Pic related is a good start
How do we fix Western men?
Other urls found in this thread:
i agree with pic related
needs more niggers tho
Stop watching porn, put down the video games, and kiss Marzia right now.
I am alright with the odd joint here and there, but not as a tool of escapism from reality.
Hopped aboard the no porn train, no feminism, and definitely anti-communism train some time ago.
Completely indifferent to waifus, and I like some vidyas.
Did my history dissertation on Darwinism in Canada, and I think the theory of evolution makes a lot of sense. Incomplete, but definitely is the most coherent explanation I believe. Why is Sup Forums so against it, or, is Sup Forums on the collective page against it?
As far as I am concerned, it is post-modernism and French """""intellectuals""""" who are the enemy.
>No alcohol
I live this meme.
Weed is degenerate
>Marijuana is a neurotoxin
>Casual use alters the nucleus accumbans, associated with reward and pleasure
>The brains of chronic users produce less dopamine
>Marijuana lowers IQ
>cannabis-impaired approximately doubles car crash risk and that around one in 10 regular cannabis users develop dependence. Regular cannabis use in adolescence approximately doubles the risks of early school-leaving and of cognitive impairment and psychoses in adulthood. Regular cannabis use in adolescence is also associated strongly with the use of other illicit drugs. These associations persist after controlling for plausible confounding variables in longitudinal studies.
>Marijuana induces schizophrenia-like brain changes, which may result in psychosis
>Marijuana can cause pulmonary disease
What is wrong with Darwinism?
You forgot to archive it
>forbes com/sites/travisbradberry/2015/02/10/new-study-shows-smoking-pot-permanently-lowers-iq
>no anime
Look at the homepage. This is where you are, redditor.
Go back to your containment board manchild
I like weed, i like games i like porn.
This is an anime website
you cant maintain a society without breads and circuses for the masses.
the best way to fix the "west" would be to restore the family unit and to remove the postmodernist marxist brainwashing in the education system.
do you know where you are?
Nobody cares go away creep
>no Darwinism, no porn
kys, autist
>a redditor telling an anime poster to leave an anime website
>normalfag telling people to go to plebbit
classic, but no you still have to go back to plebbitscum
Stop being so autistic go back to your containment board and roleplay with the other neckbeards
Back to r/politics, champ.
>hurrhurrr ur a creep
says the basement dwelling retard talking about "fixing society"
This pole is right
Sup Forums is an anime imageboard site.
fuck off
no this is a Chinese basket weaving forum
no pol, you are the containment board
Reddit the post
Stop derailing autistic weebcucks this is a serious thread nobody cares about your shitty pedo chinese cartoons
Bitch please, video games are a net positive for society because look the fallout of gamer gate. Weed as well because it does change the way you think and doesn't make you a mindless zombie like alcohol, there is a reason the government has such a disproportionate hardon for keeping it illegal and how it's treated compared to other much worse drugs (they give away opiates and benzos like candy and these drugs ruin your life). Anime, I'm not really a fan but it's one of the few sources of mass media not controlled by the Jewish media industry so I give it a pass.
Basically you're wrong and should feel bad
kill yourself
This is an anime website with anime themed subsections
If you dislike anime there are plenty of other websites without anime that you can feel safe in like reddit or facebook
Are you the not art faggot?
Or stormfront.
>video games are a net positive
Video games are escapism for losers who can't fit in society
No but I admire his work
Swallow the pill faggot.
if you love society so much go outside and live in it
i have no problem with cannabis desu, as long as you use it only a few times a year solely for the entheogenic compounds that expand your momentary gratitude and consciousness. if you use it to get high and play video games because you hate your life every day for years, then your pretty shit.
First of all kys.
>Stop liking what I don't like!
