Racist Democratic party

Is this true Sup Forums?

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That's absolutely true


You have to understand left wing racism, it's the patronising view that anyone lesser than you is a child who can't manage on their own so they need you to steal any genuineness from any accomplishments by simply handing it to them.

D...democrats are the reel raycis! Liberals btfo!:DDDD look we don't rasysm, we LOVE mixed babyes!!! Charamel is pretty BASED :-}}}}

This. White guilt is just the whiteman's burden rebranded.

it's just whitewashing revisionist history FAKE NEWS we all know the republicans are the bad ones and the democrats have literally never done anything wrong

As I posted on my favorite site (reddit) recently:

"Conservatives are so stupid and are objectively wrong about everything. Leftism is the only correct political position. It's not a matter of differing opinions, it's simply a matter of correct (left) vs. ignorant and incorrect (right)."

When will you conservatards wake up and realize how wrong your opinions are, and stop voting against your own interests? Lol......

It's true, but this type of argument never works, especially if you hate niggers.
If you are going to accuse Democrats of being racist and use the Republican platform as an anti-racism platform, you might as well kill yourself. At that point you have nothing to fight for, all you're doing is propping up the enemy.
Racism is good.

The only left-wing racism you should be worrying about is their anti-white jewry. These people want you extinct, I couldn't give less of a shit if liberals treat niggers in a patronizing way and keep them as pets. I am not a nigger, I don't care.

"Democrat" and "Republican" are just labels that don't ascribe any actual ideology outside of their contemporary stereotypes. It would be more valuable to examine the actual ideologies/values of members of these groups than to look at it in the primitive and basic way that these stupidassed memes do. Ron Paul ran in the Republican primaries twice, is it fair to describe Ron Paul as a "Republican"? "Democrats are the real racists" is nice memery for undereducated slobs on Twitter but if you're actually trying to discuss this on a serious level.

Republicans can only WISH to fuck up niggers like the democrats have done with their welfare state


Yes, we only hate niggers. They secretly hate all blacks with the same ferocity the hat they hate themselves.

>These people want you extinct, I couldn't give less of a shit if liberals treat niggers in a patronizing way and keep them as pets.
They vasly weaponize it though retard.

Ron Paul was pretty open about his libertarian leanings. Only a COMPLETE dumbass would consider him a Republican based on his policy beliefs

Democrats can be described as far left Marxists.
Republicans can be described as a rag tag team of different ideologies that all hate eachother.
Republicans are the libertarians, they're neo-cons, they're normal people who just don't want to be taxed, they're just some people who don't like seeing the ethnic demographics change etc.

Democrats are a very cohesive group. They're straight up Marxists. They hate white people, they want less freedom, they want more shitskins, they want more welfare etc.
Republicans are all over the place. The only thing that binds them is their hatred of the commie Democrats. If it was viable you would see a lot of Republicans switch to libertarianism, fascism and whatever ideologies the Marxists don't like.

Yes. Democrats always used identity politics. Pre 1960 they targeted niggers and non whites as everything wrong with America and tried to implement socialism. After 1969 they knew they lost the argument, so they opened the flood gates of Mexican immigration (see Kennedy immigration bill), and gave niggers gibs to get them.

Democracts believe people of color can't take care of themselves so they fight for them to have welfare.

They see them as too stupid to care for themselves. Does that sound like respect?

The sad thing is a lot of republicans aren't racist and they want nogs to be able to provide for themselves with pride. But niggers only see that they want to take away their free shit.

Democratic bosses like the Clintons hate niggers as much as you and I.
The difference is that they don't care about other white people that aren't them.

Parties are nothing but names.
The Democrats aren't fucking Democrats. The Republicans are not Republicans.
The United States is a Republic. The goal of the Democratic party isn't to make US into a Democracy, and the Republicans aren't sitting around all day fiddling their thumbs because they already live in a Republic.

Those labels only describe how voting works. Saying Ron Paul isn't a Republican doesn't even mean anything. He is part of the party. The only way it would make sense to not consider him a Republican is if he actively tried to change how voting works.

Strom Thurmond staged the longest filibuster in us politics in opposition to the civil rights act of 1964. He was a democrat at the time. Outraged at his party's support for niggers, he switched parties out of spite and held on to office until he died being the longest serving senator in history.
Remember, democrats are spiteful bigots who have no problem drawing out revenge for sixty fucking years if they have to.

All lies. Pic related and that claim is those russian hackers creating fake news.

democrats racist? lol. they have 90% of the african american vote ffs.

