What law would you change Sup Forums?
What law would you change Sup Forums?
Death penalty for pedophilia.
nah that's too good for them chop their balls off would be a better solution
ban feminist haircuts
Is there a link?
Half of these aren't even laws.
ban feminist haircuts
Ban feminist haircuts noice
>/our girl/
>ban feminist haircuts
Abolish the welfare state.
local magazine can't find the actual link but here's the site >outlineonline.co.uk
Mandatory race mixing until no races left
Nuclear disarmament worked well for Ukraine.
one of these days im going to shoot up the local mall and purge some cucks
the priority that people get social housing. veterans > British born disables with no relatives > British born elderly > British born couples with kids > British born single parents > serving soldiers > single British born people with no were else to go > British born people with other places to go (such as with parents) > asylum seekers with less than 2 kids > British born disabled with relatives who cant look after them (to old etc.) > British born who cant afford housing > legal immigrants who cant afford housing with 3 or less kids with no intention of having children and accept that if they have another child they will be evicted > refugees if their is a surplus of housing and their entire family will return to their area of origin when the problem has been over for 4 years at WILL return or be forced out at gun point > illegal immigrants who will be led into a white room and beaten to death with a large stone.
>cap combined tax load at 10% (income, VAT, corporate etc)
>remove all social and medical insurance
>cut military budget by half
>state needs to create surplus, is also allowed to become entrepreneur and investor
>state debt is illegal
don't tread on me
>abolishing welfare
>in Finland
Do ho ho ho, 90% of this place are on some kind of handouts, competition or combination of both. People would never vote for yo ass, nigga. Besides, the whole society designed to be socialist-ish, you need a huge economical reform, to be able to pull that off without ruining the country. Besides, why would you want to, the welfare system works, we only need to get rid of people who abuse it, but that's racist
enjoy that party van
why do all these people look about ten years older than their stated age?
>Ban feminist haircuts
I'd have to strongly agree.
Ban Muslims.
Property owners are the only people who can vote
that's the PC version I'd just put a ban on Muslims coming into the UK, knock down the mosques and move the muzzies into ghettos. Break their will they'll be begging to move back to Pakistan.
Make the criteria for being able to vote 25 years of age, landowner, taxpayer and male.
legalize all drugs
Immediate end to the drug war. Simply put, it's cheaper to give someone drug rehab than it is to jail them, and our prisons are way too fucking full. Also, I want to deal a death blow to cartels. They cannot function with legal competition.
Nationalize the prison system. Private prisons create quotas for our state and local police to fill cells, which changes their priorities. Police need to be able to dedicate resources to big targets without having to spend so much time on minor offenders.
Stop siding with the Syrian rebels, start siding with Assad. This is for a practical purpose -- our only real goal is that ISIS is destroyed. There are three parties to this conflict, and the third party is supported by Russia. Rather than fighting a proxy war with Russia via the rebels and the Syrian government, just double the support behind Assad and coordinate strategy with Russia. 2 superpowers vs 2 non-superpowers = very quick victory.
But that's a bad idea.
Reenact White Australia Policy
Ban ALL guns this time.
Howard didn't go far enough in ridding up of cuck cannons.
>rape, murder, theft all legalized
>complete abolition of 2nd Amendment infringements
>police authorized to use deadly force at their discretion with 0 consequences
Let it begin
"PC version"
HA! my solution was to beat them to death with rocks.
Property* owner.
>What law would you change Sup Forums?
>coast guard is obligated to open fire and sink migrant boats
>refugees that sneak in through the alps or by chance are instantly stacked in a container and sent to to fucking Libya, regardless of nationality.
>get out of EU and drop the Euro
and that's about the first things I would do,
Fuck human rights.
Bring back the draft.
Make abortion illegal then try and promote fatherhood in the black communities.
I honestly think countries should issue an Exam to be able to vote.
You will have to know at least basic history, economics and politics to get your vote-card.
Norwich is so cucked it's not ready for the muslim onslaught. Norwich to be under sharia by 2020.
Forceful repatriation of migrants
If you don't promote veganism, you go to prison, it's really pretty simple.
I'm no bong, but I don't believe the rime minister can change laws. Which explains the stupid shit in op's pic.
And the people in power would be controlling the test, thus ensuring that only desirable people are allowed to vote. Great plan there, Hulio
It's fantastic how some of these are completely authoritarian, they don't realize.
I'd probably clamp down on media ownership laws even more here. The fact that Newscorp owns an overwhelming majority of our media here annoys me to no end.
I laughed at the "Ban Feminist Haircuts" one.
I'd implement anti-monopoly laws. Each company would be required to operate in one industry only (no more Coles insurance or grocers who are also suppliers) and each individual would only be allowed to interact with one company.
And then I'd also cap company market share. If your company exceeds a certain percentage of market share it's nationalised, broken up, and sold off. And you go to jail.
