Ask me anything
Greek here
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hows economic situation?
What's your opinion on Turks?
answer honestly, without trying to get approval of Sup Forumsacks
Why arent you working? Why is your country so corrupt? Why is no one paying taxes?
Have you paid denbts?
Fucking hot these days huh?
Why did Varofarkis forsake you?
>Why is no one paying taxes?
you are though
Shit, everything is shit here
Dislike them, especially those in Thrace
Find me a job and I will lol
Corruption is in every country, its just that some countries show it and some others dont
You cant pay taxes when you don't even have money to feed yoursel
No, it's impossible
Fucking hell it is really hot, this week it will be even worse
He was forced to quit because he was getting death threats from (((them))) + he wasnt corrupted
What can you buy with 5 dollar
Why did your ancestors ever allow the Ottoman empire to take your sovereignty?
would you agree to give up half of your salary(if you'll job one day) to provide your kids better future?
What was your national service like?
And where were you stationed?
Here? Nothing, we use Euros.
Who knows
If I could make a living with the other half then yes.
what can you buy with 5 euros then
how is mainland greece compared to crete? i have returned from vacation there and to me it felt like being 50 years in the past, most people had their own gardens supplying their own food, living in very old run down old houses
you mean turk rape babby
What is your opinion of Bulgaria(ns)
Where's my fucking money?
You mean military service?? If yes, I haven't served yet because i'm still a uni student (im 21)
Well 2 souvlakia and 2 bottles of water, or an 8GB USB drive or 5 ice creams or blah blah
Crete is the best place in Greece in my opinion, especially the villages. Mainland Greece is shittier than any island we have I would say, and i live in a relatively rich area in the capita
I mean Hellene/Greek
My sister is marrying a greek cypriot
What am I in for?
How many generations can you trace your family history?
Are there any Greeks who can trace their lineage to the ancient Greece?
Cypriots are Greek-speaking Roaches
Where are you from?
And when you go for your service are you gonna try for the Raider Forces?
Pay no attention to anything he says
Also Greek here, allow me to explain.
>why u no pay taxes
people simply cannot afford it. Over the past years, the more taxation has risen, the less people have paid. If an economic litterate government that was actually interested in making Greece better, they would have done it in a heartbeat.
>y u no work
oecd study recently showed Greeks work the 3rd most hours among all other countries. We do work. more than you desu.
>Y did varufakis forsake you
He is economic illiterate, read his books. Socialist to the core, his ideas have been refuted several times. He was a demagogue and got the idiots to believe in him.
Greek descendant here, why the fuck are their syrian refugees in our beautiful country.
What do Greeks think of Brits?
Greeks always seem to be very friendly to us I find, moreso than Krauts.
Many thieves from there, but cheap gas. I've never met a Bulgarian tho, so i dont know really
Ask the banks
Cypriots are a bit different from us, I'd say they're a better version of Greeks, but with a retarded dialect. Cypriot women prefer Greeks over Cypriots tho, that's' all I can tell you for sure.
I have photos from 1900s and 1920s, from my father's and mother'sgrandparents. And i dont know but probably.
I live up north in Athens, rich areas
I have already done my paperwork to go as a paratrooper or Special Land Forces or SLF in Cyprus
Because this place is a mess
You drink a lot, and like to party in Malia, Crete. Also you guys are good company, I still remember 2 years ago in Syros, i met 2 British families and we hanged out for 3-4 days every evening, it was so much fun
Hows the Orthodox life ?
Also greek here.
Western Turks are Islamized Greeks and Slavs, but they are still absolutely abhorrent.
Taxes are constantly raised to compensate for those not paying, which only causes more to cease paying. It doesn't help that the vast majority of tax money do not go towards improving infrastructure and welfare because of bureaucratic corruption, which demoralizes people who'd otherwise be willing to pay. My father, for instance, stopped paying once he realized that his money were going towards the pockets of corrupt bureaucrats instead of schools and hospitals.
Around 2 souvlakia
Crete is alot more traditional, being a tourist destination. Those houses are considered aesthetically superior because of their unique architecture, despite being old and run down. Housing in the capital is much better quality wise, but often less expensive. Your average Greek would gladly abandon his brand new apartment in Athens for a run down rock cottage in Crete.
