Visit our country

So,about a week ago i made similar thread and said that tourist season starts in few hours.Well,it started and the tourists are coming,but its's not yet peak season so hurry up before crowds of people start coming.
Also post some croatian pepes so that i don't have to use this one all the time.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't visit our country.

I will cum if you give me a croatian qt

here,have a pepe.

whenever I see mixed couples (1 negro 1 white) I try my best to give them the longest stare possible, if I'm in a car I slow down intentionally and stare in disapproval

freaks them out

must be really hard for you Davor to see all the BMWF couples in Croatia,but not here in Serbia since we are ''litterally who??'' nation.

It's just the novelty, none of them would have a mixed baby in Croatia, not even the dumbest double digit IQ hypersluts.

Still, feelsbadman

>croatia, selling & telling the land as something,that nevet would be.

>soon you gonna be like ibiza,with a huge part on a beach only for fags


fuck off


Go away Ottomans

Visting another country as tourist.
Hell no. Get a real job!



Top kek bulgars





It seems that my thread only attracted poorfags.Pls go away.

Well I wasnt going to, but now..

Fuck off Gypo. Go back to Sup Forums. Tourism is a jewish plot to make countries dependend on adapting to other cultures for accomodation. The whole tourist sector should be taxed to the max for being traitors.

go away Italian mongrel



Scusme, Croatia is rightfull Austrian clay, they are our gypsies

I don't like mass tourism either,but for now we have to rely on tourism.

why do you keep making those threads? are u a sea Croat? We should develop industry more than fucking tourism tho.

>monte negro
Taking it a bit too literally.

жaлкo, чe нe e пoпaднaл нa eдни cкинapи дa мy тeглят бoй.

We should get out of this place as soon as we can.

Jewish plot. Those of you who are in the sector are cancer and should be treated like cancer. Same goesfor our winter tourist """industry""". It just drives foreign influence and internal corruption

maybe rest of Croatia, but not Dalmatia and Istria

Where are the with good music and none of that techno and deep house shit

Been in tisno last year,views were amazing,music was shit
Also pyeskevitza is amazing

Blz come to our gountry and imbregnate our women :DDDDD

Italians can keep South Tyrol, we take Istria and Dalmatia, that would be fair imo

and go where man?

How safe is your part of Europe to drive through alone in a caravan? I've been wanting to do that in France and Spain ever since I've gotten my driving licence but the rapefugee crisis worries me a little.
I would want to only drive through smaller towns untouched by mass tourism.

This thread has gone to shit.Pls don't post in it anymore.

if i could go anywhere i would go to ireland, you could find a job easily, they speak english and they are not protestant, sounds like a dream

do we get a say in this? I think if we had a vote ~90% of Croats would pick Austrians

not you plz

Extremely safe if you ignore the gypsies on carriages.

Gas yourself.

emigration to ireland is a meme for the underclass

Come to poland-its even cheaper,its advanced-and sluts are disease free!
Also beaches full of slavic pagan gf

how much is beer in store and in bars

Just avoid gypsies and albanians. You should be fine.

Pomalo my friend , I just want to enjoy good music cheap food and glorious croatian asses
whats wrong with a huge cheese stuffed burger inside a giant bun?

The only reason I'd go to your shit country is to piss on Franco Tudman's grave

On the news it seems like half of slavonia is in ireland. If i could get the average wage here i could live like a kang tho.

I live in north dalmatia and i have never seen a gypsy. I know their nest is in the capital so if he is visiting the coast you can forget about anyone but croats and mass of tourists, majority german.

Cheapset 0.5 euro,handel craft 2 euro.

Forgot to add this

>Extermination camps were also set up by the fascist Ustaše regime of the Independent State of Croatia allied with Germany, carrying out genocidal policy between 1941 and 1945 against Serbs, Jews, Roma and its Croat and Muslim political opponents
>The Jasenovac concentration camp was an extermination camp established in Slavonia by the authorities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The camp was established by the governing Ustaše regime and not operated by Nazi Germany.[4] It was one of the largest concentration camps in Europe[5] and the camp has been referred to as "the Auschwitz of the Balkans" and "the Yugoslav Auschwitz"

oy vey we wuz nazis n shiet

What the fuck is pyeskevitza?Do you mean pljeskavica?

>Avoid Gypos and Albanians in Croatia.
How? 75% are Gypos, 20% Albanians.

Also to you

pleskavica is the patty

>How? 75% are Gypos, 20% Albanians.

same ratio as Austria I see.


replace gypos with turks

Bet you're a lazy dalmatian who has slave workers and you're counting money while the slave work for pittance and you're too cheap to turn on the air conditioning. I wish the tourists would stop coming so you fucking people would be forced to do actual work.

Yup, didnt know how to spell it


The jews in Jasenovac held high positions.Former president Tudjman wrote about Jasenovac and quoted some serbian guy who wrote abot his experience in camp.He said something similar to "A Jew remains a Jew even in this circumstances.

how do you feel about this particular countryman of yours

And to think we could gas them if the king and patriarch weren't too merciful.

Ein harter Kampf hat dich entzwei geschlagen, von dir gerissen wurde Südtirol..

that's why I love the Führer, he cleaned up our country for the long run.

thanks based Adolf.

They should all go back to india. "But we wuz separate people". They are certanly not european, literal leeches and they are everywhere. People here keep saying like they are all in balkans, nope, based on the numbers, much more of them in the west now.

It is censored, so I assume it is something related to Mr. Schickelgruber. If it is, he wasn't a real Austrian. Even further, he was a traitor who conquered the land of his ancestors.

The irony is they came to the balkans because muslims invaded India and now they are converting to Islam with saudi money.

>tfw Hungarian background
>tfw my surname (Horvath) literally means Croat
>tfw my bloodline is tainted with disgusting slavshit blood

>Mr. Schickelgruber
Kike shill detected.

Nah m8, you're a gypsy

According to Nuremberg just a mixed of second degree

Same from Osijek

Horvath is top 5 in Hungarian last names

At least that's one step above being a sl*v


whatever floats your NEET boat gypsy

>tfw 150k croats in australia
>tfw more than half of croats are not slavic blood
>tfw hungarians have more slav blood than croats
>tfw hungarians are also more tained with nigger blood based on haploshits
>tfw that feel kicks in

Theres nothing wrong being a slav

why cant we use them agaisnt the muslim invasion?

There is absolutely no proof for any of this and kike infiltrators are known for pushing this.

They're maybe the lowest form of a human. The untermensch in flesh. Cowardly,lying but lacking the intelligence of the jew.

got some family in slavonia and friends in osijek, comfy tier region, fantastic co-cathedral btw

fug off croatia pls com to montenegro instead we need moneys :DDD

>literally descending from criminals
wew lad

look at our beautiful landscapes no ugly gypsies pls come we need gibs

Yes and no. It was a pragmatic decision at the time. Either be fucked like the Germs and pay jews for muah 6million or keep jewish property and assests and be declared first victim of Nazi Germany. Our grand parents chose second, which doesn't mean Austrian catholics like jews

Hitler wasn't a jew end of story.

ex dalmatia, still not a bad destination if you ask me, probably twice as cheap as croatia.

wen u joi deh eU :DDDDD

take Trieste too.

You are crypto-slovenes eitherway

Croatia was nice when I went but it was more expensive than I had expected, Slovenia is still the nicest European country I've been to.

Fuck off crackpot


Fuck see, come to Drava.

what cities have you been to?