Despite some claims of backward jihadists that islam is "based", "redpilled" or "anti-degenerate", today, in major step forward towards progress and toleration, Pakistan officially recognized that there are more than two genders and started issuing passports with "X" gender.
Good, corrupt islam.
If we are going down, at least we'll take middle east with us.
So Islam has been infected by the same virus which was rotting away at the core of western society? Trippy
jej, pakistan becomes the pisslamic world's first cuck
Islam please
You were humanity's last hope
rip Pakibros
iran pays gay men to become females with surgery and all simply because they have to kill gay men. it's the same deal with pakistan probably too now
You ape, the "surgery" you're talking about is they get a knife and cut off your penis.
Iran is based and not some liberal shithile like (check flag)
Paki here, hijras (trannys) have been around literally since the early days of recorded Indian history, the old kings and caliphs used them to keep an eye on their harems, hence they've always been tolerated at a certain level of government. They don't really bother people and they show up at weddings and pray for your luck and shit.
I assume the X is for "not" what it appears to be? Like a not joke but on a legal document.
Get the fuck out of England, shitskin.
he is the new face of England, natsocbro
My skin is not shit coloured, 52% amerinigger
Another reason to hate Pakistan now.
shut up poo
you have this shit in your country too
You just said "paki here", that makes you a shitskin. Go back.
Ya but literally why, I thought Deuteronomy was actually present in the Qur'an which specifically bans garbing as the opposite sex.. Or is this only Christianity which specifies dressing like a man and plowing front hole?
Haha your ID is almost cuckshed. Hahahaha.
no, they've been the world leader for a long time in this, b/c in Islam you can't be a fag, but you can fuck a "woman" any time you want.
so there are lots of trannies all over arab shitholes.
Does Pakistan have any passable traps?
They are hereby renamed from Pakistan to Cuckistan
yep. this is the start of an islamic "reformation" started by Israel.
>X stands for not