Asian women
>Boring and uncreative
>Can't joke
>Look like their Male counterparts
>Smell weird
Why would anyone prefer asian Women over fair and heavenly white women?
Asian women
>Boring and uncreative
>Can't joke
>Look like their Male counterparts
>Smell weird
Why would anyone prefer asian Women over fair and heavenly white women?
en mesni burek
Actually I would agree with you there, user. Plus asian women age terribly, and they are usually greedy skinflints that henpeck their husbands. This site suffers from a weird delusion about asians. They seem to think that they all look like Japanese bikini models.
>cant joke
That's not exclusive to asian women, retard.
Agree with all else.
the confederate flag should only be reserved for IPs that originate south of the Mason Dixon.
kys yankee scum
Guess it's Asian girl pic thread time again.
>behaves like a woman
>cute as fuck
>whorships white dick
>doesn't age as bad as white woman
>wants a family and not just suck endless black dick
white woman are shit and jamal and abdullah can drag them all into a rape dungeon for all I care.
Yellow Fever is best Fever.
they don't age that bad until their 50's but take 20 years in 5 after.
They worship money, user. Worse than white women, even.
>They seem to think that they all look like Japanese bikini models.
yea and many do because they're not like white chicks that are mostly fat cheeseburger slurping cunts nowadays.
meanwhile in asia when you go there as a white man you can literally pick which one you want.
not really, white woman are worse golddiggers than asians.
You've clearly never met an Asian then.
I did, many actually and I have a chink gf.
best decision of my life.
Nah, divorce rates are lower in Asian countries.
>Be 5/10 male
>Choose between 3/10 (anything above will not give me time of day) white women that acts like she's a 7/10, can't cook and all the rest of it
>Or 5/10 gook that is a bit annoying at times but has own hobbies and can cook. Is not completely brainwashed by modern sjws
If It's a choice between white women or nothing I'll choose nothing.
> shareblue is at it again
Have a 6/10 Asian gf. Definitely marriage material. Gonna contribute to the Eurasian master race.
because poor little Billy got teased by a white girl in 4th grade and he kept that grudge all the way to adulthood, now he projects it onto all white women so he can justify his attraction to ugly fishface gooks and chinks that he thinks are real life anime girls
addiction to japanese cartoons can do that to you
Was friends with two korean chicks and they had jokes for days. Funniest two people I have ever met, and I have never met a funny white woman.
Fucking weebs
>get Asian gf
>Girls I know start hitting on me
>Go out and get hit on twice for the first time when with Asian gf
>Don't want to leave because she feeds me gives me money and sucks my dick for breakfast a couple of times a week minimum
How can white women compete