Why is this country so xenophobic?
>Move from US to Norway
>Get job as a receptionist at a hotel
>No on wants to go drink with me
>People stare at me at the buss
>Only trash women wants to date me
>Meet other black guy, and he has a similar experience
What the fuck, is Sweden better?
Why is this country so xenophobic?
are you a nigger?
Bunch of snow niggers
That's what he said
I think some places of Africa are better
Stay away from our trash women, Tyrone.
>other black guy
Nigga, you should go to Africa instead.
Nah I do the same thing, I saw a nigger on the bus once and it looked like some ancient fossil creature had been brought back to life. Very strange, he was 100% African and not the American kind with White admixture. We really need to send these things back to the Zoo that is Africa.
Based Norway.
Sweden is better. Also everything is about the language, if you speak good swedish or norwegian youre gonna be liked. All girls i know would hook up with a black man if they knew finnish, its similar in scandinavia
T. Finnish girl
Fuck off back to where you came from nigger-scum. You will never get any friends here, you will never be happy here, you will just live a dark and lonely life. Leave us alone. Stop pushing yourself into places you are not wanted in.
Bait. If not kill yourself, you are wasting a good soul.
Nice bait. This thread is probably being to get 100+ replies.
What city/town?
If youre in samiland or the north im not suprised.
Haha nah, all the race mixers in Swede are Finnish in origin. I think it's because they're mixed and don't feel as much pride in their heritage. Or simply because they're often ignored by Swedish guys.
best place to go would be a mid to semi-big sized towns, stay away from the bigger cities and small rinky dink towns
>T. cuck
The most racist women I have met was a finnish girl from Helsinki which I dated for a while. She was shocked when she realized her apartment was in a part of Oslo called Gronland that is heavily foreign, her dad had to stay with her until they got a new apartment in the white part of Oslo the next week.
3/10 an effort was made but you're still pathetic
Youre probably some basementdweller not in the circles with women
Answer me boy.
Also you gotta be fat albert tier if you dont get pussy in norway on accent alone.
Youve met one finnish girl you autist
Finnish women look like little Asians, you might fuck them but it's not someone you'd want to have kids with.
Again, a butthurt autist. I actually have chinese origins so you dissing whites dont do shit lol
I won't reply to the fucking racists, but I currently live in Fredrikstad. Is Oslo the only town that is more friendly towards blacks?
I'm not dissing anyone, just telling it like it is.
Well you are not looking like the natives, are you surprised? It has always been like this in scandinavia (with exceptions). And it would be the same if some of us went to africa for example.
Oslo is the main hippie town, so yeah. Fuck them
>I won't reply to the fucking racists
reddit is down the hall to the left.
The problem is that youre missing real contact with women
go to sweden user, women will line up in queues to get culturally enriched by your BBC
protip: tell them your name is Mohammed Dembele and you're from Africa, for extra pussay
I know a Chinese girl and she sleeps around with basically anyone who comes in contact with her. Very typical of Asian girls.
>from another culture
i mean... what did you expect?
Niggers don't belong in Europe.
Go home!
You're black, GTFO of Europe. These people are not obligated to like you and they're right to reject your presence in their country. You're so arrogant and entitled, of course you're a black American. I hate you for imposing your blackness on white civilization. Bringing Africans to America was one of the biggest mistakes in our history, they should've killed you all or sent you back when they had the chance.
I agree with this statement
Well im a racist, just not a race hater, square yourself off on that distinction.
Is fredrikstad what the southerners call plankebyen? Because thats hicksville, they use the confederate flag for car meetups, Oslo is your best bet, stay away from the north we are way worse.
Everybody assumes youre a muslim if you are black in norway, if you where an adopted black that spoke perfect dialect and hated niggers you would pass as one of us, Jackie Arklov tier niggers.
I went to Oslo for work. Talked in French to some blacks from the Congo. They feel like total shit in Norway. Norwegian are quite xenophobic even toward whites, I can't even imagine what it is to non whites.
loooooool sounds about right. fuck off our country nigga
niggers raus
>im a racist
Keep using those trotskyisms like a good goy.
>I actually have chinese origins
the chink meme
Oslo genuinely needs a good bombing.
move to france nigger
There are lots of actual Asians in Finland you know. Not just Finns themselves.
Niggers complaining about white people and continue to move to white countries. Go back to Africa.
T. race traitor
Good, blacks should always feel bad when in the presence or white people.
Oh fuck off i call myself a racist because its not a bad thing to be.
Splitting hairs from race realist.
Try hanging with some students, they're mostly not that narrow minded.
>meet other black guy
Kek, found the problem
OP, I'm just gonna be real with you.
If you're black most norwegians are borderline afraid of your ass. You're probably best off going back to america.
Leave their country, nigger
Come back home and get dindu'd by your local police force
Norwegians are arrogant and racist even toward other Europeans and they have every right to be that way. They're the most successful country on Earth for a reason. You're so ignorant you think your feelings are more important than this, you have zero respect for your hosts otherwise you'd never have gone there in the first place. I'm not even white enough for them because I'm part French but I still have enough sense to admire their achievements without trying to get a piece of their pie. Typical black American, you think the world owes you something. This is why I hate you. It's not the color of your skin, which would be bad enough, it's the content of your character.