Turks as a race do not exist. They are Islamized Slavs, Greeks, Armenians and Anatolians. The mongols who first invaded Anatolia were too few to leave their genetic impact behind, but they managed to islamize the population and change the cultural structure, being content with ruling as a minority from the higher echelons of this new construct.
Cypriots, especially those living in London, are absolutely atrocious. Greedy materialistic kikes of the worst possible tier.
have you paid your debts?
When will you retake Costantinple?
Is Greece full of niggers like Italy and France are? I was in Athens three years ago and there were very few.
>Cypriots, especially those living in London, are absolutely atrocious. Greedy materialistic kikes of the worst possible tier.
>especially those living in London
No Greek has been able to trace his lineage to ancient Greece since the Roman conquest.
I love Bulgaria and Bulgarians. I consider you to be my brothers despite our troubled history.
Greeks who know of their history have a good reason to hate you. Britain has been the single reason behind us losing both Cyprus and Smyrna. You urged Turks to invade Cyprus in order to avoid losing your colonial bases, and fooled our entire nation with vague promises of greater Greece in exchange for our support in WW1. Perfidious Albion has brought to our nation ruin and bloodshed throughout the last century.
How far does the American dollar go in Greece? Thinking about taking the family on vacation here in a few months.
>Also, mandatory denbts posting
Nowhere. Nobody is willing to accept dollars.
My wife and I are vacationing in Santorini later this year. Will we be safe?
What are the cities with the most muzz/most unsafe cities?
Not to mention that they are all without exception lustful adulterers. Your sister is in for a treat.
Santorini is entirely safe, probably more so than the mainland. No Mudshits have set foot in that particular island. Just avoid the easternmost islands, those by the coast of Turkey.
Why is Greece so shit when it used to be the cradle of Western civilisation?
400 years of being ROACHED to death probably had to do with it. Same goes for the rest of the Balkans. Byzantium was the cradle of global civilization, and Constantinople the largest city on the planet, but the Turks reduced it and all the knowledge it produced to ashes. The few scholars that managed to flee to Italy brought with them ideas that were crucial for the renaissance, if not foundational.
Awesome. Thanks, user
Allow me to rephrase, what is the purchasing power of the euro (after currency conversion from American Dollars) in Greece? Are goods and services just as expensive in your country as they are in other parts of Europe?
Sounds shit. Hope you can recover. Sad that we didn't help you have any sort of reconquista against the roaches.
It's not bad though, crime is pretty low, the whether is great, people are welcoming and good looking, etc.
For a tourist it's nice.
Central and Western athens are infested with illegals and gypsies. Try to avoid them at all costs.
Thessaloniki also has some shitty areas.
The rest are fine.
Less expensive, but not when it concerns tourism. Anything that caters to tourists is ridiculously expensive by virtue of that alone. As for services and goods that are not specifically meant for tourists, Greece is about as expensive as Portugal.
How many migrants are there? I can't find numbers. I heard there are more than in 2015 who came from North Africa? Is that true?
(Sorry for the trouble our government caused. I always liked the greeks. Very brave and friendly people but it makes me so sad to see them suffer from the debts.)
What's with all the half built houses? Seen them all over Corfu and Zakynthos and heard it's a tax thing
i went to athens last year and there were almost no blacks only a few selling cds but there is an awful lot of pakis
Hours worked != productivity
It's why the public sector meme is still so prevalent.
Just why?
athens agrinio and patra
i'm here just to say i like you
what will you vote in next election?
How ?
How's that tziki sauce treating you
It's not shit,but definitely not what it used to be.
Greece is an example of what happens when buy votes masqueraded as social policies.
Greece is an example of what happens when you allow the country to be run by career politicians.
Greece is an example of what happens when you allow rampant indoctrination in universities
(there's a literal communist party in the parliament)
Greece is an example of what happens when you shower your people with gibs and then take them all at once when your supply runs out--nobody gives a shit about the country and try to save what they have.
Greece is an example of what happens when people entrust their hopes to demagogues of a certain party,abandon them when they do not implement anything and then vote again for them when the opposition party fails.