>feminism is a cancer, agree
>console gaming is low tier, why would you be playing on a console when pc's and pc games exists? agree
>theory of evolution is best explanation for how life emerged from organic molecules. if you can't fit that in your religious worldview, then you are simply turkroach tier
>communism has been tried time and again and has always ended in tragedy, it's shit. agree
>porn is sort of tricky. is taking pictures of your own wife porn? fucking her in front of a mirror? it's mostly shit though, so agree
>weed is fine in moderation, don't blame your weak willpower or bad experiences/girly panic attacks on the plant
>anime is just a style of cartoons. the subculture of manchildren around it is cancer though. agree
>Alchol isnt
nuke em
What about daily momentary gratitude and consciousness expansion, while still living a meaningful and productive life? How exactly is that degenerate?
Tradfag detected
>posting on Sup Forums
>hates anime
yet here you are shit-posting on Sup Forums get a life
Video Games are as normie as a hobbie as watching movies and reading books nowdays. It's not the 90's grandpa.
Wow so fucking based dude, amazing arguments!
My Fucking Sides
Pretty spot on.
I agree on all of it!
"If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen" is a good moto to apply to weed. I used it for anxiety when I was younger. But I soon learnt that having a drink and focusing on breathing works better. Also, it made me lazy, and as soon as I realized that I stopped using.
Stop trying to ban everything and go do some pushups.
Thank you, eternal snowman.
>No evolution
Wait do you actually believe in a fundamentalist interpretation of crearionism? How does someone stupid enough to believe that even learn to use a computer?
rid of commies, women, hentai and drugs imo, I like my porn and evolution thanks
>calls other people stupid
user, I know all that spaghetti was just bursting out of your pockets as you were typing but you really should have been more careful.
Not an argument.
also video games
B-but muh zelda?
You know real weed has never been tried, right
We need to cleanse the eternal water jew
the ocean
Stop not being fat.
hot traps with guns
>plaid skirt
I think you're gay.
I agree, expect anime. Anime is based
I agree with Darwinism but holy shit please kill yourself you filthy porn addict.
anime website
>no science
Fuck off you illiterate falseflag shill
Games and weeb shit are nowhere near the level of anything else on here, it's especially not as bad as weed and feminism for fuck's sake.
Are you lost?
>it's this fucking stupid debate again
>no fun allowed
you people are the worst
>stop posting anime on a anime website!
>i came here during trump's elections!
>im very redpilled
back to blebbit where you belong
>What id moderation?
Feable minds like op make me cringe
ok ill stop liking things just so Sup Forums thinks im a crusader larper, then i can post pics of crusaders while thinking im a bad ass holy knight cus i havent smoked weed or play video games for a week
>Video games are escapism for losers who can't fit in society
I find this funny when people say shit like this, chances are this guy was a loser once and couldn't control his gaming habit, so now he thinks everyone is like him, sad.
I agree but I have my doubts whether weed is a problem or not
>no video games
>no anime
>no weed
>no porn
>doesn't (lmao) believe in evolution
Yeah, I'm good, my man.
You are actually retarded
Reminder pic related
Spread it to every thread
are traps with guns allowed?
3 out of 7 is good enough for now
Traps are abominations
no u
So does Darwin mean Evolution or just Athiesm in general?
Because if you're espousing christian dogma (or even Pagan) why would you be against weed? God created the bounty of the world for us, including shit like weed and shrooms. And like 90% of pagan rituals were huffing some shit, getting drunk and dancing around.
weed is normie drug. this should be an exception
what's wrong with PS4?
>nazi flag
>posting traps
how the mighty have fallen
>hating on the very knowledge that proves genetic biodiversity and promotes strengthening your species through success ie reproduction
weed is mainly used like a psychoactive drug, no way
also I'll permit for medical uses
I'm a trap too
Nioh is pretty fun desu
You should stop posting under that flag.
You are an embarrassment to your ideology.
>doesn't know that anime is the final redpill and the perfect vector by which to propagate ideas of community, loyalty, truth, honor, and bravery
So? God made us a neat psychoactive drug that's all but harmless and has a multitude of other uses.
I don't particularly care, but the logic of being pro-christian but anti-weed seems hypocritical to me given the whole 'man has dominion over everything, and i made everything for you' shit from the bible.
Not that waifu. Anything but the waifu. SAGING ANGRILY NOW
i think you just need a stay at a 5 star gulag to help set you straight
This would be a lot better.
>I'm a trap too