this video is better in my opinion
Also stop with all the LE BASED POLAND XD threads
ordnung muss sein xD
i think the police secretly likes them
Poland will be the saviour of Western civilization and christianity.
I'm from Holland, by i have pledged my alliegiance to the Visegrad Confederacy.
Check this out... 150.000 Polish people marching against immigration. Amazing stuff.
>slavniggers larping as white
What is that green flag symbol?
police usually protects gays from thugs
can we stop this meme
its penis, check this
that was just our independence day march m8
Dude, even Polish qt girls are based and nationalist as hell... check out this qt giving a speech:
Poland best land. Stay stronk!
it's a symbol of an arm holding a sword
i'm enjoying the meme, fuck you 2bh
I see. I thought it was a hand holding a kebab, symbolic of the battle of vienna
While germany falls, Poland rises.
dobre na mase akurat
>Hurrr Durr ONR are dum dum bald guys called Seba and dum dum chicks called Karyna
I'd rather have 10000 ONR shouting nationalistic stuff behind my window than 10 kebabs allahing akbaring
Komu zaparzyć herbatki?
what is everybody's problem with ONR?
they are fighting the good fight
>Wow a Putin's bitch chimes in.
Im going donate $$$ to ONR. Hopefully I can get a flag
cathocucks sponsored by Russia, which are hated by literally every other nationalistic group. Also fucking roleplayers.
Marching around is all well and good, but when push comes to shove, you guys will bitch out and history will repeat itself.
We shot down your god damn presidents plane, and what bitches.
yeah one girl represents all womans in the whole country :-DDDDD
same but that doesnt change their human trash status
This. Call me when it's Swedes, Danes or Norwegians the ones doing these marches.
>SS skull on polish flag
You can't make this shit up
if you think Catholicism is cucked, then wypierdalaj
>every other nationalistic group
literally who? ZWZ? MW? Harcerze?
I think your view on the matter is biased as fuck
>ONR are all human trash because I said so
I do not have image of anime girl with exclamation girl over her head but I would use one right now
They are larping faggots that are needlessly bringing attention to what currently isn't a problem. Poland don't have a shitskin problem, why waste energy on marches now, and not in say 20-30 years when it can become a decent country for immigrants?
>le false dilemma fallacy
id rather have neither. the people who actually contribute to the betterment of this country are in the parks playing with their children this time of the day, not having silly syncho marching larp sessions
Keep believing in your church of Satan, seba.
>I do not have image of anime girl with exclamation girl over her head but I would use one right now
t. onr
>WEW Lad Mexico...
Shut up pedro you are worse than niggers
You're one of those people that needs to taste shit to know that it taste like shit.
>Poland don't have a shitskin problem
I believe it is partly because of them, and their xenophobia
and now I am Seba, gg, fuck off retard
>the people who actually contribute to the betterment of this country are in the parks playing with their children this time of the day
this is bullshit, people who play with their kids are either parents or pedos, they only contribute to betterment of their families, which is not bad, but definitely not as good as show of racism
You don't need to be white to realize that slavs are a cheap, low quality version of actual superior Nordic, Germanic or Alpine white Europeans.
>They are larping faggots that are needlessly bringing attention to what currently isn't a problem. Poland don't have a shitskin problem, why waste energy on marches now,
That's what political groups do: marching (among others). They advertise themselves to the public and motivate members. They are not marching against immigrants specifically they are celebrating the anniversary of their group's foundation.
We don't have a nigger problem partly necause our government refuses any resettlement of thirldworlders from the neverending stream that comes to EU now.
So such marches make sense to show people are against quotas.
And your mindset is exactly the problem. That's how it went in the west:
- don't protest its just a few people, focus on GDP
- don't protest they are still not a big enough problem, wait 20-30 years for some reason, focus on GDP
- ok now it is a major problem
- too late to do something, millions of them already here before people started protesting.
>fighting to secure white race future
>parents barely contribute
no, its entirely because no shitskins actually want to live here. we dont have to forbid them from coming, they dont fucking want to come. and if they're forced to by merkel they'll escape at firt given opportunity like they did in slovakia. this is all hilarious posturing
>superior Nordic, Germanic or Alpine white Europeans.
superiority of germanics is definitely nonexistant, definitely in current geopolitical situation and reality, nordics are dragged down to africa level by sweden alone, and alpine? who the fuck you mean? mountain jews?
if you think fighting=breeding more than you are nigger tier, congratz, let;s just all fuck like rabbits and ignore all other issues
>no shitskins actually want to live here
because we have no gibs and we have angry racists who we are currently discussing
>The Needercucks
they are taking it too far.
they are like an over-aggressive Seba that is looking to beat up somebody when there is absolutely no reason for it.
SJW-Leftists are the opposite. Leftist won't fight when there is reason for it.
A sane person is able to balance these things out.
Of course, it's still funny. Poland is still a hundred times better off than the shitholes they're from.
But they want to be where the gibs are. Honestly, who can blame them, with cucks who give them more than the average working family makes for free.
>definitely in current geopolitical
Can't disagree with that, they made SODOMY their state religion.
