I've noticed a new distinction here on Sup Forums: European White and American White.
What is American White and how does it differ from European White?
>Post Examples
I've noticed a new distinction here on Sup Forums: European White and American White.
What is American White and how does it differ from European White?
>Post Examples
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That picture is probably older than you OP
The American male is generally fatter, uglier, unhealthier, weaker and dresses worse.
Americans are human filth. A mongrelized race, comprised of our genetic scraps. Why do you think so many """huwtye""" Amerimutts, are such low-IQ trash? A race of Jewish slaves, who are lower than the dirt beneath our shoes. I pity them.
>I-I'm 1/32 german you dumb yuropoors, W-white pride!
>White American
>be European
>go to US major city like NYC
>take stroll
>among the 1% blonde people that actually exist there, you can instantly spot which ones are Europeans (or specifically Scandinavians) and which are Americans undefined whites
almost eerily
>""""White"""" European
You're comparing a fucking pole, to a mostly Western/Northern European American white population. Here's the average Swedish Male, he looks much whiter than the average American White male.
>he looks much whiter than the average American white male
lol no
Average American white is a beauty of European genetics, that has somehow managed to surpass even its creators. Europoors cannot compete.
Sorry flag hider, but your cherry picks can't beat my total averages
This. American """""whites""""" are very different looking. It's hard to put my finger on it, but they just look "off". More mongrelized and swarthy. Maybe it's the sun, or their diet, or some factor, but I can ALWAYS tell Americans from Europeans. They have this artificial look about them.
>50% mongrels
>50% don't even have white genes
Sure friendo
I posted the average white American already, buddy. If you cannot admit that is white, then I can only assume you are some shitskin/Jew just here to sew discord.
North America - The USA and Mexico have the biggest people I have ever seen in my life. I believe their will end up tilting the planet into extinction.
Pol members have an obsession with but I don't see much being done to advance the white race. The more white focused you are the more your children will want to fuck anything BUT white people.
You see: you keep insulting everything and anything that does not fit your perception of who is white that when your kids do come into contact with a minority they will see you as a fucking psycho and end up hooking up with anything that is not white.
My family moved from Europe after the war. Italian and German colonies and cities tried to keep segregation at a maximum. Most if not all children of these immigrants were told to find a nice girl from their color spectrum. This made their offspring desire the forbidden fruit.
>Only 12% of Americans have light eyes OR light hair
Americans are subhuman filth.
The USA has become Wall-E world
At least we shower daily
Oh, and this isn't happening as bad yet.
Have this infographic,
you despicable cunt.
Street prayers exist in France (it's forbidden tho) but this picture is not from Paris.
Most Americans are mongrels and we have an overweight crisis.
>It is very difficult to have standards in America
>Anyone who is not chubby is immediately sought after
hear me out:
we need to start cloning white Americans and white europeans.
it's the only way to outbreed the muslims and africans
islam is designed to be a force multiplier. we need to do the same but not copy their methods (polygamy and rape) if only so we can say we are superior.
And Yet you've been our bitch since WWII. How does it feel knowing the waste you expelled from Europe has been pulling your strings for the last 70 years?
Thats cause most of them are a mixed breed of german/english/irish/scottish and negroid blood and 1/18th cherokee blood
can a burger explain how you still argue in these threads despite having a whiteness % lower than 90% of actual jungles?
You all smell and look like shit
Mate American whites don't have black blood. Mixed counts as black here.
Randy, is that you?
What is this? 2007 Sup Forums?
No there'd be cp everywhere.
American white is very mongrelised. "American" is also a baseless identity, as there is no longer any over-arching heritage or ethnic identity in America. The old blood of Anglo colonists has long-fallen from the majority, and most white Americans are never 80% anything: it's always 40% Irish, 40% Italian, 20% German. American identity is civic af. Most Americans take credit for the revolution, when their ancestors probably didn't even live in America during that time. You see spics and nigs celebrating the 4th of July too. American culture, aside from Southern culture, is complete cancer too. You have McDonalds, Starbucks, Walmart, Taco Bell, vulgar Hollywood films, mind-numbing television shows, cheap and uninspired music industry, bland and fatty food, obnoxious people, shit fashion. America is the most Philistine nation on Earth, and it's been that way since mass migration from Ireland, Italy, Mexico, etc, and the growth of Jewish capitalism.
no-one is your anything. your country on the other hand is the collective laughing stock of the world.
>dont you whites hate each other?
>Look at all the differences?
FUCK YOU OP. YOU WILL NOT DIVIDE US. YOUR DOWNFALL IS IMMINENT. AS GOD AS OUR WITNESS. Judas/Abraham will reap the day they allowed their spawn to live.
Möge Gott meine Brüder und ich in deinem Untergang begünstigen. Ich sehe zu meinen deutschen Vorfahren für die Kraft, so wie sie ihre Vorfahren, das Heilige Römische Reich, getan haben. Gott will es
I agree with what you said, very incisive look into this mongrel country. Trying to get out to a whiter european country.
Are you serious dude?
I know my land and people hav gone too shit, and i KNOW we have problems.
But before you start pointing the finger, Turn your gaze inward and look at your land/people. You are not better than us.
We are equally FUCKED. With many common enemys that seek our death. And the comments you just made shows me you're either one of them or starting to believe their lies.
If you are a true brother of God, then i pray for you, too stand with your brothers over the pond. and do not let them divide us. We are BLOOD. We are BROTHERS. We are WHITE.
Pic related. We are different. I may be a pinion gear and you may be a planetary gear. But together we make work/progress happen.
Ahhh i know your type... Take advantage of the riches and wealth of your home land but when the getting gets tough, you wish to go to another? Parasitic.
>our bitch since WWII
>our bitch
>we won WWII meme
America's efforts in WWII are the equivalent of getting a taxi at the beginning of a marathon, getting out near the end, running the last 100m and claiming to be the greatest runner in the world. No wonder you lost a war against gook farmers
America is a joke. You have no culture, terrible healthcare, shitty laws and lawmakers, an actual moron for a president and a deeply held belief in all the propaganda from the 50s (The 'the world is terrible with the US' ones).
>inb4 enjoy sucking muhammed's dick, cuck
We are all having problems with shitskins.
Americans are obese degenerates, they deserve a nuclear holocaust for the good of the world.
i can't wait to see america in the next war.
every single country knows how to deal with bodybags.
China lost tens of millions
Russia lost tens of millions
Germany lost millions
Americans can't even march properly in parades, they're all badly dressed and all.
Meanwhile in Russia and China, the "Sub-par"
America were also the only country to profit out of ww2, with a significant economic boost given from the war.
Again, i can't wait to see these fat fucks waddle onto the battlefield.
hahah funny coming from the counties that LITERALLY NEED our solders too not only train yours? but to occupie MOST OF Euros military's because you fucks know nothing of warfare, tactics, and border states. Without us? You all would be Russia federation or Poland. Poland and the Swiss appears to be the only people in europe that know ANYTHING of military might. the rest of you? very inept.
> you fucks know nothing of warfare, tactics, and border states.
This from a country which didn't even exist while european countries were forming empires and waging wars.
>Know nothing of warfare
except having taken over most of the world.
Throwing money at your military doesn't make it good. It is badly trained and badly organized. You have to think of your military as a great thing because when you realise it is pure shit, you wont want the budget to be so high.
>the rest of you? very inept
Are you Donald Trump? You have the same 'hurr, b-but america is the best, believe me' bullshit attitude.
Ha. You obviously know nothing. Mr.Goose Step over here, let me guess? you collect WW2 nazi memorabilia? WISHING TO GOD you could go into the military? But you were either too fuckin lazy, or too much of a bitch, too do so.
Keep shitposting about military strength and subjects you LITERALLY know nothing about.
Behold the fruits of the american education system, ladies and gentlemen
Oh look, it's this thread again.
You both dress horribly
ah no, i don't collect ww2 memorabilia, i had it passed down through my family. Unlike you baseborn cucks, heritage and heirlooms matter in europe. Though i shouldn't be hard on you due to the fact that as a resident of a baby country you don't really have any.
I do wish i could re-enter the military but when i see you fucks out there i'm glad i do my job and leave you pigs to do the dirty work. Have fun throwing your lives away, we patricians have done our part.
a russian propaganda.. The best the world has too offer.
my guess is that our ethnic ancestry distribution and early white interbreeding led to some euro mixes not even europe had ever seen due to geographical, socio-political, etc divisions in the motherland. add differing lifestyles in early america from europe (explorers, farmers, mountaineers, fur hunters, cowboy, frontiersman,etc) and their associated cultures, clothes, hygeine, legends and stories, the american white is a more roughed up quaint white culture.
For some reason, Americans (and probably Australians) seem to have a stronger sense of protecting themselves. America was able to elect Trump while only being 60% white, but European countries that are 90% white keep on electing cuck politicians who will make the problem worse. Europeans seem to enjoy the fact they are being demographically replaced; even when they complain about the immigration, they still can't vote for politicians who will actually do anything about it
it's not that we don't vote for good politicians. we simply can't.
Post ww2 every leader with a spine was dead, captured, or stalin, leaving the room clear for cuckiticians to stain europe forever. There are no good candidates left in europe aside from some old men from the glory days.
disclaimer: this observation was of early america not ((((post-reason america)))). now we suck.
this is a good video of how we took european influence for ourselves
>implying that there are any whites in america
America is all about Pedro and Tyrone OP.
Literally white niggers.
Your family served? and you served? MOS for both? and were you given your dd214?
I was a e3 91b, trained at riley. you?
this is pretty good example
I unironically prefer the one on the right. She's white.
But why not say, vote for Le Pen?
Says the German cuck. Don't get all uppity now. Wouldn't want to get dped by us and Russia again would you? Last time that happened you got split so hard you couldn't stand for 50 years.
You got out an E3? How does that even happen? Did you piss the old man off and get a 45/45?
It's ironic that east got most based politicans now.
He is in goverment.
>Has nazi flag
Ich habe interessiert, Sie fliegen Nationalsozialistische Flagge. Aber sprichst du deutsch? Remeber? Ich habe Auf detoilette gahen?
great-grandfather served ww1 italian alps, died month after from injuries.
grandfather regimental sergeant major of the british army, toured africa, landed at sicily, fought in battle of monte cassino
other grandfather was a starting conscript for italy in ww2
as for me i wasn't really much, discharged due to back injury from the british army.
Power never stay in the same for too long, the western civilization will shrink in power while the east will grow (that includes asians). Africa will stay shit though.
American women have to be that big to dead lift the oversized SUV of the child you accidentally ran over backing up.
i'm not really sure on that one, france is really in a bad spot at the moment, not sure what to say for them.
perhaps they were wary and le pen was too far of a jump in too short of a time
I'm sorry who controls the oceans again? That's right, we do.
Who has the biggest navy in the world? We do.
Who has the biggest airforce in the world?
We do (our navy.)
Who has the second biggest airforce in the world.
We do (our airforce)
Mate. We have a Navy so large that if half of it deffected and became pirates. The pirates would be the second largest military on earth be us.
If the entire world declared war on the USA. We would still win. This is our world. We just let you live here. Be greatful we decided taking over the world was more effort than it was worth.
after reading this thread, lets be honest here, America is the best, which is exactly why you're speaking American while posting on a website created by a 12 year old American.
Other countries btfo.
That's why you know what btfo means.
why is it so hard to admit that both europe and america have fuck-ugly and hot women?
and before some intellectual prodigy tells me that this is obvious, I ain't fucking talking to you.
America and Britain you mean.
Cool bro, you are the biggest superpower only since the end of WW2 and you are already descending. And only because Europeans destroyed themselves in costly wars.
My father was literally our Company Commander. I was on promotion to e4-e5 while going to africa last year. And he "did not want me to make the same mistake he did." So my father, and battalion commander saw to it i didn't go to africa again and promote. So i left. I'm done fighting against a wave bigger than any in my company had to climb. Battalion leaders son was in my company too. and even he said his father wasn't that much of a dick.
Sup Forums says that about everyone tho.
But from all the threads Sup Forumsacks say that about slavs most of the time. And I have to admit that.
But statistics prove that """white""" americans will be soon a minority. While slavs will be over 95% for very long time.
There is definitely a massive disparity between what American National Socialists look like compared to their superior European cousins.
I dont know much about my great grandfather other than he was a logistics ground oper. in north africa ww2. my grand father was Marine 0331 (oorah) and my father a an army 2900. and of course my self army - wheel spinner
did you serve brother?
>Bush Jr
>Paolo Gentiloni
>americans are subhuman filth
says the guy hiding his location, lots of pride there
Damn that's greasy.
56% huehuehue
I like how they're using Bush as an equivalent to Hitler kek.
Also should Europe be allowed to claim British culture?
>Also should Europe be allowed to claim British culture?
Any British figure/thing in that pic is replaceable with an European of equivalent worth.
Want to take away Newton? Put DaVinci and there you go.
for (You)
Point and laugh at us now, but all the while shitskins are invading the rest of Europe and changing the demogaphics accordingly. Really got your priorities straight, yes?