White Western Women + Refugees

Is there a common consensus, why overwhelmingly white western women (especially in countries like France, Germany, Sweden, UK/US) support the refugee cause?

Why don't you see such support in countries like Poland, Hungary and so on?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/

>they are easily swayed by lefty propaganda
>more women going to "colleges" for bullshit non-STEM degrees
>women care more about social stigmatization "*GASP* OMG THAT'S SO RACIST!"

that doesn't really explain why it doesn't happen in eastern european countries.

Simple, eastern females that want to fuck brownies migrate and become whores or coalburners so they don't get shamed in their own country. You stopped shaming yours and that's what you get.

It's mostly in women without kids.

Pregnancy Makes Women Xenophobic:

Pic is the amount of women that voted for the Swedish anti-immigration party by age in jan 2016. As you can see very very few young women vote for them.

Checked. Archive the shills.

>Is there a common consensus, why overwhelmingly white western women (especially in countries like France, Germany, Sweden, UK/US) support the refugee cause?
They see them as replacement children.


Compare that to men. And keep in mind that this includes non-Swedish men (and there're a lot of young non-Swedish men in Sweden, so the numbers for Swedish men are even higher).

Also from jan 2016. It has gone up since then.

Many old people have voted for the socialists their entire life and just keep doing it.

Thanks Haakon.

Forgot pic.

Because western male are pure feminine cucks and by nature women despise weak males?

We are white straight males
They are everybody else.
In order to disempower us, they need more of them.
Plain and simple.

I have cought myself thinking that i can not respect any male from ger or swe. New stereotype has been established that all you tolerant faggots are so fucking weak that even bikergangs from ger sips fucking margaritas instead of cold fucken beer.

basically what this guy says. all white girls want that black and arab dick slaughtering that small white pussy. but only in western european countries they're allowed to. not in eastern european countries.

They want that dark meat.

And canada my leaf friend has been cucked the most.
1. Can
2. Swe
3. Ger

because they believe in liberalism and they don't have (white) men in their lives to keep them in their place

white liberals are just crying out for help, and they'll get it one way or another



Women are naturally drawn to strong men, and depise weak men

When western whites are either unable or unwilling to stop the refugee flood, their women will flock to the new alphas.

This. We just need to have babies with the conservative ones that are left and this problem will sort itself out in a few generations.

A lot of these women are not having children when they are biologically ready to do so. So they transfer those maternal instincts onto 'refugees' because they see them as helpless and in need of care.

>Why don't you see such support in countries like Poland, Hungary and so on
Because those countries have fought muslim hordes and it's a part of their national identity to be aware of muslims. Kind of what Brits think of the Nazis and the Chinese think of the Japs.
The countries in northwestern Europe have been isolated from these attacks and they don't know what they are dealing with.
And this isn't only a woman matter, it's within both genders.

>And canada my leaf friend has been cucked the most.
What do you know about it Latvia ? I would have to disagree. We've had a conservative majority from 2006 to 2015. Trudeau is a faggot but he'll be gone in 2019. We still have a very small Muslim population isolated in urban shitholes and no issues with terrorism. We are still fucked like most other western nations but we are definitely in a better spot than France Germany and Britain. We can still own guns in this country and have a higher gun ownership, 25%, than you do 19%. Our faggot leader has turned us into a meme but it is not as bad as portrayed.


Hope you are right about end of Trudeau. Keep strong user.

Historicaly our women are strong. There is something as "mothers cult here". Strong women breed strong children. Add to this communism was very "equal" to everyone so women worked on field and so on.

We have one of lowest wage gaps in EU (lower than oh so liberal sweden and germany). I`m working in corpo and my regional is female, no one has problem with it.

Yes they are dumb bitches dreaming about arabian prince but generaly such behaviour is looked down and ostracized.

PS. The erasmus/imigrant bitches are other story since they come from trash tier of gene pool.

>The powerful, irrational psychological quirk that makes people fear foreigners whenever health is at stake
>Diseases like smallpox, influenza and measles were in fact the deadly ... flu before, and the viruses tore through the continent, killing an estimated 90% of Native population

Misguided virtue signaling. I wouldn't concentrate too hard on the things women do or say, they are largely too stupid to live. Also saged.

Shaming them is a good thing , teaches others to avoid another's mistakes.

I have never seen a Swedish woman support the refugee cause

Women like to virtue signal and are all about social approval.

This time will be remembered throughout history, if anybody bothers to write anything down after we've all died, as when homosexuals and women were given political power and their desire to import sex partners caused total upheaval and destruction of society

that is a terrifying prospect and I hope to never see it

It's because women easily get strong feelings of guilt. That's why you see all these women in wealthy countries trying desperately to be virtous, while eastern european women who are poorer, have to think about surviving.