Greece is an example of a country of people refusing to pay tax,hide their true income,ostensibly disobey laws and still blame the government for not doing enough.
are there any educated greeks left in greece? what percentage of your quality human resources have you lost?
The public sector does not have productivity issues, they have job firing-immunity. Who's gonna work when he cannot be fired? The public sector need to work with private sector terms.
As for productivity, the entreprneurs are absolute faggots. Do you know anyone leasing their means of production? Most of em do not. They bought it once upon a time and they keep it until it's inopperable. Germans on the other hand, are replacing their means of production every 5 to 7 years to keep up with the technology thus the productivity rate.
The problem in Greece is that decades of socialistic governments have given birth to incompetent businessmen who rely on gov't handouts and projects. The average Greek businessman has the business acumen of a grill cook.
show your flag and i'll tell ya
Traitorous, ambitious, self serving materialistic scum are abandoning the motherland in droves after having abused the university system funded by the sweat of working Greeks. 30% of highly qualified youth have already fled, and more are leaving by the year. They are but Individualistic millennials devoid of any higher ideals or consideration for the national future, a product of westernized EU education and leftist indoctrination. Greece is still livable, though harsh. Despite our miserable state, we are still in a much better position than Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and even Poland. Any excuses one may have to leave the country instead of fighting for a better future are grounded in ambition and wealth mongering. Yes, our situation is dire, and indeed, your average Greek wont be able to afford what he once could several years ago, but each and every Greek is still more than capable of feeding himself and his family without additional luxuries.
> he wasnt corrupted
Greater Greece when?
big drug problems also lot of gypsies and the port that migrants use to flee to italy
soon brother
Without neutron bombing the area first? Prefferably never desu senpai
neo ottoman empire when?
1)Is Albanian diaspora making a 5th column in your country?
2) What's the situation with Northern Epirus (Albânia) inhabitated by Greeks?
3)Is there is a possibility of ethnic armed conflict soon?
turks are false mudslimes,they are secularized abominations.
they should be genocided by the neo-abbasid caliphate.
fuck you gayreek
Every other Greek on this site except me should be banned and then shot irl.
chill commie
How's the Golden Dawn doing?
Constantinople is currently a part of Turkey, do Greeks think of that very often or not at all?
Fucking why man.
pic related
Stay strong bro :=)
How is Golden Dawn doing these days?
what do ut think about Egyptians?
Disintegrating after causing innumerable damage to national pride.
I'm going to greece this week. Anything i should know about? Any important recent news?
Why is greek food so good? I fucking love all of it
Together with pro-Assad Syrians one of the best people in the Arab world, a lot of them seem to understand and want to prosper
>Ask me anything
kόβεις αποδείξεις ?
people who are against assad and lives in Syria and see what happen by their eyes I cant call them Syrians they are just filthy ISIS
There are some neighborhoods that are populated by niglets / brownies etc. Most of these races are scattered around greece.
Cypriots are wannabe greeks, /w more money than us. Basically they got a retarded dialect (which makes me laugh every fkn time) and try to hit on girls by showing off their money. Fkn cucks if you ask me
It goes without saying that the building is stopped due to denbts...
New Democracy ffs, least retarded party.
user is based. Forgot to mention that we do have a nazi party in the parliament.
Με POS δηλωμένο βουλγαρια
there will be tons of garbage this week cause there is a strike. also be aware of taxi drivers they like to charge more.
ally state these days. i still dont know how egyptians became arabs. i also feel bad for coptic christians getting slaughtered
no, shit, quite unlikely
Malaka, stay strong against dirty turks and may your souvlaki taste as great as ever
Where do you work? How do you people sustain yourselves?
>Με POS δηλωμένο βουλγαρια
Egyptians arent arabs, we just got arabized for political reason but nor our genes or traditions or even our isnt 100% arabic, I am copt we get slaughtered in the way u think about, it is just ISIS try to divide Egyptians by targeting copts hoping to fire a civil war between muslims and copts
*traditions arabic or even our language isnt 100% arabic
can confirm.
Egyp will uncuck itself, no fear
You have literally no scum diaspora in Europe compared to the rest of the muslim world (Turks, other North Africans or Levantines have low class people in all fo the Western world)
Coptic resurgence when?