welcome to the netherlands,
Ask me anything about my country.
welcome to the netherlands,
Ask me anything about my country.
would you also say that Dutch relates to German in the same way Danish relates to Swedish?
It's like there's a root language (German/Swedish), and then there's a convoluted speech-impeded version (Dutch/Danish)
what's it like being rape spawn of canadians?
Why would my great-great-grandfather leave Noord-Brabant in the 1860s?
I'm not OP but it does
How much for a gramm of weed in coffee shop
Can an aryan looking American move there or just niggers? I'm done with the US, but Europe actualluy seems worse now. I used to always bank on my possible escape.
What's your local comfort food?
is it true you guys pay a 51% tax rate?
I'd say Netherlands relates to Germany as Denmark relates to Sweden. As in both NL and DK you have freedom of speech, people hate political correctness, but in Sweden and Germany it is still 'frowned upon' to have conservative views about immigration for example.
Do you have freedom of speech there or can you go to prison for having the wrong opinion? Is it true that Dutch women don't expect men to pay for the first date?
Dutch and Danish go back way further than germonics and swerabic
Listen to old norse or old anglo-saxon or old germanic and you'll notice its much more similar to modern Dutch and Danish
>in Sweden and Germany it is still 'frowned upon' to have conservative views about immigration
It depends on whom you are talking to. You mustn't show your power level to just anyone, that can have negative consequences. But talking to people that are not complete strangers I get the feeling that most people are against mass immigration.
I'm half Afrikanner therefore half you
Between 8-13 euro depending on where you go
>americuck education
because he doesn't like nice places.
on average, 10, but you can get mixes for €10 per 2 grams
>aryan looking American
no such thing. also fuck off no one likes ameritards.
deep fried crunchy on the outside, soft and creamy on the inside, sort of meat balls
no, tax depends on income
>Do you have freedom of speech there
yes, most of the shit we say and do would land you in jail or lose you your job in the USA.
fuck off you mixed race mongrel americuck
The cities are bad but there´s nigger and shitskin free corners in the country side just like in the US. Difference is, here we are the natives. Better to fight for a white land in a white land
How many mudshits?
Dutch - German:
The languages are similar enough to understand most of what is said, though that might be because I live in the West, and our Nethergerman dialect is almost Dutch.
Countrywise there's no animosity, we cross eachothers borders for shopping and vacation, some people even work in the other country.
There is animosity though when it comes to football. But that only concerns people whose entire interests in life are beer and football.
Yes, the maximum inxome tax is 52%, but only if you earn more than €57,385, and it only applies to the amount you earn above this limit. There are 4 tax brackets, starting at 8,35%, however.
how bad is the muzzie problem in your country and do people want to solve it?
This. It also depends on which part of Germany you are in. There´s german california (Berlin) and german Texas (Bavaria).
Don't be a dick, afrikaners are welcome
Kom naar huis broeder
around where I live? none.
not bad at all. most are in randstad, which is already full of degenerate european and americuck tourists.
>afrikaners are welcome
yeah but actual afrikaners, not some fagget americuck with MUH HERITAGE complex.
I meant overall
still not much
No, Dutch has always been it's own language. Dutch derives from Proto-Germanic just like German, Swedish and Danish. Other than that Dutch has always been it's own language; it's the language spoken by the Frankish tribes combined with Frisian and Saxon influences.
Redpill me on Frisians. Are they really the "purest" Europeans, as many on Sup Forums claim?
We don't smoke weed fuck off
around 2 million non-western, which is about 10%
they are a bunch of dumb village people.
>Sup Forums claims
there you go, it's nonsense.
What is the point of the comic you posted?
>doens't know the toothpaste meme
Lurk more on /polder/ faggot
Why are your Windows so fucking big? And why does no one try to even cover it at night? You can walk in the suburbs and watch what every family is doing.
> they are a bunch of dumb village people
Fryslan Boppe
Europe isn't that bad, just the capital cities are. Most western European countries are still 80-85% white.
But you have to understand that Europeans don't identify by race. We Europeans never identified as white; most of our enemies (neighbouring countries) are white. Just white is way too broad. Europe has always been divided by peoples, not just race.
This white, non-white thing is an American product. Europe back in the day was always white.
Last question: is there work for engineers? Specifically in aeronautics (besides KLM)?
>Why are your Windows so fucking big?
great light during day, comfy during night.
>why does no one try to even cover it at night? You can walk in the suburbs and watch what every family is doing.
what's wrong with that?
True. But in the lands that are now norther Germany people spoke "Platt" which is basically a dialect of dutch or "Neiderdeutsch" til 100-200 years ago. So there was a language continuum between the Netherlands and Germany until very recently. "Hochdeutsch" the language most germans speak now comes from the south of Germany. It is still closely related to dutch but obviously not the same language.
Why does candy you buy here usually come from the Netherlands, but if you buy candy there it comes from Germany?
if you have the right places, you can still get it for 6Eu per gram. but mostly it's at least 8 nowadays.
In the netherlands specific, not really. Engineers are always welcome, but if you want actual space aeronautics you might want to go directly to ESA, which probably does have jobs in the Netherlands but is not centred around the Netherlands. The University of Delft is specialised in aeronautics, though, so you might be able to find a job there.
Village people are the true Europeans. Get out of here you city cuck.
It´s just fucking weird for a german. Whenever Im in Holland to visit my cousin I get the feeling that the dutch don´t care or even understand privacy. Do you close the curtains when you fuck?
Sounds interesting, thanks user
what's your thoughts on bavaria
Do you like being watched?
Depends on the people I guess. We kinda just assume that people don't care and mind their own business.
>they are a bunch of dumb village people.
Who the fuck you call'n dumb?
If you want to work with aeronautics ESA would be your first address and they have most of their operations in Germany (land of the engineers duh)
If you mean muslims with mudshits then it's way less. 5% of the population is Muslim. About 7% is black / from the Antilles and Suriname (former colonies) and the rest is from Eastern Asia (primarily from Indonesia, another former colony; these tend to be mixed race as in half white half indonesian).
About one third of the black people are Hindu (Hindoestanen) and these people are pretty alright. Not overrepresented in crime and tend to be quite right wing. I guess you could compare them to Sikh fags.
i will never leave Rotterdam. ''far right'' will win here next time. At least a lot better than Amsterdam and Groningen, fucking Groenlinks & D66 infested places. nuke it quickly.
Bavarian Germany is best Germany.
>High hills/mountains
>Beautifull forrests
sometimes check
>A E S T H E T I C villages
You've got it all man. Now translate this gibberish german
interesting, here Haribo is produces almost all candy. but we have one in our own country as well. I didn't know dutch candy was sold in germany, can you post some examples?
I mean the stereotypical village mentality
out most popular fetish is outdoor sex.
that brand of beer is shit. and the people look funny, but we like em.
it's not like we leave the curtains open if we're fucking, but who cares? plus it adds a lot more comfyness.
Do you watch any horror movies? The creepy monster or murderer always looks into the windows at night to look for victims.
Maybe the German need for curtains comes from the 19th century, which were a time of great political persecution, with mass emigration to the US for example. The average German wanted to feel at least in his own home safe from spying.
Would be better if the country where I work isn't muslim and cuck-dominated
Village people always voted conservative though. Rotterdam back in the day was PvdA hellhole.
Far more if you include all other taxes. Tax pressure is over 60% here
true, but i think Pim Fortuyn redpilled us or something. I believe we are the biggest city in the western world that votes far right anti muzzie.
>that feel when living in Limburg and having a pvv majority
>Do you watch any horror movies? The creepy monster or murderer always looks into the windows at night to look for victims.
lmao, it is an unwritten rule here that you don't go stand in front of windows and stare inside. but you're allowed to casually look inside while passing by
>The average German wanted to feel at least in his own home safe from spying.
might be it, but we dutch are also very blunt in speech and speaking our mind. we like it if everything is in plain sight and we don't have to and don't want to hide shit.
How come you guys produce so many great attacking players? Bergkamp, Cruyff, Robben, Kluivert, van Basten, Gullit, van Nistelrooy etc. All such beautiful, graceful players. It's very impressive for such a relatively small country.
Nobody watches people through windows Hans. That would be weird as fuck.
we also like to trigger them.
I have chronically stuffed sinuses, an what helps are these green eucalyptus gummydrops. When I look at the package, they come from Red Band in Oosterhout. I think the last time I bought imitation Mentos, they also came from the Netherlands.
Guys im muslim considering doing exchange, accordibg to this thread rotterdam is a racist shithole, what are some good places in NL? Without racism.
stay strong, PVV and FvD landslide incoming!
you get it
It's a bavarian meme expression, basically to make someone more friendly, that he should become better off than (he) is
Translated to high german it'd essentially be Ein Päckchen, gefüllt mit Ohrfeigen, ist sogleich geöffnet”
A-quality culture and language. Music is on point too.
>A can of whoopass is about to be opened
venco makes the best dropjes
fight me!
Deep in our hearts still hate the other super powers like we used to, so we are very motivated.
fuck spain 0-1
Not OP, but probably due to the Ajax youth academy. They have a comprehensive system to get their players to a certain standard.
Why does the Netherlands "child services" steal peoples children for no reason?
there is no racism, just no time for your mecca goatfucking bullshit. Even people from Suriname hate you and vote PVV now.
Also, please don't come here.
thanks, but I'm not sure about the reason why, other than we like sports and actually being in a sports team is an important social thing here. our kickboxers are also great.
>Red Band
ah yes, they're great. Red Band and Haribo are the giants here. we like candies, and black licorice so I guess we have a lot of candy production.
racism is only an issue if you act like a maroccan or turk or nig.
also in our supermarkets. they're fine, but Kleine is best.
>no such thing. also fuck off no one likes ameritards.
you say that, meanwhile we live rent free in your head. btw we do what we want when we want where we want, if one of us feels like moving to where you are we will and there isnt shit you can do about it.
Ajax are known here as the Kikes. Their eternal jew is extremely strong with them. It's a problem.
Met a girl from Hengelo. We fell in love. But I never got her last name, or her number. Left the hostel early next day and never saw her again.
Hope you're well Nienke.
>for no reason?
I have seen enough shit to know that americans don't know, and don't care about raising children. so obviously you wouldn't get it and think it's for no reason.
Germanistan is about as muslim and cuck dominated as the rest of Western Europe (not counting meds like Italy). Don´t fall for the meme. We are equally as fucked as the rest of the continent. AFD gets 20% of the vote regularly in Germany which means our portion of sane people is about as high (or low) as in most of Eurocuckistan. Sweden actually is worse than the rest, not a meme. I was there recently and the brain washing is real. Eastern Europe is also really much more based, also not a meme. The difference between for example France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria is basically nil when it comes to the mudslime question.
I mean at night when the light are on. You can watch every family eating or watching a movie. Its disturbing that no one cares about it. I would never turn the lights on at night without closing the curtains first.
Nienke is such a qt tier name
People with children in your country try to escape to Poland.
Your government has an over-reach problem.
>I mean at night when the light are on. You can watch every family eating or watching a movie. Its disturbing that no one cares about it. I would never turn the lights on at night without closing the curtains first.
it gives me a sense of freedom, and it's very comfortable for some reason. Idk why. also I see nothing wrong with people seeing me eat and watch a movie.
>another americucks pulling memes out of his sharted ass
i've only known cunts with big foreheads called Nienke desu
This. I always close the curtains before turning on the lights. Creepy that people enjoy being watched by strangers.
children are supposed to have big foreheads. you sick fuck
That's oddly specific
Netherlands seems to be doing a lot better than germans though, they don't have 1 million of rapefugees roaming the country seeking for white men to kill and white women to rape
I'd love to go to Eastern Europe, but fore someone doing studies in engineering there's nothing for me there rn
>Germanistan is about as muslim and cuck dominated as the rest of Western Europe
Oh, no no no! I must disagree with you.
UK, France and Sweden have much, much more muslims per capita than Germany. They have sharia and no go zones, we don't. Remember when 5 guys tried to pose as "Sharia Police"? They immediately got arrested, the scandal was huge, and everybody in the political establishment, even the cucked onse, were against it.
>I have seen enough shit to know that americans don't know, and don't care about raising children. so obviously you wouldn't get it and think it's for no reason.
You're a racist bigot.
It's not a fucking meme when people actually are trying to escape your shit country.
You guys are quite paranoid, aren't you? What are the people going to do? Stare at you intensely?
haha what the fuck are you rambling about? our country is flooded with people from Poland. PVV even set up a site so you can file your complaints and problems with the polish assholes shitting up our country.
Oh she was. Exceptionally Dutch complexion. Button nose, high cheek bones... Ahh fuck, I'm so stupid. All I needed to do was ask for her number. All I know is she lived on a farm in SW Hengelo and studies chemical engineering. I'd travel there just to see her again.