"I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 300 years"


Republicans are racist too, but just the boring regular "idiot who hates other people based on skin color" racism.

Democrats have figured out how to make slavery great again. Take minority communities driven to poverty do to civil-rights era violence, keep them loyal with promises of social programs, keep them poor by destroying the economy with said programs, then use them as a bludgeon any time someone questions your infinite wisdom.

Democrats are traders and bankers. (and most of the software IT)
Republicans are industrialists and manufacturers. (including real estate, agriculture, and hardware IT)
Military complex is basically a third party which has influence in both cliques in form of hawks/neocons.

That's the only hard difference. And their political opinions are based on what's best for their respective businesses.

Democratic Senator Robert Byrd was an actual klansman and was arrested for recruiting 150 people. He eventually reached the rank of exalted cyclops and was an admirer of segregationist democratic senator Ted bilbo. None of these bigots have ever been disavowed by the Democratic Party. Byrd was one of the longest serving senators and good friend of Hillary.

The hard difference is that Republicans are mostly high test white males. The only reason Republicans can even get in office is because high test white males vote Republican.
The Democrat party is the jew party. It's completely controlled by jews who also control the media and brainwash low test whites, women and shitskins into voting Democrat.

me likey

Not really white guilt, that's something else but the timing between that and this isn't a mistake. That's a conversation about the Catholic church, actually.


Left wing bigots patronise the low and vilify or resent the strong, whereas right wing bigots look down on the low and occasionally glorify the strong. I don't like either, but the weak/strong duality is all that's at play here. Both are zero sum, the left for making it increasingly impossible to pursue happiness especially when it became about race/gender instead of economic equality, the right for only helping the people that might not actually need extra help.

You can sit on either side but equality of opportunities is a fairly centrist position, it's just right of where contemporary Marxists, mostly feminists, want to be.

What can be done about Marxists? They're aggressors and as a millennial from my perspective nothing I could have done in my life could have warranted them to pollute marriage and destroy opportunities for me. They shot first.

Democrats don't give a shit about whites, non whites, or even the US. They were always about power and money. Their only true ideology is that of them having absolute power. They will pander to whichever side they can trick into being their useful idiot. They tricked Southerns to go to war for the benefit of the 1% (who were mostly Jews and other non whites). When they started losing whites in the 60s, they quickly switched races. They opened the immigration gates and drowned the US with Mexicans, and gave gibs to blacks. Democrats aren't racists, they hate all races and would kill them all if it meant them having more power. Whites are their targets now because it helps glue the other races to vote for them.

There is nothing fucking wrong with racism

That's voting base. Party leaders are all high intellect, high conscientious crooks.
It's just trading and banking are globalist and international by nature (and jewish, if you want)
While manufacturing depends on local materials, workforce and land, which by definition makes Reps. a bit more nationalist

Shhhh take your pills /bant.

>Democrats can be described as far left Marxists.
What are you smoking? Democrats are centre-left capitalists, they don't even support single payer. They do anything they can to distance themselves from Marxism or Socialism.


>racist democrat manlets
"Bilbo won election to the governorship again in 1927, and served from 1928 to 1932. During this term Bilbo caused controversy by attempting to move the University of Mississippi from Oxford to Jackson. In another controversy, he aided Democratic nominee Al Smith in the 1928 presidential election by spreading the story that Republican nominee Herbert Hoover had socialized with a black woman; Southern voters, considering whether to maintain their allegiance to the Democratic Party in light of Smith's Catholicism and support for the repeal of Prohibition largely remained with Smith after Bilbo's appeal to racism. In 1930, under Governor Bilbo, Mississippi introduced a sales tax – the first American state to do so.

In 1934 Bilbo won election to a seat in the United States Senate; he served from 1935 until his death. In the Senate, Bilbo maintained his support for segregation and white supremacy; he was also attracted to the ideas of the black separatist movement, considering it a potentially viable method of maintaining segregation. He died in a New Orleans hospital while undergoing treatment for cancer, and was buried at Juniper Grove Cemetery in Poplarville.

Bilbo was of short stature (5 ft 2 in or 1.57 m); he frequently wore bright, flashy clothing to draw attention to himself, and he was nicknamed "The Man" because he tended to refer to himself in the third person.[4]"

Who do you think its oppressing niggers when 70% of the black male population has at last one felony, is on welfare, never earned a honest days pay in their lives and have absolutely nothing in their lives to be proud of?

Its not the conservatives that would rather see them making cars rather than the plates that go on the cars. But that racist white man wants to chain them and make them earn 35 dollars an hour working 40 hours a week! Such racism!