger
Evolutionists are brain dead retards who can't think for themselves
It's a jewish conspiracy /thread.
Way to derail thread
Because no one would ever buy it. You can't make money if no one can afford to buy what you're selling.
Blacks wipe their arses with leafs, known fact.
Darwin wrote about while he was misappropriating the often rolled out theory of evolution (he wrote his version to demonise blacks as a sub human link between monkeys and men).
"For ye gentlemen of many sciences must verily know that in the jungle the humble leaf becomes at last of use, and upon this fellow many a black rectum hath been brought clean, and cleansed therewit. And therefore the leaf certainly has evolved to fit the black mans arse".
Another case that obviously PROVES evolution at work.