You should get a job in Africa, then when you see how Africans treat American niggers, Norway won't seem so bad.
Most of us dont like niggers, fuck off.
>being 'real' with a troll
Yeah seriously, go work in Africa to get a sense of why whites don't like blacks and why whites are better than blacks.
why are you so funny
That, but also I have a friend who lived in Nigeria for a year, and he said the niggers there had no respect for American niggers. They said the Americans were descendants of the niggers their ancestors enslaved and sold, which is true.
>They said the Americans were descendants of the niggers their ancestors enslaved and sold
>have empire as large as Khans
>history of brutal invasion/conquer
>ffw 500yrs pacifist pussies abstaining from war
Snow niggers, the worst of their kind
It's because you're a nigger
Ooga booga go back to Africa
I would almost feel bad for the American blacks but whatever sympathy I might've had has been totally destroyed by actually getting to know them firsthand and by realizing what their collective influence has done to America. The only thing comparable to the destruction of black integration was the 1965 immigration act. Not even the sexual revolution has been as bad for our country as black integration, not even defeating the wrong enemy in WWII is as regrettable as the mistake of allowing blacks to have equal rights in America.
Perhaps you should try some African country?
people are fucking over blacks and muslims.
This. They're pussies now. Just because they aren't too friendly to blacks doesn't mean they're based.
> Claims to be a woman
>Immediately goes to the 'can't get laid' ad homs
Well you've at least made your initial claim more believable.
they are not that much racist, they just hate people
You're biologically not supposed to feel sympathy or attraction to people who are genetically too different from you, simple as that.
You moved to a country where it is freezing cold 9 months out of the year and the cultural norm is to stand 5 feet away from the next person at all times to allow them the property of their personal space. 37% of this country is woods and the remaining percentage is sadness.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Of course, these people hate everything and everyone. It has nothing to do with you as an individual.
Black Americans get affirmative action, EBT, housing, schooling, and healthcare. They're the 15th most wealthy nation on the planet because white Americans pay taxes to subsidize their existence at the expense of our own children's future. You get everything handed to you if only you put in the most minimal effort to take advantage of white guilt and yet you still demand more and more and more. It's never enough for you, you can't manage to do anything with what you're given, you don't build anything of significance with your inheritance, and now you're complaining because Norway isn't living up to your expectations of special treatment. You think you actually deserve what America gives you, you think you actually have the right to expect it from other white countries too. This is toxic blackness in action.
>is Sweden better?
most people don't actually hate black people we just hate talking to people in general
actual swedish women hate niggers lmao
Omfg he's got the bug-eyes and even ordered purple drank.
People would be less xenophobic if they knew you were a guest and not trying to establish yourself and a million of your friends as one of them.
It's like if you invite your friend over and you are all cool with him, being hospitable, and then he starts bringing his friends over, and have been "living" there for a few months now. You are going to start looking at the knew guests your friend is bringing over the same way the people in Netherlands are looking at you. So ask yourself what would your friend's guests have to do to not make you look at them like that?
Don't listen to her, she's going to get you drunk on Finnish vodka then stab you to death.
Wtf I love Norway now?
I always loved Norway.
Why the fuck would you not hate blacks? Have you met one? They belong in the zoo
We don't hate zoo animals.
There's a negro called Julius, he's probably the most famous negroid in norway
Top Kek! That's a chimp, ain't it?
chimp, jigaboo, negroid creature, whatever you want to call them
It's not because they don't want to have a drink with you. They want nothing more than that. They are just too awkward and beta because of the climate and their awkward culture. There is a saying in Norway that Americans are peaches: soft on the outside but hard on the inside (outspoken, but don't let people close into them) while Norwegians are like lemons: hard on the outside but soft on the inside (once you get to know them, they let loose)
It's not you, it's them
>t. Diaspora in Norway for 20 years
im pretty confident everyone who enters Sweden will eventually be morphed into a degenerate
hah fucking coon
I hope everyone boycotts and you off youself
You need to go back to your homeland OP
This is falseflag made by immigrant faggot.
>believes in memes
Fucking dumb degenerate swedish faggot. Finland has more blue-eyed people than in Sweden. Also your country is full of immigrants, would avoid that country/10.
NO NO it obviously MUST be because he's BLACK and I hope for Norway's sake that's at least partial true
Fuck off to africa tham you dumb fucking shitskin
>be me, live in small town
>at work, woodshop type of work
>random skinny black guy appears,"halp i lost my key to my bikelock"
>co workers believe he stole it
>coworkers say they cant help, sry. go to lensman for help (cops in norway)
>police station is a bout 1.5 km away
I love my country.
is that a beta tale, its quite beta indeed
Thats because people from Congo has no business being here. They usually just sell drugs anyways.