>impregnating asians ever
if you too autistic to get yourself a proper white girl at least go for a hispanic one with white skin. you will breed degenerate twigs with an asian woman even if they have inherited the best of your genetics. if they dont you end up with an ugly bastard that stays virgin for all his life because he has a tiny dick.
Think for you and our society.
Impregnating asians ever
>Hey Dad
Im hapa and have been approached by white women several times.
Your turn faggot.
people need to stop failling for the jewish propaganda but Sup Forums too retarded. Thats why white women go for niggers in the first place because they whie man pays her no attention
If I wouldn't get a white girl I'd just get a slavshit girl
Are there pictures of the parents?
by get you mean rape
slav people are more white then you sell out nordics
> rich dad with hollywood connection
> still cant get laid
halfu's are fucking pathetic
I don't know much about him other than that "supreme gentleman" meme but I'd wager that he's in the same boat as the other whiners on Sup Forums. The sort of "I don't want to just have sex and go out with any girl, I want a 100% perfect girl for my ideals to be intimate with" who basically behave like insecure middle aged neurotic women and get angry if girls don't like that.
Antihappa seems to be a kike rest stop on the way to MGTOW. Like about 2 years before they give up on the pussy entirely.
> t.josephchang
no not wanting to have gross out kids is anti kike my kike friend.
Asians are fucking degenerate.
Yes yes breed with hispanic women
hapa's only chink out when the father is white thats common sense as long as its asian man + white woman they end up being fine.
Hapa's are a meme all the ones I knew enfed up being shut in weebs.
>infinite crazy whites
>infinite crazy asian
>infinite crazy shitskins
>infinite insane white women so much that you're literally a cuckold faggot for having a white daughter
>guys look at these hapa males which are fucked up
you retards on /r/asianmasculinity are so bad.
all the hapa fuckups in the entire world aren't 1% as bad as all the pure white women ruining society you fucking trash. oh it's a hapa porn star? what about all those blacked white women that get spammed?
>ugly as fug jew face
All things considered including all the money he has, he lucked out.
once black people get tired fucking whites they switch to asians just to give the weebs the final nail in the coffin of cukholdry
Asian father with white mother is always fine or great.
I can't find any successful white dad/asian mom children.
>inb4 Keanu
a chink is a chink, there is nothing fine about any of them
Chinks are enemy number 1 and would be the Jews of the world if Jews didn't exist. Disgusting rice mutants., go kill some dogs.
What's it like being so massively deluded
No he didn't
Nice try Chang Lee
This delusion is so crazy words can't even describe it
whites are losing to white women, jews, 60 iq shitskins, and lgbtasdahk2 mentally ill people. you can't even touch chinks you fucking retard. you're the subhuman white that is responsible for western civilization failing
>the entire fucking planet besides asia is why america and the west is fucked
so pathetic you trash. white women are worse than dog shit so no matter how bad hapa kids are they're still better than white women. only white men have value
white women are the worst subhuman shit on this planet below even niggers and kikes. it's impossible for the trash known as white women to ever produce anything of value without the seed of the ayran god white man.
white whore+nigger = garbage
white whore+spic = garbage
white whore+chink = garbage
white whore+white male god = god if it's a male otherwise it's subhuman trash known as the white whore
Yeah I know a hapa guy in my area his dad is white more Korean didn't even know until he mentioned it. Guy is a total pretty boy Chad who is around 6'0 and worked at the gym part time.
ahh poor little Chaoxiang got his feelings hurt
you disgusting freaks are below insects, don't ever think that you are better than even the worse white on this planet
you will be sent back to riceland some day, insect
> chinese people playing no games colonising africa
wtf is wrong with chinks wanting to spread their gens like rabbits
obviously weak chink "male" genes make for gay faggot male offspring but the redpill here is that miscegenation is always a kike trick, wmaf, amwf, nmwf,... it doesn't matter, don't race mix you stupid cùcks
oblivion character irl LOL
OR you can just not be a shit father
This all fucking day Any real white man will have an east Asian hapa and a pure white kid. His wife needs to be Asian though seriously like 90% of white females are worthless. I don't have the time to play stupid western female games. An Asian female wants you to work hard and actively helps and supports you.
every time
This is what happens when communism kills a large majority of females
Go complain on reddit, virgin.
kill yourself wang
What is lighting and positioning
>go for a hispanic one with white skin
Stop hiding your Argentine flag you pathetic dindu.
Chong's tears are delicious. YUM!
Which ones Keanu?
They thirsty as fuck
bruce is only 1/4th european this doesnt count as hapa if the rest of him is chinese. also guy said amwf is good so if bruce is hapa then he proved his point since bruce father is asian and his mother 'white'
As I keep telling people, it completely depends on the quality of the parents.
If the dads a failure, the children will be too. If the mother is a self loathing whore, the child will be a mess.
If they're both stable and successful, there is almost never an issue.
no, it depends on the presence of mongoloid dna, if it's there then the child is a mixed mongol abomination in every case
No, even liberal minded Asian American women think negros are disgusting.
>one person opinion counts for everyone
are you 12?
black/asian make the best hybrids Fact
Who is she?