It's all about women's emotions and they inability to control them.

I don't know what you are talking about, all young women I know are pro-refugee

and that's just one reason

>women over 55

- children left the house
- husband either left too or still works all day
- want somebody to take care of

-> refugees become object of affection

>women over 30

- post wall
- disgusted by the weak autochthonous men in their generation emasculated by feminism
- want to feel young and like a woman again

-> refugees become object of desire

>women under 30

- easily impressionable
- try to imitate their elders
- want to virtue signal

-> refugees become object of self definition

>France, Germany, Sweden, UK/US
Pick one

Margaritas are fucking great faggot. Maybe they are pussified in the EU but here they go perfect with fajitas.

bretty gud boast

women are women everyone. they have maternal instincts, in that case misguided.

ones in eastern europe just haven't been indoctrinated of how evil and racist is to be and stay white, so they are oblivious to socjus causes, because it's not 'in' in eastern europe yet except for relatively small, looked down upon sorosite funded university hipster circles so they don't try to appeal to brown people

that said, many of them, especially slavic ones are gold digging whores who will jump on a black dick if they see one anyway

keep them at leash and hit them where it doesn't leave visible marks for misbehavior

The main argument for taking in "refugees" is because of emotional and "humanitarian" reasons. I can't think of other reasons for it (anyone that can please reply, i wan't to know).
Women are more about emotions.

Too complicated user. 1. Msm push pro arguments of rapefugee agenda. 2. Msm pushes idea that intelligent part of society are pro migrants, uses opinion leaders thought to be part of intelligence - actors, musicians, etc. If you want to belong to intelligent part of society you must lean towards opinion leaders. 3. White Males being affraid of being percieved as racist, xenophobe starts to act tolerant. Acting tolerant criples personality, they become mentally weak because they understand that they must act not be who they are and stand up for your honest opinion.

Taking in rapefugees is about brainwashing and not having common sense and because western males are too weak. Paradox - western male sees weaknes as strenght. Liberals have done irreversible damage to a large part of eu males.


provoke russia and china to an all out war and the next generation will be all good

seems like the eternal judeo-martsharters are pushing it anyway

because women in the west have successfully ousted men from the top of the pyramid via feminism. Remember the saying, "its a white mans world"? Now it is unquestionably a, "white womans world" and they are acting like anyone at the top would act, they are hostile to the largest threat which is straight white men which is why they are so adamantly against even entertaining the thought of mens rights let alone engaging in discussion in anything that paints them any less than the fragile princesses they think they are. How did white men act when we were at the top of the pyramid? We travelled the world and fucked as many women as we could from as many races as we could, its only natural well now that white women are at the top obviously they are going to be welcoming to millions and millions of more potential fuck mates, they know damn well 80% of refugees are 18-35 yo men which is why they cheer it on and outright demand it.

Women get wet for invaders. As hateful as people used to be back in the day, remember that black men could vote way before women could.

easy OP

Women want Strong Men. Inorder to get those Strong Men they want, they either pro-actively destroy the Tribe(they have no loyalty to any) which they belong to once they identify/think it weak so that Foreign Strong Men can invade & take over(The "Cuck" fetish originates from the Tribes who got taken over) OR they create cycles of conflicts between Tribes inorder to organically grow more Strong Men in the Tribe they are apart of. Sometimes they do a mix of both & this is the reason why Women act/lean the way they do(Left) when it comes to Politics.

Strong Men get all the Women(Harems are in Female nature & so are "Lesbians") because Women do not like Weak Men. Weak Men tend to give Women more power/freedom in hopes of being more successful with them, in reality it makes Women completely ignore the Weak Males due to being able to find Strong Men easier. This creates a massive gap between the (Strong)Men with Women & the (Weak)Men without Women.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/

because we're not fucking retarded, jesus

better question to ask is why IS there such big support for rapefugees in western countries

oh wait, you actually asked that question, sorry


The simple answer is decadence.

Because they're rich and have everything they want. In Poland, Hungary etc they're too busy providing for themselves and their (future) children.

Not even going to bother reading the rest of the thread. This's the true answer. There's a reason propaganda is almost always directed at women. They're mindless sheep with loyalty to nothing

also: just reverse the situation a little.

imagine there was something happening in...let's say russia... and in this hypothetical case millions of unaccompanied, single 15-30 year old russian WOMEN would come to your country to seek refuge, flooding the potential dating market, askewing the male/female-ratio and thereby lowering the price of pussy from doubloons to mere pennies...would you fight against that or encourage it?

probably you won't believe me but I've already fucked two polish girls and I have never been even outside of turkey.

polish girls I've met hated polish guys and they were easy.

