Police hunt couple caught on video brutally beating a restaurant owner and punching her 15-year-old daughter in the...

>Police hunt couple caught on video brutally beating a restaurant owner and punching her 15-year-old daughter in the face because they were unhappy with their ORDER
>A couple ordered chicken and fries from Qwik Chick takeout in Baxley, Georgia
>The confrontation began because they were unhappy with what they said was cold chicken and not enough fries
>Surveillance video caught Latasha M. Smith repeatedly assaulting the owner of the restaurant
>Nathaniel Eric Smith then can be seen punching the owner's daughter's face
>Police are now searching for the violent couple after the brutal beating



You can the young one wants revenge, she's dropped the pill now

fucking niggers should be force fed chikkun and fries until they fucking burst
then put a bullet in their empty heads

didnt even have to burn the coal

Well, I mean, they were white, so they clearly had it coming.

This. Fucking white people oppressing minorities with their cold chicken.

is he trans?

>muh chiken

>didnt even have to burn the coal
What a time to be alive heh.

when any of the abeed complain about food being cold, that just means it isnt burning hot straight from the fryer.

I would estimate I've read 200+ reports of people attacking someone over food. Murders, assaults, guns being drawn. Every single one has been blacks. Can apologist lefties see that the black race is sorely lacking impulse control? They routinely chimp out over French fries or fried chicken but I'm supposed to believe that it's a mass conspiracy that so many of them are in prison.

yes, big boy kept his toy from prison

>peace sign
>wants to kill niggers
Oy veyyy

Are female niggers physically stronger on average than female Whites?

there is really no upside in opening any business in a coon-infested area. i can't believe people are still willing to do it.

I'd chuck a stink too if they gave me cold food. Niggers gotta take it an extra step though

She got pre-coal tolled

Probably did. These sort of attacks are often karma related

That's how you get peace.

That black dude must be weak as fuck, the daughter doesnt look like she got hit by a man.

Can say she got black pilled.

Gee wonder if this will make the news

You know when you suspect someones around the corner and going to do something bad to you so you pre-fire the corner? Right or Wrong but never in doubt, she pre-payed or at the very least payed the debt. Though i cannot imagine someone not paying the coal toll, seems unpossible...

a niggers gotta nig......

I bet they didn't even leave a tip, either.

just more aggressive. White girls tend to be pretty passive.

Niggers NEVER tip

the tip is to not fuck up an order again

My local news station has been tweeting this story with the video about every hour for the past 2 days.

>after the brutal beating

Do you call this "brutal beating" in murrica? Pfft its just hooliganism, in russia you can do this to your wife legally, they dont even jump on their heads. Fukin pussies.

Just because a person is black, doesn't mean they're a criminal. Most black people aren't criminals.

But if a person is a criminal, he's most likely going to be black. Numbers don't lie.


Well what's ironic is that the people who end up comforting the girl are also black people.

So your point is less valid,

You might have picked the wrong example /pol

Black people =/= niggers

Well, if they chimp out that hard over fucking fried chicken, I can only imagine how hard they'll chimp out over getting arrested. Might as well order the gravestone...

>Running a chicken joint
>Cold chicken
>Skimping on fries

Deserved it desu

More like they don't want to pay.

>Just because a person is black, doesn't mean they're a criminal.

Wrong. All blacks are criminals.


It's because Russian are nigger tier

Not all, but a majority (disproportionately too)

Burn the coal pay the toll.

>A couple ordered chicken
I don't like these jokes anymore

You got the point.

gets the joocies flowing

Would you, Sup Forums?

Sure, I don't see why not. Full mag, center mass.


Nigs and Jews always use that excuse to weasel their way out of the bill.

A rifle is a tad impersonal, don't you think?

Umm, that's two men senpai.

straight up bazooka to the face

She refunded the money. Niggers are just niggers.

but she didn't burn the coal

Lynch mob when?

To be fair, if they let niggers into their restaurant they fucking deserve it.

Day of the rope draws ever nearer.

No, black women just look like men. They're disgusting. The only other race that has this problem is some of the Central American spics, and no even they have it as bad.

A world without Jews and niggers is a peaceful one.

Not a big deal if you keep a gun behind the counter and just shoot them when they chimp out.

Any black that can act white should be made an honorary Aryan, and simply restricted from reproducing. All others should be shot.

You can thank libshits for anti-discrimination laws that have the founding fathers rolling in their graves.

Daily reminder that chechnyans aren't russian

>larp flag says something fucking retarded again

Call me crazy, but I think there might be a pattern here.

Keep that coal away from her. This is one of the few ways to get a White woman to not fuck niggers and be about that trad life. Guaranteed she hates blacks for life now.

Looks like a fucking man in. A wig. Most black women look like fucking nigger trannies.

We call it black "people". Youre lucky to be in Russia and not have blacks. Here they are a plague on humanity and unironically deserve to be gassed. Every single last one.

Most blacks aren't criminals

But most criminals are black.

6% of the Population (black males) commits over 50% of all violent crime.

Six percent. Can you imagine how much worse it would be with more niggers?

Underrated post. If this happened more, we wouldn't be having the problem with white women that we're having.

My local news in Texas can't get enough of it - they play the video like every half hour kek

Fake news.