What did this man do to deserved such a fate?
What did this man do to deserved such a fate?
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This man died with kitchen knives shoved up his ass.
He thought Americans would act like a non-jewish country, silly him
But why did he have to die that way?
He called Hillary a "fagit" on Twitter.
He tried trading his oil for gold. Hilldawg laid the smackdown on him for it.
Kissingers scapegoat.
He played with power.
Power won.
He went against the Jews.
He was going to ditch the petrodollar and trade oil for euros.
He tried to fuck with bankers. Thats a surefire way to end up dead
Dared to take the steps to make his country modern but also independently controlled.
Called out global powers for trying to influence / threaten him.
take note at 1:50 with him saying "it'll be your turn too" as they put camera on Erdagon laughing
Haha Assad isnt laughing now. Qaddafi was the wisest of them all.
Had over 5 trillion USD worth of gold and was about to start a Gold-backed currency.
Plus, the French wanted to maintain power in the region.
my main reason to absolutely despise clinton and mccain. They deserve a fate worse than his for what they did to him and his country
nucular weapons of mass dinars.....
just like george bush told us all long he tried to warn us
we didnt listen!!!
Gaddafi is a HUGE redpill
yes, seeing their treatment of this man and his country is damning.
but the blame falls on many, not just these two.
Attempted to sell a shit-ton of oil to create a new gold-backed currency. US and Saudis couldn't have that
"In the future it's going to be your turn too!"
>Cuts to Assad laughing.
fucking pottery..... Qaddafi was enlightened.
true, but they were nontheless to a large degree responsible for pushing the policies that ended up with the destruction of the libyan state
He insulted Hillary.
Our greatest ally, the shield of europe. Killed by france & usa super zion alliance
Gaddafi armed the IRA, committed countless terrorist attacks on US, Israeli, and British civilians, attacked other African nations, was a repressive asshole in general, and threatened to flood Europe with Muslim immigrants. F**k him.
Motherfucker blew up a plane over scotland in the 80s, if anything his death was too good.
Should've bought a dog.
Gold-backed currency. North Korea, Iran, Syria and, formerly, Libya didn't bow down to the (((international system of finance))) and their leaders have to pay the price for it.
>committed countless terrorist attacks
Um sweetie that was Syria
RIP greatest ally
He was obstructing the globalist agenda. Gaddafi was the last line of defense for Europe from the Muslim invasion. He needed to be eliminated for the cultural enrichment to begin.
Threatened the petrodollar
Arabs are a stupid race. They'll laugh at each other as they topple over like dominos, and even as the joke on them, they're convinced they're too invincible to fall.
Arabs are natural born dictators. They ruthlessly oppress and steal from their own people and then demand pity and sympathy when they’re about to be overthrown. No matter who the hell is put in charge, they’re Arabs and so the same cycle begins anew. This is why most all Arab states have very few friends in their own regions, because they’d sooner go to war with each other than band together. They find it easier to “make friends” with complete foreign powers than each other.
Arabs are truly a mongrel race. It’s no surprise they worship a mongrel religion. The Arab’s nature is that of a feral dog: eat, piss, shit, bark, hunt, and hound.
Syria has always been a dictatorship. It may have been civil before the war, but that only overshadowed Assad’s crimes against humanity. If Assad thinks he’s long for this world, he’s wrong. He will be overthrown by his own “loyal” guard; and what better time to gut the old rot than after a bloody and brutal civil war?
Once the war’s over, most people have either fled, are dead or completely worn out. There’s no better time for a high-ranking commander to topple his cowardly leader than after the war’s won. After all, it’s the army that fought who won, not Assad. Who do you think is going to maintain peace and stability once the dust settles? Assad? Fuck no. He’s going to be hiding away in his palace eating caviar while the soldiers try putting the pieces of their broken cities together.
The difference between Arabs and Jews is that the Jews don’t fuck themselves. Instead, they fuck everyone else. So, to that end, Jews have my respect. Jews, while borne of Arab stock, are the least Arab amongst the lot.
He told the truth.
that was a frame up
Why would Gaddafi want to blow up that plane?
He never admitted guilt, trial was a sham, witness later recanted, was all BS. At one point the US changed gears and said Iran did it. They will blame whoever is politically convenient at the time.
told the truth, stood up against the international jew and they send their American dog after him... same with Saddam (only Saddam went after both the Saoudi's and the jews)
Wait, I don't get it
You interpret Assad's laughter as mocking? Wasn't Assad on his side on this (and in general too)?
I thought that was a "Wow, this man telling it how IT IS!" kind of laughter
At the end of the video Assad thanks him for "his franks and clear words"
I thought it was an endorsement, not just politeness
when you fight the jews, you lose
He spoke the truth.