Russia, Moscow, Muslim Eid al-Fitr (عيد الفطر) celebrations today, 25 of June 2017.
Let's join their celebrations Sup Forums
Russia, Moscow, Muslim Eid al-Fitr (عيد الفطر) celebrations today, 25 of June 2017
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Mohammed more like Gayhammed
Up top!
*block your path*
Why are Russians such cucks? Willingly naming a bridge after someone who waged jihad against them.
Meanwhile Chechens live comfortable lives in their mansions and Russians are starving in the streets.
Thanks Poopin!
It's called tolerance you alt-right scumbag.
Their is a reason why Russians are called the eternal cuckold
getting cucked is in their blood
got cucked by the Bolshevik Jews
got cucked by the USA
got cucked by the by the Chechens
and now getting cucked by the Chinese
Pic related: Putins best friends
B..but Sup Forums told me Putin is white nationalist who will save Europe from Islam and Soros. Oy vey.
Evey year it's the photos of the same 4 streets around the Cathedral Mosque.
There are 400 mosques in Netherlands, a country that has no native muslims.
There are 4 mosques in Moscow, a capital of a country that has millions native muslims.
Both have roughly the same population so Netherlands are about 100 times more cucked.
Olka plz, ebal tebya
>Evey year it's the photos of the same 4 streets around the Cathedral Mosque.
I can assure you this picture is from a different street and from a different city as well, it's from Saint Petersburg.
>There are 4 mosques in Moscow, a capital of a country that has millions native muslims.
And how many mosques there are in Muslim regions?
>бoeвыe кapтинoчки
Oлькa oлeчкa
How does the fact that Petersburg has a mosque denies the fact that all other photos in this thread were taken within literally 200 meters of each other?
>And how many mosques there are in Muslim regions?
And now is this even related to this thread, you moron?
>How does the fact that Petersburg has a mosque denies the fact that all other photos in this thread were taken within literally 200 meters of each other?
Because it's just one journalist who made a report by visiting one mosque. He is not supposed to go and check all the mosques around to satisfy your needs. If you want numbers, I can give you numbers: there are 2 mln Muslims in Moscow.
Oh god, these 3rd world pictures. Feels like Brussels.
>Because it's just one journalist who made a report by visiting one mosque. He is not supposed to go and check all the mosques around to satisfy your needs.
it's so tiresome when retards think that you have some sort of agenda when you state simple facts for the people that have no context.
And please give me the source for the 2 mil muslims.
I am not supposed to give you anything. I am just posting pics. You don't like it? Fuck off.
There is also a video of them in Moscow subway. Sup Forums doesn't allow to load webms with sound so here is the link
that's fucked up.
>>If you want numbers, I can give you numbers: there are 2 mln Muslims in Moscow.
>I am not supposed to give you anything. I am just posting pics.
You are not a smart man.
ITT: divide and conquer
more mudslimes in one pic than in all of finland.
Why isn't anyone doing anything about this?
At least here in Bulgaria they are only in certain parts of the country isolated from others.
Because it's in Moscow. They can take it over for all I care.
Some old pics from other cities.
Aren't Chechens pretty much white? Look at their leader. Lot of Tatars also look European. Only truly non white muslims are Central Asians.
>biggest muslim population in europe
>4 mosques in capital
lmao. but dtillfucked by LEGAL immigration from central aisa((((
White and civilized.
Also their leader killed his first Russian when he was 16. A true white leader.
Chechens also never cut heads.
They already banned a lot of torrent websites like rutracker. They also plan to ban Telegram messenger.
I know mate, and because people could just go to rutracker and pornsites using proxies they are now banning them too. I don't know how it will work but I feel you, it's what May plans to do here.
I don't know what is in minds of your politicians, but ours want to ban VPN and TOR just because they are afraid opposition. They love stealing from people and they want to keep is going.
Can i bring my Van?
Yes, please.
It would be awesome if someone crop dusted some Agent Orange down those streets.
Brussels and the rest of belgium
Jeans commercial.
