Why is everyone ignoring the white elephant in the room

The west and much of Europe has had below replacement birth rates for decades. This is ticking demographic time bomb which will severely undermine our nation's prosperity and social stability . Yet no one wants to talking about it or even attempt to fix the problem. This is very strange.

Obviously, advancements in pathology and higher living standards in the western world have ensured that families no longer need to produce a large offspring to combat high mortality rates from childhood disease and famine. We also don't live in an agrarian society anymore, where large families had been necessary to maximise farming produce for survival.

>t.Boomer in fear not receiving 50 years of gibsmedat and dying alone and forgotten

because we just don't live in the past anymore.
fact is women have jobs and go to school too.
living in urban areas is extremely expensive so you pretty much max out at 2 children unless you're pretty loaded.
females having jobs means that they just don't want children or at least delay it quite late and by then, it's unlikely that they'll have more than 2 children.

those are just the facts told in school textbooks. those are just some "reasons" I suppose to explain a dropping fertility rate across developed nations. people do talk about it, you just don't take the right courses I assume.

but now lets talk about the underlying truth briefly.
we are under a total bombardment of very subtle messages portrayed throughout the media, songs, culture, art and education that slowly hints towards something as stupid as materialism. it's not that they dont adress families, they just make it so materialistic fulfillment is more "desirable" and makes people forget about the need for a family.

it does get worse than that though. They do take it one step further and in tons of shows on TV, the internet and whatnot they just portray families as being total failures. dads are the worst traitors; often as being dishonest and irresponsible. kids are a nightmare to deal with etc and a lot of very subtle propaganda makes the youth really not interested in having kids.

>populations need to always be growing.
Oy vey, because who else would be funding your kike schemes eh?

well perhaps you could try reading the news, where there are 24/7 stories about how europe is running out of babies and all the white people need to be replaced ASAP with arabs and africans as a result

It would be one of the most amazing things in biological history if a species died off just because they didn't want to have sex with eachother. Not because of lack of food or anything, but they just died off because they didn't want to have sex. That would never happen, the population doesn't need to be growing all the time. Just non whites need to not be allowed in white countries.

being from Hong Kong which has among the lowest fertility rates in the world, I asked some of my classmates on this exact matter.

some of the responses I legitimately got was "I am not so gungho about marriage, I just want to work hard, make money and get to the top" and in that same extended conversation I found out that person is extremely depressed (I fucking wonder why) all she cared about was working for herself, which is a very harmful thing to do, especially to your soul.
"why don't you want a family" I asked
"I dont know it just doesn't seem appealing."
yeahh well ok. and trust me shes among so many girls that simply dont find marriage or having kids "appealing" because they're taught a lot in hong kong how expensive it is, how distrcting it is from your job and money and how troublesome it is.
other boys i've talked to simply "only money. I want to be rich and work really hard and get a good job" and again, they're probably depressed and just don't know what they want in their hearts.

I don't know exactly how its like in Europe but I assume its the same brainwashing that families are just a distraction with no purpose bullshit.

replacement rate is 2.1 children. most people have 2 (max) and thats just reasonable. if you want more kids then move to the suburbs unless you can afford it.

Why did the population boom in the industrial revolution then?
Population is declining in the face of widespread degeneracy, just as in Empires of old, and they certainly didn't have any medical wonders and were agrarian.

Economy can't handle more people. There are simply not enough jobs. Youth unemployment rates are through the roof and low-skill jobs are becoming occupied by automated solutions.
Having more children because someone else does is not a solution.

Because white people are dumb as fuck

Blacks, hispanics, and muslims are all outbreeding them and whites just sit back and watch TV and play vidya and do nothing as their genetic lineage goes to an abrupt end

Whites deserve to get wiped off the planet

>Blacks, hispanics, and muslims are all outbreeding
Nope, only Hispanics are and it is like .50 or some shit. Non-whites are making it a necessity to genocide because there are too many of them already.

If we literally increased the birth rate from like 1.8/1.9 per woman to 2.1 or 2.2 we would be fine and this immigration shit wouldn't be needed

You will not get gibsmedat when you are old. Accept you got fucked by a jewish pyramid scheme. We will not pay for it, rather kill you with our bare hands if your generation becomes to expansive

The answer is right there: industrialisation. New cultivation technology ensured that food could be mass-produced, sanitation improvements drastically lowered childhood mortality rates, vaccinations controlled mass-spread diseases like smallpox, typhoid, polio etc. , and better awareness public hygiene drastically slowed infection rates of cholera and typhus, factoring into a higher life expectancy.

Even speaking as a historian, it's not my specialist area. Try starting a /his/ thread to get more relevant information.

The population can not be growing indefinitely. Without shitskins Western countries would stabilize on certain sustainable population limit. With technological advancements coming this century (automatization, AI, etc), the changing demographics (more retired people) would not be problematic as we would need less people to do the same work. However the population explosion in shitskin countries is BTFO this ideal future as we need to care about billions of uncivilized fucks dying of hunger because their parents are obviously retarded to have 20 children.

Lol dumbfuck, you couldn't be more wrong

Whites are dying out while they eat their tendies and pretend they're on top of the world

Then how would we all be part nigger mongoloid arabs mutants?

okay .60 I was off by .10 way to sperg out.

You were literally wrong in every way moron

What do you mean? Western governments are already replacing us with shitskins.

>being off by 1/10 of spic statistic
>you being this niggered

People have plenty of sex, but no kids. It's called birth control and it's literally everywhere in the west

It's because everyone knows that the only way to fix the problems is to tell women
>Hey galls, I know you like this career shit that we pushed on you but sorry, you have to start pumping out some kids instead. This isn't working.
In a country like Sweden for example where they have successfully removed every value except that equality is the only important thing in this world it would be political suicide to suggest something like this.

Another reason for white sharia.

>Yet no one wants to talking about it or even attempt to fix the problem
But they do.

Sorry, wrong flag.

Doesn't sound so outrageous when you think about how Christianity was a middle eastern import.

Not only that but, it would also become something like:
You may be Muslim, you may be good Muslim.
But you're white Muslim you must stick to other white Muslims because we won't allow our children to mix with yours.
But we got your back if or when you get attacked. Because Islam and shit.

It also helps that they are actual Caucasians, and thus even with blending, due to the geographical location, and the fact that they're Caucasian, they'd become white as well by staying here, however there will be no innovation if the religion stays number 1 in decision making.

The way it is written, the way it uses obvious manipulative narratival figures and logical fallacies
into the trash it goes

>it uses obvious manipulative narratival figures and logical fallacies
Name them.

Not gone go through the whole shit for (you) or third parties or name them so you could look up how to make it less obvious, as I'm not helping you refine it.
But here you go
>Anonymous source
>A (((modest))) proposal, (((don't take it serious)))

>so (((think about it))), (((I)))'d (((certainly))) do (((if I were))) 18

The biggest problem with this is immigration to our countries. We can easily handle a shrinking population, but we can't handle sub-humans outnumbering us.