Get ready for the summer of love goys
Get ready for the summer of love goys
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 police shoot 3 college hopefuls
>3 jurys did not sentence these police after seeing evidence
>CNN thinks it is despite the evidence, not because of the evidence, that the jurys let them go
I'm glad I live in a conservative city.
If niggers started burning shit down here, I guarantee cops AND citizens would start shooting them dead.
Why would anyone let a pack of wild niggers trash the city you paid for with your taxes???? Your home!?
almost like 25 hour shill coverage is what made them high profile
No coverage of all the niggers who killed White people or cops.
Dont confict: Blacks riot and loot
Convict: Police all call in sick for a day, anarchy, everyone riots and loots, USA is not a nation anymore.
RACIST drumpfsters see 3 criminals
I see 1 astronaut, 1 engineer, and 1 professor
really seems like this article is implying despite the trials, evidence, judge and jury's decision, the cops should still be guilty. What is eve the point of a judicial system if being proven innocent doesn't make you innocent?
>even when shooting is on video
Are they implying that evidence a shooting took place is evidence of an unlawful shooting?
Why do nogs always attack the police? Isn't that the real problem here?
I think there should be nigger containment zones, just like the ghettos in medieval Europe. I mean real ones with walls and guards that don't allow anybody to leave them.
>nigger containment zones
Its called africa.
>Get ready for the summer of love
Looking forward to it.
Hello Doug
>0 convictions.
I know you guys hate the cops, and I am no friend of most of the wrecks-of-humanity that wear the blue myself.
Let me start with an analogy.
>Go to McDonalds
>order a bic mac without onions.
>get big mac and go home
>big mac has onions, kid with allergy eats it and dies.
>take the cook to criminal court
>prosecute his ass
Why? because the cook fucked up. You have to PROVE that the cook purposely intended to kill your child.
The cops job is to enforce the law. Using pistols offensively is part of his job. Unless you can prove he purposely intended to kill the victim, then the cop simply fucked up on his job.
it doesnt absolve the cook or the cop in civil court though. But the cook or the cop isnt going to pay, its McDonalds corp or the municipality the cop works for.
Racist ass white people are INCAPABLE of making descisions. Give them an all black jury.
>Get ready for the summer of love goys
Are you implying there will be riots? are you implying that us "goyim" fell for the race baiting and fought each other instead of our true enemy, the Jews, which want to enslave all goyim from all races.
I want to escape the madness, I want to die, can't handle this shit.
>recording the shooting on video means they should be convicted, ignoring any reason why the cop might be shooting.
Sooner CNN crashes and burns; the better.
I see three corpses
Your analogy makes me sleepy. It is not at all parallel: when work at McDonald's you don't have to enforce to law among a group of lawless people.
All three of those men had guns.
Let me fix that for you sweetie:
>It's like if you work at McDonalds and have an onion allergy, and one of the customers has an onion in his hand. So you choose to take your onion and try to subdue the customer with your onion. And you succeed in doing so.
A police officer job is to enforce law and remain alive. If you have a gun, resist arrest or try to steal a cop's weapon you have a high chance of being killed.
It's the parents' responsibility to make sure their kid doesn't eat anything with onions. You seriously want to send a McDonalds chef to jail for life for messing up your order?
every summer now the darkie riots. it's all so tiresome
Lax m8, u live in stryla, wot u gotta be worried about??
Dyslexia: the posts
>I see 1 astronaut, 1 engineer, and 1 professor
Are they standing behind the three criminals pictured?
I'm always ready for more videos of nigger protesters getting hit by cars.
>retards: the posts
Fixed that for you, senpai.
jew know to start a race war
In our society of no personable responsibility...prolly
That's too much stink for one court room
Both of your analogies sucked. I have a better one
>Go to McDonalds with child
>Order myself 5 number 8s
>and one gallon pitcher of coke
>order my obese weezing 5 year old 9 Happy Meals with prozac sample/toy inside
>complimentary 9mm was in one of the happy meals
>kid finds it and shoots himself
Who's really responsible now Drumpfkins?
The kid
Where are the protests and riots? Is there even anything planned? Maybe black people are afraid of Trump?
All 3 shootings were legally justified. Media simply mislead the public about them.
fingers crossed....
Maybe they only riot when they're feeling uppity and powerful, with their KANG in the white house. Then whites showed their power level and they've backed off. This summer will tell.
>3 trials
>0 convictions
>~30 bullets well spent
what's the fucking problem?
Each jury proved no guilt. Niggers are just violent apes who deserved to be caged.
I thinks that the last guy - Philando Castille (what a funny name) didn't deserve to die, and policeman acted like a scary bitch.
Was the jury all white? No? Then fuck off, fair trial by peers ((CNN)).
Wrong again Drumpfy wumpfykins. Guns kill people, sentient guns
I love the opportunities we are going to have this century. There is even a possibility, if it is done right, that we can unify the white race in one Empire.
>other races btfo
Damn I wish I was american
Here in France all we have to defend ourselves against the shitskins are knives, and we can't even carry them
cfake news network is going all out
>No coverage of all the niggers who killed White people or cops.
Or when cops kill unarmed white people, for that matter. I don't recall there being national outrage and constant media coverage when these people were killed: Joshua Grubb, Deven Guilford, Dylan Noble, Gilbert Collar, Dillon Taylor, Daniel Harris, Christopher Roupe, Jeremy Mardis.
>Niggers off of school
>Increase in nigger tomfoolery
>Cops putting lead in nigger head
>BLM chimp outs
Last summer was a great time for Sup Forums. Can't wait for what the rest of this summer holds for us. It's gonna be /comfy/.
I think the following is something quite an important tidbit that you should all be aware of:
A common tactic of the Jew (and really any subversives for that matter) is their subtle choice of words. Let me explain. By wording in the way that they did "Proseutors have had LITTLE SUCCESS convicting officers" there is the implicit assumption that, by not convicting the officers, the actions carried out have been a failure (little success=much failure). Like I said, this is quite a common tactic among subversive to subconsciously plant ideas/emotions into the minds/hearts of the unaware. In this case it's to subconsciously make the reader side AGAINST the officers.
Be aware of their word choice going forward and you'll be amazed at what you find out about (((them))).
Black men are garbage the whole black race is a genetic mistake.
I would say let them go automatically if you could get 12 blacks to show up at one place on time. Hah!
Fucking kekked
this is the part that sticks out. "even when" should be replaced to "due to the fact that". it's unbelievable how much violence they seem to want to spark. yesterday i caught npr talking about how "right wing extremist" violence goes unpunished. basically encouraging someone to get even with whitey. it's just hard to process.
Dude that's not true at all. Someone posted French gun laws on /k/ and you can definitely get guns even if it's not as simple as going to a shop and passing a 20' background check.
Hunting license gets you a 12 gauge very easily, shooting license gets you handguns.
To enforce narrative and social policy
We 1984 soon
>Get ready for the summer of love goys
Lock'd n load'd
>That nigga deserved it. I still remember when that nigga scuffed my Jay's. Not guilty.
when are niggers going to learn: you can't convict a cop of shooting someone who was trying to kill him, or acting violently, or resisting arrest, or acting like they had the capacity to kill someone.
40 million to go.
This thread is summer garbage.
>I know you guys hate the cops
lol nigger, the only cops we hate are the British ones.
>CNN owner: we need more race riots to bring up our ratings guys. Lying about blumpf isn't boosting out ratings anymore
>onion allergy
its not worth living anyway
>even when the shooting is on video
*because the shooting is on video