>because we have no gibs and we have angry racists who we are currently discussing
except polish distaste muslims and anti-immigration views are not fringe opinions held by marginalized groups who need exposure to bring attention to said issues, these are the opinions of the vast majority of poles. whoopty fucking do, ONR doesnt like potential terrorists... nobody here does, you're preaching to a choir
>if you think fighting=breeding more than you are nigger tier, congratz, let;s just all fuck like rabbits and ignore all other issues
it literally is THE way to preserve a nation you utter imbecile, combatting mass immigration of non-assimilative element would be next on the list IF IT WAS A FUCKING ISSUE FOR US WHICH IT ISNT
>they are taking it too far.
this is discussable, are muslims in France taking it too far?
I think ONR is not far enough yet, no turkish kebabs are demolished on daily basis
that is true, Poland of Americas
you are utter imbecile here, if we abandon our ways to just fuck and breed we would fall to nigger tier in 1 generation
ONR is bringing this important issue to wide view with their marches, and shouting stuff that everybody knows, everybody thinks but no one dares to whisper, just like with agent Bolek
I am personally thankful for their contribution to safety of Poland, and I am slightly irritated that you dismiss their role just because hurr durr bald fucks
Having a nice homogeneous country is like having rights... use them, or lose them.
The enemy will never back down. They will continue untill all european peoples are destroyed and replaced.
You must be eternally vigilant.
>The enemy will never back down. They will continue untill all european peoples are destroyed and replaced.
no shit jose, we know that
the continuity of us as a nation, passing down the tradition and heritage to future generations, that is the single most important issue and at the same time the single greatest threat . out abysmal demographic growth and constant brain drain. these two have started to improve slightly as of late and in no way did nationalist groups contribute to that. they contributed nothing to safty of the country or its growth in any way.
>bunch of retards who don't even know their country's history besides far right propaganda
if stupidity and ignorance is based to you then ok
>Poland will be the saviour of Western civilization and christianity.
If Poland was the saviour of Europe - how on earth would she get raped so hard all the time? How is Poland supposed to defend Europe if she can't defend herself? Kek.
>they contributed nothing to safty of the country or its growth in any way.
that is only your biased view, because none of ONR Sebas definitely not get some Karyna preggo, and they are all unemployed
not only that, but their anger at PO helped PiS and Cookiez'15 get out those german scum out of power
Well obviously this is right, but consider this:
Polacks are especially aware of their history, probably moreso than every Western Euro country
So when in 20-30 years, when Poland becomes a nice place to live from development and lots of (((German))) influences, etc, and you have an #OpenBorders world and """climate refugees""", and the next generation looks back and sees how your generation didnt do shit even though you werent at risk of shitskin invasion, then theyre gonna go full Sweden/Germany
Just remember that the next generation will be weaker, more liberal, and more likely to accept niggers into Poland unless this culture that the ONR is displaying
And lets be honest, everybody in Poland agrees with the ONR even though they dont want to come out an support them publicly, but they agree with their message. Its like how almost all Muslims support terrorism and the destruction of the West but shy away from it publicly
And so, keep it that way. Let them LARP because your children will learn and understand
>that the next generation will be weaker, more liberal
this is actually wrong, maybe next generation after that will be more liberal, but next generation will be just as if not more nationalistic
you underestimate Polish trends of glorifying Żołnierze Niezłomni like Rotmistrz Pilecki
also, where I live (eastern side of Poland) german is synonymous with evil
I don't think I'm underestimating anything mate
Wait just a little longer till life gets more comfortable in Poland (not saying it's bad now, but wait 20-30 years, this change will come fast) like in Western Europe and you'll be amazed how quickly opinions shift
I mean, just in 2008, Obama was anti-gay, and anti-abortion. Now, his party is pro-immigration, pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-war, etc etc etc
Just compare our Democrats from 1990 to 2010 and just look at the difference
You should never assume you are impervious to this once living standard shoot through the roof. That's the start of your downfall
>epilepsy is based
Kuckstainis, take notes
>I mean, just in 2008, Obama
Obama was a nigger from the beginning, you cannot really compare situation
I understand your concern, but from where I sit I judge that Poland will be fine
It was simply an example, and not the main point of my reply. (Although the same could be said between the rhetoric of 1992 Hillary and 2017 Hillary)
>no turkish kebabs are demolished on daily basis
Nobody needs to go full Kristalnacht. All we need is to keep being assertive and denied the EU-cucks any authority to send us settlers.
Just be assertive, not aggressive.
>Nobody needs to go full Kristalnacht
this is where you are wrong
they are terrorists
we have to show them true terror, just like they kill random people on the streets, we ought to do the same in the name of our civilization
Nobody posted the based ONR welcoming Adam the rat Michnik video?
It is a hand holding Szczerbiec:
>Szczerbiec (Polish pronunciation: [ˈʂt͡ʂɛr.bʲɛt͡s]) is the coronation sword that was used in crowning ceremonies of most Polish monarchs from 1320 to 1764. It is currently on display in the treasure vault of the Royal Wawel Castle in Kraków as the only preserved piece of the medieval Polish Crown Jewels. The sword is characterized by a hilt decorated with magical formulas,[3]:118 Christian symbols and floral patterns, as well as a narrow slit in the blade which holds a small shield with the coat of arms of Poland. Its name, derived from the Polish word szczerba meaning a gap, notch or chip, is sometimes rendered into English as "the Notched Sword" or "the Jagged Sword", although its blade has straight and smooth edges.
>A legend links Szczerbiec with King Bolesław I the Brave who was said to have chipped the sword by hitting it against the Golden Gate, Kiev (now in Ukraine) during his intervention in the Kievan succession crisis in 1018.
>a German symbol on the Polish flag
Also - some of the most important ONR's activists died in Auschwitz: