european army when?
European army when?
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Watch this and tell me if a fucking army can even come from europe.
It's a fucking disaster, I cannot understand how aryans have been indoctrinated this fucking badly to blindly let in the people that want to kill them, and to add to that, to promote them, breed with them, and support them...
Fuck Europe, if you're a conservative and at least 75% aryan (white) please come to Australia, a nation built entirely by whites, literally for whites.
Unless you're German, in which case you'll likely be beaten, interred and maybe killed.
5 too 10 years, but even then. If they don't manage to fix the cluster fuck they call command center, it will be a shit show.
Definitely, how the fuck did Germans and Swedes allow their nations to become this fucked?
Even the common right winger is just a less left wing left winger in their countries...
At least they have the Nordic Front / Nordic Resistance Movement
>please come to Australia
nah m8 no more cuck whites. The alpha frontier men left Europe a long time ago.
Fuck off we are full
Never you mongrel.
Go suck junkers dick you faggot.
Never, shove it up your arse.
Look at Hungary, muh europeans
Fuck off you german shit, we will never be a part of your 4th reich, you piece of shit. Fuck off with all your EU bullshit!!
having 27 armys is just a waste of moeny, would rather spend it on research or expanding border patrols in the mediterranean (funding FRONTEX)
never, fuck you Soros, fuck you Merkel, fuck you Shulz and fuck you, Macron, you stupid kid raised to be puppet
ISIS already exists you dumb piece of shit
>Funding Frontex
KEK, kys. If Brussels doesn't manage to clean house from lefties and 70's niggers they will lose support in 5 years and the EU will end. God job Boomers
Never. Europeans lost their sovereignty in 1945.
Soon. It's been decided. Heil Europa, no nations on this continent beside her.
HAHA never you fucking nazi, go back to your mutter merkel and cry bitch!
Your children will idolize us and hate you, wishing they could have been born beneath our banner and known the touch of greatness as we do.
You can fuck right off.
It's the Jew Reich, The Fourth Reich will start in the Anglosphere and By Younger Generations in Europe.
Fuck off commie
Dude, they will hate you just as i hate you. We all know, every time you get an idea it always end in a world war. But if that happens, germany will hopefully be destroyed!
I don't get it, you want a 4th reich? Mate we just have to split germany up, by giving its land, to its border countries. Then we have finally gotten rid of that pest!
We raise our children to hate you, krauts,already. Next gens will despise you, krautman.
not an argument
fuck off and die already
you wanna kill someone who does not share your opinion?
you would fit in really well in a radical islamist organisation
We don't need an argument, to crush your perverted dream! You are just some german trash, that we need to get rid off, as well of whole germany. Then can we normal people finally have peach, you filthy german shit!
>if you are not a communist you are ISIS
If someone wants to kill me it is only natural that I kill him first
you want to replace me, my family, my friends with shitskins slaves or mixed rapebabies who will do bidding of your jewish masters
I have absolutely nothing but contempt to you
STEP1: War in Middle East
STEP2: Refugee Crisis
STEP3: MSM Emotional Manipulation Psy-Op Pushing for Refugees (mainly targeting beta, liberals, women)
STEP4: Countries Opening Borders
STEP5: Government Pressure & MSM Shaming re. Countries Refusing to Comply (eg; Poland, Hungary)
STEP6: Refugees Destabilize Order(crime and terror) and Economy(gibs)
STEP7: Right Wing Uprising
STEP8: Claim Army(and mass surveillance & anti-speech laws) are Needed to Regain Order Against "Muslim and RightWing Terrorists"
STEP9: Claim National Armies are Ineffective Because They Refuse to Kill the Citizens They Were Meant to Protect
STEP10: Use International Army (EU/NATO/UN) - which are already being created through backdoor policies - to Impose Globalists Will on Sovereign Nations
You can see we're on Step 6 and moving towards Step 7, so soon.
>Claim Army(and mass surveillance & anti-speech laws) are Needed to Regain Order Against "Muslim and RightWing Terrorists"
gonna stop you here, not gonna work in Poland and any sane eastern european country
how are we trying to kill your race or your family?
europe guaranties peace between its members, there is no need for that many armies
I hope you're right.
But refusing to comply could force "civil war" within the EU which would essentially serve the same ends.
>how are we trying to kill your race or your family?
>who are refugees
Europe guarantees nothing for anybody who is not German or French, fuck off
there wont be such an influx of refugees like in 2015, simply because the responsible parties dont want to loose more popularity
also while i agree we shouldnt let in many refugees, they often adjust their birthrates to the birthrates of the native population within 1 generation
also the crime rates of refugees is not higher than the crime rates of natives, simply because you saw a nigger chimpout on liveleak doesnt speak for hundreds of thousends
people commit crimes everyday, thousends are dying of it everyday, deal with it
fake and gay
Better Question: White (European ancestry) army when?
>But refusing to comply could force "civil war"
and suddenly, NATO kicks in
guess who pays 2% and was a good boy and helped in all middle eastern wars, while someone else did not and try to sneak it;s way out of NATO debt
really activates my almonds
>there wont be such an influx of refugees like in 2015
you can watch live how Soros sponsored boats cruise between africa and Italy
>the crime rates of refugees is not higher than the crime rates of natives
this is obvious bullshit
>they often adjust their birthrates to the birthrates of the native population within 1 generation
and this is bullshit as well
never , fuck yourself kraut.
Always archive
>nytimes com/2017/01/26/us/trump-illegal-immigrants-crime.html
if you dont want to generate them shekels for ads us a non-shitty adblocker
whats the problem?
very uncredible sources, especially when I hear that Polish driver died because he got stabbed by shitskin, or that Polish driver died because shitskins blocked the road and caused car crash
also rapes and thefts and murders, and in case of Sweden grenade attacks, but somehow refugees do not increase crime rate
do you have some magic calculating device or you just failed at math?
After the dirty bomb, duh. I can't believe that euros are so stupid as to not see what is unfolding in front of them. Imported violence and savagery to necessitate a police state.
No EU army, defense pact and EU should abandon NATO
NYT sourced to prove you're right
You must be new.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Hopefuly soon. Imperialist Russia is doing a
good job at scaring EU nations to cooperate.
Only problem would be actually establishing a centralized military command chain and doctrine.
>known the touch of greatness as we do
That's a funny way of saying getting raped by immigrants
nato is great for cutting military costs though
Why would they, seeing how you consciously made the decision to be inferior to the great Europa?
what military costs?
>This year
You know that we already agreed to it right? We already have close military ties with Germany
>european army when?
Dear Sir
As you are aware the armed forces of the Irish Republic are participating in an EU battlegroup. Given the long history of Irishmen serving and dying for foreign nations with no reipriocity towards our nation and the tragic history of their use as cannon fodder under foreign officers, this is an abomination. France and Germany spent much of the last century seeking to crush the independence of small nations. The degree to which these two nations which are the primary influences in Europe have pointlessly slaughtered millions of their own and other nations is unmatched in the history of mankind. To consider allowing Irish blood to be spilled for the goals of establishing a Franco-German empire is and should be abhorernt to any Irishman. It is inevitable that these two nations will put any consideration for the lives of Irish servicemen beneath the preservation of their own. When they drag Ireland into war that neither is in the interests of the Irish Nation or humanity it is you that will bear the moral culapability for the needless deaths of your own countrymen. I beg you to consider the young men that will die for foreign flags and foreign interests and hope that you will make every effort to ensure that Irelands forces serve the Irish Nation and none other.
Please contact your TD Irish readers.
I like you
having a military force protect you will benefit your country
just look at costa rica, since the US garantued them, they disbanded their army and are now basically the switzerland of middle america, extremely rich compared to their neighbors and have a high happiness rate in their population
>having a military force protect you will benefit your country
You're supposed to spend 2% of your GDP on the military in NATO and you have to help the yanks destabilize the ME
Sup Forums is so fucking stupid, they want the white race to not go extinct, but they don't want a united EU.
The Irish Army should be going door to door deporting Russians and Muslims that are trying to bring war to Ireland. Not serving under foreign officers.
European army would be best thing ever EU has around 500 milion population. PRoblem is it would be in Hands of Brussels and current anti white regime
The EU Army is going to be used Domestically(NATO is International) to stop countries from leaving/resisting the EU, aswell as keeping the EU around longer.
Will the EU 'army' shoot Irish teenage other ranks for the 'sake of example' as the British did to restore discipline in their own regiments?
Why yes they will. Give them nothing or the French and Germans serve their deluded notions of imperial grandeur just as the British did. They offer nothing but death and oppression of small nations.
wars with high manpower cost are a thing of the past(mechanisation, drohnes etc)
moeny and military equipment are the things that matter now more than ever and a unified army would be the most cost effective
You fucking coward.
t. Mick abroad
The argument from Ireland is that as a neutral country, we don't need military equipment. A European army would actually be an increase in spending for us.
>You fucking coward. t. Mick abroad
I'm a decorated combat vet with foreign service which is why I feel as I do you moron. Everyman is a coward. If you don't know that then you don't know war.
every heard of human rights? the eu garantuees them
OK, I will put this in a way that retards from Europe can understand it. You guys will never get a proper European Army unless the EU becomes a secular entity and kick out the countries who refused to created the EA. In the moment that you will have "German funding" and "army" in the same paragraph, the other EU members will shut the project down, especially Poland, Belgium and Bulgaria. The only things you guys can do is pay the 2% your GDP to NATO like a good Goy because the CSDP and CFSP are shitty and worthless.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Implying Czechs will ever fight in any war. We always siding with the victors.
We'll continue our business of defending the rights of Irishmen in our own inimical way. I don't remember the page in the history books where France or Germany liberated Ireland.
In fact the Irish delegation was turned away at Versailles. Go fuck yourselves.
>I don't remember the page in the history books where France or Germany liberated Ireland.
You're as fucking ignorant and a disgrace to Irishmen everywhere.
> the Irish delegation was turned away at Versailles
They had no right to be there. They were represented by the British government.
In 1798 when the French sent a military mission to support the Irish rebellion on landing it immediately surrendered and negotiated terms and forced the rebels who had met them to surrender under the terms they negotiated.
The French officers they threw a ball for the French and British officers an their wives while the surrendered Irish rebels were executed.
Go FUCK yourselves.
>You're as fucking ignorant and a disgrace to Irishmen everywhere.
I know our history far better than you it seems.
Hail Europa, first daughter of Gaia
How many Irishmen have died for France? Can anyone even put a figure on it? 200,000?
How many Frenchmen have died for Ireland?
Fuck the French and Fuck the Germans.
>have no food
>Idolize your oppressor
This is only going to happen on German lands, filthy roach.
Educate yourself.
>How many Irishmen have died for France?
You mean, the Earls that fled, having nowhere else to go?
Go back and start at JC history you failed abortion.
Irish Burial Sites in World War I
A I F Burial Ground, Flers, France-18.
Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension-60.
Abbeville Communal Cemetery-3.
Abbey Cemetery, Youghal County Cork-2.
Abbeyleix Catholic Churchyard, County Laois-1.
Abbeyleix New Cemetery, County Laois-1.
Abbeymahon Old Graveyard, County Cork-1.
Abbeyshrule Graveyard, County Longford-1.
Abbeyside Cemetery, Dungarvan, County Waterford-1.
Abeele Aerodrome Military Cemetery-2.
Aberdeen (Allenvale) Cemetery, Scotland-3.
Aberdeen (Grove) Cemetery, Scotland-1.
Aberdeen (Nellfield) Cemetery, Scotland-1.
Irish Burial Sites in World War I
Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery, Aberdeenshire, UK-4.
Abney Park Cemetery, London-2.
Accrington Cemetery, UK-1.
Acheux British Cemetery in France-3.
Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension in France-12.
Acton Cemetery UK.-1.
Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont in France-14.
Addolorata Cemetery in Malta-45.
Adelaide (West Terrace) Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia-3.
Adelaide Cemetery Villers-Bretonneux. France-14.
Adinkerke Churchyard Extension, Belgium-2.
Irish Burial Sites in World War I
Adinkerke Military Cemetery in Belgium-4.
Aeroplane Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium-13.
Affane Cemetery, County Waterford-1.
Affane Old Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford-2.
Agharra Graveyard, County Longford-1.
Aghern Cemetery, Conna, Fermoy, County Cork-1.
Aglishclohane (Aglish) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Tipperary-1.
Agny Military Cemetery in France-6.
Airdrie (St Joseph’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery-1.
Aire Communal Cemetery in France-28.
Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Bellau, France-12.
Aix-Noulette Communal Cemetery Extension in France-9.
Irish Burial Sites in World War I
Albert Communal Cemetery Extension in France-17.
Albuera Cemetery, Bailleul-Sire-Bertholy, France-6.
Alderney Roman Catholic Cemetery, Channel Islands-1.
Aldershot Military Cemetery UK-33.
Alencon (St Leonard) Cemetery-2.
Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery in Egypt-115.
Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery in Egypt-39.
Allonville Communal Cemetery in France-3.
Alva Cemetery, Clackmannanshire, Scotland-1.
Amara War Cemetery in Iraq-97.
Amerval Communal Cemetery Extension-1.
Ancre British Cemetery Beaumont-Hamel, France-47.
Annagh Cemetery, County Kerry-1.
Yes, they fought for their country at the time. More than you did you lying cunt.
the eu was the main reason irelands economy grew that much in the last few decades
eu subsidies made sure you could recover from the economic crisis
its a give and take, and the (very small) increase in military cost will not hurt your country as much as joining the nato would
Irish Burial Sites in World War I
Ardagh Old Graveyard, County Cork-1.
Ardbraccan (St Ultan) Church of Ireland Churchyard-1.
Ardcanny Churchyard, County Limerick-1.
Ardcarn (St Beaidh) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Roscommon-1.
Ardcath Graveyard, County Meath-2.
Ardcroney Old Graveyard, County Tipperary-1.
Ardee (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Louth-2.
Ardfert Cemetery. County Kerry-1.
Ardmore (Old Abbey) Graveyard, County Waterford-1.
Ardnagashel Private Burial Ground, County Cork-1.
Ardrossan Cemetery, Ayrshire, UK-1.
No. They were lied to. The Versailles conference rejected Irish independence and the Irish delegation.
I agree, way too many armies in Europe. Let's demobilise some of them. I think that the best bet is to demobilise Bundeswehr first.
That has nothing got to do with a European Army, especially after the way the Trioka - the IMF, the ECB and the EC - treated Ireland after the 2008 crisis.
Furthermore, EU defence integration is strictly prohibited by the 28th amendment to the Irish constitution. The constitution can only be changed by referendum.
>rejected Irish independence
> having negotiated HR just a few years previously
Go away.
the dead cannot be revived again, there have been hundreds of major wars in europe, and that is exactly why the eu exists