Poland suffered the takeover of communists for decades, and have been attacked by muslims for centuries. They have no illusions about the danger of empires and muslims and the importance of christianity.

I genuinely believe women would be even more willing to take in women and children in mass from other countries. This conspiracy women are doing it so that the number of potential sexual partners increase as well as the fact of increased sexual diversity is a little conspiratorial for me, and I am a full 1488, women-shouldn't-vote, white nationalist.

I think the majority of women believe that most of the refugees are in fact women and children—not men flooding into the country en mass. Women are much more likely to believe mainstream publications that mask this fact and focus on the women and children close ups instead of the massive boats of military aged men and literally lines miles long of them marching into our civilization.

Tldr: women simply believe refugees are in fact a group of diverse peoples: men women and children, and they are fleeing war torn countries just like the media tells them.

They are stupid and easy to con, which is why they never should have been given the right to vote. But this conspiracy they want open borders because they want to fuck "refugees" entering the country is ridiculous propaganda that is posted on Sup Forums to demoralize white nationalists and divide and conquer the right. It's a popular position to hold right now, and history shows, women will accept whatever is popular. It is white, primarily leftist (and some cuckservative) men who have allowed this rampant degeneracy to not only exist, but to flourish. Typed on iPad forgive spelling errors

Virtue signaling on social media. Literally the only reason.
These women don't have any knowledge of either history or religion and they do whatever their current idol does.

gawd u truly r a faggot sharioblue nigger lover arent you? we dont want SANDNIGGERS

So that's why there are so many Polish sluts in the UK.

Which brings me to my next point.

There is a popular quote by someone somewhere, I forgot who and will paraphrase. Someone asked "where are all the women in the alt-right?"

The answer is who fucking cares? Women have never spearheaded any political movement, right or left. Even first wave feminism was puppeteered by men who had a lot to gain by dividing then genders (now a politician can cater to women and both effect couples AND single women at the same time).

If the alt right, or whatever the fuck you want to call the rising tide of anger over liberal, left wing policies in the west, continues to grow and become increasingly socially acceptable, women will naturally flock to it, as they always have. >Remember how many female Trump supporters there were his first six months as a candidate versus now? My point exemplified.

Damn: *affect* I meant
Hate spelling errors like that.

Upon reversing the situation, you left out the parts of Islamic ideology, terrorism and a slew of other factors. It's nice to ignore parts while amplifying the reversed variables. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

What kind of crowd you hang out with? The ones I know find *refugees* revolting.

Keeping pushing this anti white, shit propaganda. Just ask yourself, if there were people who wanted to demoralize the disenfranchised, white nationalist white males, what would they say?

Exactly the shit you and others do. You guys take the evolutionary psychology far too far. Women are easily conned but they do not have this active instinct to go fuck foreigners unless they are complete trash. I grew up in an extremely diverse area (north Texas - high Muslim and high black population). My high school was nice, competed well academically, and minority white. Look up the Muslim population in north Texas. They well over represent Muslims country-wide there. As I said as well, high black population. Not all ghetto blacks either (although some). The blacks that act white and hang out with whites because they don't act like niggers.

Even still, I don't remember a single interracial relationship while in high school. I don't want to say it didn't ever happen, because chances are there were at least a few, but it was nothing that I noticed explicitly.

This meme that white women want open borders is pushed by those who want to divide and conquer, and demoralize Sup Forums. Be highly skeptical of anyone that pushes it. All quantifiable evidence points to the fact white females highly prefer their own race's men.

That was for two weeks in 2015. The support has gone. You don't see that anymore. Refugees took care of that with their own attitude.

Probably the rich globalist crowd. Everyone I know from there finds refugees revolting too and those people happen to be typical laborers.

I should clarify:

This meme that white women want open borders *in order to fuck foreigners and increase sexual diversity* is pushed by those who want to divide and conquer, and demoralize Sup Forums. Be highly skeptical of anyone that pushes it. All quantifiable evidence points to the fact white females highly prefer their own race's men. They want open borders bevause they are emotional beings who follow what the media pushes. The MSM doesn't cover the fact all these refugees are fighting aged males. These women believe they are genuinely helping people, including a lot of other women and children, escape to safety, often from certain death. It is virtue signal, which is chemically addictive, but has very little to do with some type of "instinct"' to abandon white men and breed themselves out of existence. Silly, ignorant shit.

THIS, and let me add:
The ones spreading this meme seemingly WANT it to be true. They are either cuck-fetishists our come from a shitty country and have some kind of inferiority complex towards the target country.

Women have agency, and if they act like traitorous whores who call for Abdul and Ahmed to invade their countries for any reason, they need to suffer the consequences.

The white race needs to adopt honor killings.

>start with some half-truths
>make a wild generalization
>put these together and post it as fact
>build a strawman from your half-truth and link to something entirely different
>Now pack it all in a question "Why is so much than
>For extra points play dumb and say sth like "I dont understand it. Someone plz explain."

It's always the same stupid shit with this jerk. But you guys keep licking it up again and again and again. You're all newfags or sth?

>they need to suffer the consequences
Another anti-white poster. They shouldn't suffer anything because they are women. It's men that have put them in the position they are.

And what do you mean by suffer? Should they be raped? Kys cuck

Our birth rates needs to go UP and borders needs to be closed.

Good points

>They shouldn't suffer anything because they are women.
AKA, they have no agency or responsibility, in which case they are property, like my fucking dog.

Either way, this shit is too blackpilling.

>They shouldn't suffer anything because they are women.
>Calls user a cuck
Man's got a point.

Free will doesn't exist. Women are women, and men are men. Men are suppoed to lead in general. This isn't a "blackpill" it's just reality.

Do you go for a walk with the dog when he wants? No, but you take him as much as is reasonable.

What point?

If you imply that European women should be raped by non-European men you are a fucking cuck, it's that simple.

>Free will doesn't exist.
Stopped reading right there. Hang yourself.

>Pregnancy Makes Women Xenophobic
The elite definitely know this.
Another reason why they want to eliminate marriage and the family.

>If you imply that European women should be raped by non-European men
Nobody implied that you wormy kike. They should be hanged along with their pets and white knight enablers like you.

Because fundamentally, women have no sense of honor. They don't know what it is.

eastern european men are not feminized cucks, they satisfy their women. And also our crazy whores moved to the west.

you either fucked some landwhale nobody wants or slut used up since she was like 15 by every guy in her neighbourhood and nobody want's her anymore.
but well - fucking a white female is still an lifetime accomplishment for a brownie.

Because? It doesn't and you should realize that and get a grip of reality. YOU alone can influence the world around you. If you don't do anything, shit will just carry on.

So we should kill millions of white European women because they are tricked by the media and educational system? Instead of breeding with them?

Anti-white propaganda

It's single women, not all women.

>(especially in countries like France, Germany, Sweden, UK/US) support the refugee cause?
because the winners have provided them a soft cushy life where EVERYONE is equal.

>Why don't you see such support in countries like Poland, Hungary and so on?

Because the fact that nature's job is to kill you is still realer than ever.

Yes, behead or hang them.

>breed with them
How would you feel is your mother was a coal-burner? The birthrate wouldn't matter if we just genocided/removed these non-whites from the west. It's only relevant in a multi-kulti society.

Your ancestors would throw you into a bog for destroying the dignity of their blood. Fuck you.

every single country is the same.

men vote right-wing, women vote left-wing pro-refugees more gibsmedats parties.


and people wonder why our ancestors didnt allow women to vote.

>your mother was a coal-burner
Who are talking about coal-burners? I thought we were talking about women that support immigration, which is not the same. They don't support immigration because they want to race mix, that would be 0,000000000001% of them.

Fuck yourself, get a grip of reality.

Because most women like raw, barbaric men. Imagine a place where women are just the way you want them, wouldn't you invite them over using excuses like refuge?

I'm talking about traitors of all kinds, men and women, but mainly women.

And I'm talking about the averge woman that support or somewhat support the current immigration policies. Majority of Norwegian women oppose it, but not enought to stop voting for the pro-immigration parties. I assume this is the case in the US and rest of Europe too.

There is a large difference between the average immigration enabling woman and some whore that race-mix. The first category is millions of healthy, fine women acting like women do, the second is a tiny % of women.

I never said that we should breed with "coal-burners"

Woman prioritize morals over logic. The moral-societies in the western countries propagte leftits ideas and woman lack the ability to question them with logic and objectiv thoughts.

Their fundamental pupose in life: Family
has been propagated to be a bad lifestyle choice.
They still have to channnel their motherly instincts somwhere. So women in a normal functioning society have the intrinsic need to care for other beings. This need is opressed in western societies through family non-incentives and media propaganda about selffulfillment (Men are opressord and children a liability). If you d love your children and your family their wouldn t be much room for loving others, especially strangers from another country. Because love IS NOT INFINITE. If you love everyone, you really love noone. So the Main reason is lack of love and compassion for their relatives and closest ones.

>eastern females that want to fuck brownies migrate and become whores or coalburners

Those that go abroad are ultra coalburners tho