We know your true form faggot
>black/asian make the best hybrids Fact
Majority of black/asian pairings will be ambf since both are the least desirable demographic. Hell, negros are literally being cuckolded by the Chinese in East Africa.
Yea they do especially when the father is human. Plus she holds the same opinion as 98% of Asian females
that pic is the best representation of yourself that you could find? little weak manlet that only dates chinks because he got bullied by a white girl as a child :((((
Jenny Hyun, some kpop songwriter.
The answer to the hapa question is they need to start their own ethnic homeland. I would be in favor of giving them California, Washington, or Oregon. Imagine how powerful they could become.
This is what billions of $ get you.
they need to be gased like the jews
I would literally gas that ugly fucking gook.
and then there is half white half indian wtf
Is there a country that you streetshitters don't infest?
No not really Pedro
I'm white and my gf is Chinese.
I'll impregnate her and I think East Asians are superior to whites :
- Whites are disappearing, East Asians will survive
- East Asians have slightly higher IQ
- They are more hard-working than whites, what proves genetic superiority
- They are genetically conservative, contrary to whites plagued with emotional ideologies like leftism
Met a half Jap half English girl and she was openly said she fetishised niggers and she did nothing workwise.
I hope this is a joke holy shit HAHAAHAH
yea , somewhat true
but keep in mind that your son will probably have identity problems
one of my friends has a german father and a japanese mother
all 3 kids (all sons) have identity problems, the middle one even killed himself when he was about 16 years old
Disgusting streetshitting animals.
The revolution picture only shows how much more advanced were Mexicans 100 years ago than you're streetshitting ancestors you fuck.
Good i hope his kid gets bullied in school by niggers and mudslimes and kills himself
She made good observations
Well, according to my understand those identity problems can only arise in Western society where Asian feel less masculine than their counterparts. But who the hell want to stay in a declining country like France full of subhumans anyway ? I'll probably have emigrated to Taiwan already.
>good... good..
Rape baby cunt you are not allowed to talk to your Aryan masters like that,
Jokes aside i think i had this same shitty argument with you yesterday and the day before so how about we agree we are both 3rd wolders that need to improve to reach success one day ˙͜M˙ ˙͜M˙ ˙͜M˙ ˙͜M˙
Tell me how does it feel to be 100% streetshitter?
Give them Caucasus and Northern Kazakhstan instead. Not any of our Clay, they'd ruin in it a heartbeat.
>met a real qt Chinese exchange student this week
>talked for hours and she said yes to go on a date next weekend
>gonna be pounding asian pussy on a daily basis soon
6'1" blue eye brown hair white master race here. I wont regret impregnating her soon enough.
Taiwan HAHAHAH i hope they eat your subhuman kid there, I respect gooks that bully half caste faggots
>muh yellow fever
>muh mail order bride
>muh game genie of women
t. Chang micro Wang
I cant shit n the streets anymore, i am in Australia :( but how is your border jumping practice going
My japanese gf literally told me that niggers are disgusting and that she would refuse to "shake hands with one" All of the Japanese girls at the table nodded in agreement and added in stuff like "they're so dangerous and only commit crime" or my favorite "they look like that monkey that got shot"
Asians hate niggers more than any other race hates niggers.
Sup Forums is full of Pygmalions looking for a Galatea in all the wrong brothels. Stop looking for perfection, and stop looking for it in bars and clubs. There are plenty of decent women out there looking for a decent man with whom to have an honest family.
Nope. White girls need to lose weight and stop being hypergamic carousel riders first.
Keep mixing with the yellow midgets degenerate beta subhumans, leav white girls for white alpha males
Did all of them say that now mate?
The funniest thing is western men who are so cucked that they feel they need to weight train constantly to get a gf while the women just keep getting fatter and bitchier.
Fuck white women and fuck paying taxes in a western country.
based naziboy
Are you white?
yeh and I refuse to pay taxes to support niggers or give my beta bucks to some white slut
> things that didnt happen
try harder hideki your women are getting blacked. japan and ghana have good connection together and there a lot of half black japanese well integrated and even applauded
Yeah, you don't have to believe me if you don't want to. Go learn japanese and start talking about niggers to some nips and get ready to laugh. You have to understand that nips form their entire idea of niggers after the Nigerian scum in Amemura/Shinjuku where they try to con foreigners into going into their overpriced bars. The only niggers in Japan are 100% associated with crime and seedy bars/strip clubs.
elliot was better looking than his psycho father
They already have British Columbia. Vancouver is officially a Chinese colony and the spawning ground of the new hapa ethnostate.
i am sure Sand people would like the too
The main issue with white women is that they can't fucking cook anymore. That alone wouldn't be so much of a problem, but they're fucking PROUD of it too.
Even a hue sheboon would make a better wife than a fucking white female.
Don't even give me this crap about 'save muh white race' I will be wormfood in 80 years and so will you.
At least if my mutt kids have a tan/slaneyes they will have a chance at a decent life without being judged from crimes their ancestors never comitted
Japanese girls love good looking black men. I can guarantee you I've hung out with more Japanese girls than you.
AMBF is probably the most stable relationship out there. Basically made for each other.