The fuck does
"Create a more mindful society" mean?
Don't wrongthink or off to the gulag with you?
Probably more indoctrination and institutionalised virtue signalling.
Fuggin oath
Jailing them is quite extreme. Although that should be reserved for specific situations like the 2008 economic crash. If shit like that happens here then you bet your ass I'd be the first to send the CEO's off to jail. However I do support the breaking up of Massive companies like Coles and Woolworths. Split the supermarkets, insurance and gas stations into three separate companies.
Change the country into a dictatorship end kill everthing i don't like.
Is that Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter!" Schneider?
That guy looks like an indian.
You know what mindful means for indians.
Follow the bible
>Gay Pride Day becomes Day of the Rope
More guns rights for everyone.
Legalize murder towards individuals who don't carry biblical names, I.e. all niggers shlomos and liberal kids.
seriously what's with these ages
capital punishment for pedophiles and circumcisioners, anyone who alters the biology violently of the unconsentable.
Remove socialism, add capitalism
The fuck is wrong with the girls in those pics, they all look 40.
change the welfare system to the point where it is unusable.
Reinstate national service.
>That image
>Not realizing that taxes provide you with the roads you drive on, the hospitals you visit, the schools you enroll in, etc
>Still thinking 'the government's out to get you'
destroy the central ba
Remove all nonwhites and Muslims
Un-ban uranium
Privatization of all of these would be many times cheaper, faster and more effective
if you just legalize other currencies as lawful tender then the dollar will naturally find equilibrium. you don't have to destroy anything, but you're right the federal reserve is the main strong arm of the zionist kikes.
ban niggers
Were these signs all written by one person? Handwriting looks the same (look at lower-case "f" and the descenders on "y" and "g").
>only land owners can vote
>only property owners can vote
>only people passing an exam can vote
Ive been wondering, is there a system where only people with money can vote? like you have to pay $1000 to cast a vote? Im not saying it would be good, I just dont think ive heard of such a system before.
fuck, i just saw the 't's and thought the same.
And the lower-case t's. They're definitely written by one guy.
remove birthing rights from niggers and non westerners that live in the western world.
capital punishment for the same people on crimes that include violence (even non leathal)
Not an argument, see
Also, NAP is universally preferable behavior - thus the incentives, real or imagined, don't justify unethical action.
>more help for the homeless
Don't you guys already have "council housing" all over the place? Why is homelessness such a big thing in England?
be realistic bud, in an ideal world that would be great. Not going to happen.
That's already a law apparently.
there is a shortage of homes in the UK largely due to immigration and very low mortage interest rates. There hasn't been a council home built in over 30 years.
Provided you privatize them as pieces and ensure they compete. That's not what term privatization in contemporary politics really means. Privatization is when you as a politician sell monopoly rights to a company you just happen to own. Let's say you don't sell part of the road system but the whole thing to your self and now you can toll people as much as you want with zero need to invest in quality of the service and since roads are needed for the society to function your basically keeping the nation as your personal hostage.
They did this to Finlands electrical transfer network. No we pay 200% increases in our electric bills due to rises in transfer costs. You can make electric companies who produce the electricity for consumption compete in bids to the point electricity is practically free but you'll still be paying your self sick for a shitty transfer network fees for a non-exitant service.
The people who privatized our national network for their own personal gains should be tried and shot as traitors.
there is an easy solution tho that without the need to build council homes
Regular military triumph parades done in the Roman style and remove weekends to be replaced by festival periods at certain times during the year.
>ban feminist haircuts
What? Is there a law regarding which haircuts are feminist and which are not?
same in italy for electricity, must have been an european law.
I wonder who is behind this.
I'd introduce law of thee strikes.
No matter who you are and what kind of shit you did, if its your second offence in your entire life, you get at least 5 years of prison, with no term reductions or delays. If its 3rd offence, no matter how small, you are executed no later than 10 days after being convicted.
is the cancer of marxism everywhere?
The most urgent one: Welfare is only paid to German citizens.
The rest can fuck off and go home. Which would get rid of at least 70% of all crimes immediately.
Well geez Carlos I have absolutely (((no idea))). Maybe we'll never know (((who))) is behind this. I mean its a complete (((mystery)))
We had minister of (((Swiss))) origins trying to push for similar privatization of roads. She also played a huge part in the privatization of transfer network I was talking about and her invest company has been interested in buying our railroad system if that is privatized. Also she's a devout hebrew and stout supporter of Israel. So I don't know (((who))) might be behind this.
how about no
I would want all white leftists executed.
>So I don't know (((who))) might be behind this.
Of course I meant Russian. I've been clearly hacked by Russian hackers. Clearly
>more subsidy to nuclear
>no subsidy to green "energy"
>less money on foreign aid
>looser gun laws, make ownership a right
>stop chinese from profitting off raising property values
>reverse carbon tax implementation
Not laws but fuck it