HONK HONK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Этa гpyзинcкaя бoль
Lil yoba. Fuck Moscow right?
Probably the same way everywhere.
>They also plan to ban Telegram messenger.
Fuck they gon do?
rip roooossiya
Most of them are immigrants who are there working and not settling. The thing is that they make just a little for Russia but when they send it back to their countries to support their families that money are able to buy them flats and cars
I'd say most of them settle, at least they try to do this.
And signifficant part of them aren't even immigrants, they are from muslim republics inside Russia, so they are citizens and whatnot.
Let's stop racism with Putin!
> Dozens in Russia imprisoned for social media likes
> A 2002 Russian law defines extremism as activities that aim to undermine the nation’s security or constitutional order, or glorify terrorism or racism, as well as calling for others to do so. The vagueness of the phrasing and the scope of offenses that fall under the extremism clause allow for the prosecution of a wide range of people, from those who set up an extremist cell or display Nazi symbols to anyone who writes something online that could be deemed a danger to the state. In the end, it’s up to the court to decide whether a social media post poses a danger to the nation or not.
Nah, it's fake news. There were no arrests for likes yet. So far it happens only in Switzerland.
Stop lying.
>I'd say most of them settle, at least they try to do this.
You are clearly underage if you think that. The only former USSR minorities with a significant migration are North Caucasus ones. Central Asian churkas are almost nothing more than temporary work migrants.
Dumping some other pics about Russia
I told you it's fake news
>Central Asian churkas are almost nothing more than temporary work migrants.
That's a lie.
I told you to stop lying.
Really, faggot?
b-b-b-b-but Russia is uncucked!
I'm far from underage, believe me.
Most of the central asians actively try to settle and looking for the way to get Russian citizenship by the №182-ФЗ and other laws.
It's not that easy for them as there's no free housing or benefits, but those who can - stay.
What is your problem with the Daily Mail, liberal?
What is your point dude? The terrorist attack was made by those Central Asian guys who moved to Saint Petersburg and lived there for 2-3 years. They come here to work and stay, no news.
Shia muslim is tomorrow so fuck all those celebrating today
terrorist attack in SpB was made by russian citizen. This migrant already got his passport, then blown himself up.
>Most of the central asians actively try to settle and looking for the way to get Russian citizenship by the №182-ФЗ and other laws.
You are clearly talking out of your ass there mate. And it is clear that you didn't interact with Central Asians in your life.
This is a textbook logical fallacy. Try harder.
Nuke that street
It's an old word for helmet, or in some cases the word for hill, for fuck's sake, if you wanna out Putin as a jew at least put effort in it.
Tell this to the people who blown in the SpB subway by one of these new citizens, clown.
There are rumours it's one and only Г O M O Г P У З И H, angry that nobody likes him on 2ch.
You are clearly too dense to understand what a logical fallacy is.
>Putin is BASED! xD
> or in some cases
I like how you try everything except the obvious that makes the most sense, PIDF.
Faggot, if you really think KGB would hire a Jew you're an autist.
I'd ask if you're retarded, but that flag says it all.
sure, clown
> Faggot, if you really think
You can tell by just looking at her. She's a jew. Case closed.
> think KGB would hire a Jew
That's all they try to hire, always, in every country!
Nice ad hominem faggots.
Зтo дeгeнepaт, пытaeтcя тpoллить тyпocтью. Eгo нaдo гoвнoм кopмить, a нe пытaтьcя чтo-тo дoкaзaть.
>The suspected perpetrator was named as Akbarzhon Jalilov, a Russian citizen who was an ethnic Uzbek born in Kyrgyzstan.
>Jalilov was born in 1995 in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, and arrived in Moscow around 2011.
Came in 2011, stayed in Russia, became a citizen. Such cases.
>be retarded
>get called on it
> "logical fallacy!"
>"Nice ad hominem faggots!"
LOL you really are a clown.
What is even your argument you imbeciles? And how it is related to the point that permanent Central Asian migration to Russia is pretty much insignificant?
PROTIP: meme pictures are not an argument.