Jews are not behind everything. Sure they might have some influence here and there but Europe is in this shit because of home traitors and marxists.
Macron = not a jew
Tony Blair = Not a jew
Swedish PM = Not a jew
Yet all these people got majority of votes from white population. I mean majority of French voted in Macron, you can't blame jews for that
Also Israel has population of only 15 million, do you really think that nation controls everything?
This stormfront joo meme has to die
Jews are not behind everything...
Other urls found in this thread:
they are cringy psychopaths that'll be embarrassed when they die
If they are not jew, they are jewish agents. Macron for example worked for Rotschild.
let me guess, you're (((white)))?
so you be telling me that crackers are comitting their own genocide?
HAHAHAHAHAHA white people are the only race where white pride is considered racist.
>Sure they might have some influence here and there
You say that like it's a good thing, kill yourself kike apologist.
And how much people like Macron matter? They are nobodies, just public figures. MSM and financial system are in hands of Jews, they can push whatever candidate they want or bribe them.
Politicians don't matter. If you still don't understand this, then there's really not much to talk about.
And the final redpill.
This, Ukrain gets it.
>this copy pasta thread again
Fuck off, schlomo. Of course there are white shills benefiting of being patsies
Jews aren't the ones in control. They are the ones controlling those that are in control.
lel retard he think polticians are the most powerful people in the world. fucking embarassing.
oh wait youre just baiting ULULUL so funy D::D Xc:D
When we say Jews, we don't mean literal kikes, we mean the kikes AND the ones who support Israel etc like Christian evangelicals. Easier to call them all Jews since they have the same Zionist agenda ultimately.
Cryptokikes. The kikes use puppets you fucking babby.
I, for one, welcome our financial and cultural overlords.
Jewish memes find their homes inside the minds of good goys all over the world.
Macron is a (((Rothschild))) puppet, so is Tony Blair
They are all zionist puppets. All in the same.
>Macron = not a jew
Works for a Jew. He's literal Rothschild banker, basically doing the Jew's bidding a useful idiot.
>Tony Blair = Not a jew
But he was used by Jews like Barbara Roche, Peter Mandelson, Ed Miliband, and Jack Straw
>Swedish PM = Not a jew
Still controlled by the Jew-run EU. And Sweden's entire media and system is run by Jews like the Bonnier family
The central banking system, EU and media into those countries are controlled by Jews and basically run those countries, which controls the people's mind. The people's mind have also been shaped by The New Left and the Frankfurt's School critical theory especially since the 60s, all designed by Jews
Either way it doesn't matter whether they're just useful idiots or doing the Jew's bidding, they're still enemies and helping that Jewish hegemony
>le stormfront meme
JIDF pls go.
Are they working for Jews? I don't know but i'm curious as if these people are puppets for a higher influence.
Pick one.
You know what amuses me about people who think the "Jewish conspiracy" thing is just a meme, is what do they think WW2 was all about? Why did ove 60 million people die? Just because HItler invaded Poland?
Why has this been a theme for the last millenia by even the most famous figures?
People who don't want to know the truth will live a meaningless existence and never understand what's happening in the world because they think anything outside the mainstream narrative is "conspiracy theories" or "psychopathy".
>Jews are not behind everything. Sure they might have some influenat nation controls everything?
This stormfront joo meme has to die
Sounds like a jew trying to throw attentions away from the real problem...
jewish conspiracy is ridiculous, I agree. But there are some people who have a great influence over the world and are jewish... but ultimately thinking that all jews are part of a conspiracy is stupid. There are people who have a great influence over the world and are not related to jews. as well as there are jews who are living in poverty
go back where you came from.
I can hear the jewish beyblades spinning on your desk faggot.
Here's one specifically addressing the role of Jews and non-Jews, featuring Sup Forums-favorite Dr. William Pierce.
I don't know for the others but Macron is an absolute jewish puppet
He even used to work for Rothschild.
All his campaing had been paid by banksters.
>this nigger NEET Leaf with absolutely no life outside of Sup Forums
Are you going to beat you personal record of 148 posts? Come on shill. You can do it. I know you got nothing else going on for you as usual.
It is true that jews are not behind everything, but you are downplaying their role a bit. They do hold a lot of power relative to their population and they often do have a fucked up agenda that they attempt to enact.
No I just use Sup Forums for its intended purpose: image sharing/dumping, and it doesn't take long to upload them, I don't do it all day though.
It's also satisfying to see kike shills who pollute the internet get BTFO without having to type out entire essays every time. Jews hate to work, so they don't have much to do other than spending their time looking at how the "goyim" think on the internet, like you, and trying to change it.
Marxism is a Jewish invention.
thanks lads, I appreciate your efforts.
14, and 88.
enjoy the rest of your day
Bless the aryan race and may we survive the Jewry upon our people
this triggers my autism