>>What is right wing organization general for?
Here we will turn our ideologies into reality. We will organize groups and rallies locally to make our movement tangible. It's time to gather & inspire all people right of center to unite and act locally!
This is NOT here for debate. Libertarian, NatSoc, Republican, etc debate can happen somewhere else. Here we must all unite & fight against the plagues that we ALL agree destroy the West (globalization, feminism, nihilism, etc) What we need is a large, like-minded group like Sup Forums to be able to easily organize into smaller, localized groups in little time. That is our advantage to the left. We have the people, but no physical community.
Leave all the pepe-kek-shadilay shit in the internet. When you do politics in real life you manifest your political ideology in the material world. Using memes and jokes makes your political goals seem like memes and jokes. Everyone is tired of seeing the Right look like a bunch of disorganized retards. Come correct or die.
>>How to get involved?
Find people locally. This is a good thread to do so. Your heaviest burden would be to meet with people in threads and connect. Make these connections and keep advertising online for more members. Eventually your local group will gain momentum, and many hands carry a light burden.
IMPORTANT READING: The url sounds blackpilled but it's basically making the case for right-wingers to use the same organizational strategies as lefties because, spoiler alert, they work and are part of the reason the left has been so influential for the last 60 years.
> jacobitemag.com
DISCORD: This discord is for discussing and planning with local people in a long-term matter. Simply go to your country/state/province channel (or request one), and meet each other.
> gg /q7vVFwD
>What is right wing organization general for?
Other urls found in this thread:
good, user, goooood, bump the hell out of this thread
here is the logo, put it everywhere
Libertarianism is the embodiment of globalization, though. It's even worse than liberal socialism because it hides behind the "we're far right" veil, just as shown in this thread. sage
you are FULFILLING your destiny, user!
not necessarily, user, most libertarians I know are nationalistic, they just don't want an all powerful government; there are 2 sides to every coin.
If they are nationalistic, they are not libertarians. Those are mutually exclusive. The entire libertarian foreign policy is based on a premise that borders shouldn't exist, I think that settles it.
Says the fascist, whose ideology contains a fair amount of socialism.
Overthrowing the left is a nearly impossible task, but IF WE WORK TOGETHER, i'm sure we can discover the secret!
No, not all fascists are socialists, it is not like a dual political economic ideology like yours (an-cap) it is just political
And libertarians would say that big government is the embodiment of globalism. Hence the enormous governments that are currently giving our money to 3rd world immigrants.
Also I wouldn't point any fingers about right-wing purity if you don't believe in capitalism.
We could argue all day but libertarians, fascists and everyone in between do need to unite.
I am a nationalist and a libertarian, I assure you, they are not mutually exclusive. I believe in limited govt. and borders/ a military
yes, the kangaroo rider (no offense bro) speaks the truth!
just a reminder to bump this thread, head over to the discord in the description, and UNITE THE RIGHT
Fuck off kike
LOL, who me? did you just call me a KIKE?
Just joined, keep advertising the chat. I'm sure there are plenty of anons who'd love to join but won't see the thread before it 404's
glad to hear it confederate bro!
I already started to acting out localy, by going to local mass. God is what I believe in and our Lord is the inspiration for my ideals.
I'm convincing my friends to also attend mass, and next weekend I will join a good friend of me to mass in the place he lives.
Heard a great speech at mass: we may be a minority, but we should not fear for professing our ideals and our faith. Stay strong Anons and attend the Holy Mass!
AMEN, brother!
>implying natsocs, fashies, and conservatives aren't plauges destroying western society as well
Has to be a fucking leaf, must be using Starbucks wifi on the American side of Niagara Falls. or something.
> ancap
>equating conservatives and communists
hmmm,shill much?
>government is a nation
When will this meme end.
A nation is people. A nation transcends a government.
Kill yourself non white scum
I don't really see how libertarians and natsocs can get along. Unless the libertarian just wants to form his own Aryan supremacist microstate on his own private borders, the ideologies are too different to coalesce.
I have white skin and pink nipples but very dark brown eyes and light brown hair.
Am I white enough to join your right wing general?
libertarians are individualist and therefore inherently hedonist liberals at heart, no matter how much they personally hate minorities. They have no place in a right-wing organization
you don't have to be white, dude. you just have to be right (wing)
It's about putting the differences aside until the common enemies of the left and globalism are defeated.
being an individualist does not make you a hedonist, I believe people should behave morally and put others before themselves, but by their own will, not due to govt.
>left and globalism
Libertarians tend not to care about economic globalism; free trade is always good trade in the eyes of economic libertarians.
Trump's plans for tariffs would not go down well with any libertarian economist worth their salt.
Anons, counter.fund (@counterfund on twatter) is a crowd funding platform for /ourguys/. Pax Dickinson, notorious shitlord, is behind this.
I think this works better for us than the lefty top-down model. Discuss.
New /LRG/
No enemies to the right. No friends to the left.
Do not openly criticize the organization and methods of people that actively support the 14 words. Accept no DR3 (Democrats are the real racists) narratives or any other false consciousness. Seek to restore connection to ancestral traditions and pride.
>The entire libertarian foreign policy is based on a premise that borders shouldn't exist.
The "libertarians" who support open borders are without execption funded by multi-national monopolies who are in bed with unions like the EU and the western alliance. this is the real libertarian redpill. reason, the libertarian party and a few key figures who call themselves libertarians and anarcho-capitalists are paid for shills. these same people fund open borders in socialist groups aswell.
As for real libertarian border policy the simple answer is as long as the state exists opening the borders would result in foregners destroying public property , and citizens being force to intergrate them. this is an a assault on private property.
Close the borders and deport all the shitskins, end welfare, end public property, end the civil rights act and then we'll talk borders.
I will agree as long as everyone here is willing to preserve the white race. I won't work alongside civic nationalists.
bumping for 14 words
Bump for some Deutsche Volk
You know, everyone who is against open borders and mass immigration is inherently pro-white. Almost everybody on the alt-right and alt-lite are technically "willing to preserve the white race". Just some food for thought.
How do we avoid them?
Go through socially acceptable groups first, like Proud Boys?
I mean, all it takes is a couple of feds and a couple of mental cases for them to whip up a "terrorist plot" and Shut It Down.
>actually right wing
fuck off. You scum keep trying to latch on to our movements like parasites. you are not conservative and you are not welcome.
yea no thx cia niggers, have fun though
Join us faggots.
>Right wing
You can't avoid Fed infiltration unless you're working only with people you've known for a decade, and even then you can't prevent them from being flipped by the Feds. Half of Clive Buddy's crew were feds or informants.
The solution is to not conspire to commit felonies with other people. Pursue strategies that are either legal, or not worth their time to go after.
Catholicism is just another version of Judaism
Yeah, but as always, it doesn't take much for you to get one straggler in who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and for a fed to get him worked up.
If you have groups like the Identitarians they set fairly high standards for entry.
Perhaps that's the solution, to a degree.
An I.Q. test? Or a psychological evaluation? Make all meetings group meets so that IF someone is conspiring to do something violent it's separated from the central group?
Can I suggest the main goal of all right wing groups is to Abolish United Nations laws from your countries that is of universal importance.
I think a distributed organization scheme makes sense. The right tends towards surly and suspicious types anyway, I mean look at the infighting.
Distributed groups of fellow travellers are more resistant to infiltration, just because you're accepted into, say, the white nationalist group doesn't get you entry to any others. Groups can learn from one another, maybe share resources, but risk is distributed according to appetite.
Then you have a coordination problem. But that's something I'm hoping that counter.fund can assist with.