Why not just use the money to give the unemployed a job instead of giving them free money? They could clean our parks or build roads
Why does the government give out unemployment benefits for free?
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"Work for the dole" - we have that in Australia
You go and do this shit to get your benefit money.
Wow nice not here our government just gives you free money if you are too lazy to get a job
We tried to get that implemented in America, but of course it was raycis.
The liberals disagree that you need to work for benefits.
>Wow nice not here our government just gives you free money if you are too lazy to get a job
When you get on the dole you have 6 months I think to find a job, then you have to work at volunteer places or cleaning up the streets to "gain skills"
Obviously only white people have to do it. Refugees and aboriginals are exempt.
Because if the government gave everyone who was unemployed a job, and created park cleaning and road building jobs just for the sake of having a job, that would cost the taxpayer even more.
They would have to pay the workers a proper wage. If the wages were the same as the unemployment benefits, that would be slave labor, and would violate the laws that the government itself has in place.
The current system is fine as it is.
God damn slavery I tell you!
Same here, although they're trying to change it. Got this new law called 'Participation Law' where you, as a useless NEET, will eventually be forced to do at least something for your NEETbucks (clean parks, schrub toilets, those type of things).
Welfare and all that will be gone in 10-20 years anyway. Too many dindus and rapefugees flooding the lands.
>Why does the government give out unemployment benefits for free?
Over here, they don't. They make you go to job interviews once you're on the dole, and if you refuse, well then you don't get unemployment benefits. Even if you do, support ends after two years.
After that, you're on basic welfare, which is next to nothing. A friend of mine is due to an extreme anxiety illness that prevents her from working. It's regularly so that she looks into her purse at the end of the month and has to live with a tenner for food and drink for the last week of the month.
The wage should be the same as the benefits. It's not slave labour since they can leave or not take the money. The principle is that you should have to work to earn the money. It would benefit the public by cleaning up our parks and streets.
The current system just leads to a cycle of poverty and a bunch of lazy NEETs living off the government with no hope of ever having a good life
burgers did it and then undid it
People don't want to work for their NEET bux. There's no shortage of jobs. There's just a shortage of people willing to work jobs that they consider beneath them. It is compounded by shitty wages which mean that it's almost not worth slaving away only to have 21% of your already crappy wages taken in taxes. Therefore people will take the easiest route and fill in a few forms. When the government stops rewarding these people to sit on their arses and makes it worth their while to work, maybe things will change. It should be food vouchers and the like to make people on state handouts need to go out and contribute to society.
There are too many people working as it is. The system has to create bureaucratic non-jobs to maintain class distinctions and stability, because careerism is a cult.
>not wanting to scrub toilets is lazy
Top cuck right here.
Those who sat on the dole queue for too long used to be made to attend skill sessions, this would include mandatory supervised job applications, interview & CV workshops etc, those who stayed on the dole even after that had 13 week unpaid (you'd get dole, travel and small lunch stipend) work placements to give you experience and attempt to weed out the dossers as failing to attend was meant to result in sanctions.
A few years ago some dickhead said it was against human rights etc etc and lots of liberal degree wasters started campaigning against it, so I don't know if they still do that now.
>that flag
>that lack of arguments
Back to r/thedonald you go.
So people should just be given money for nothing?
I don't get it either. They could even require that people do charitable work in exchange of benefits, but they don't do that.
Because people who depend on welfare are useful for leftists who push for bigger state and more "socialism".
If you make these people work, they will actually find jobs and go vote for right-wing.
Park keeping and road building are actually pretty good jobs with the opportunity for advancement.
I'd honestly not want the kind of people who stay on the dole working them.
Once I advertised an entry level position at the job centre thinking we'd get at least a couple of people who would be OK.
Cue hundreds of applicants who are only applying to keep their benefits.
CV's written on torn up notepaper
Illlegal immigrants
Full retards
Scammers and tinkers
To the extent that when I was made redundant I refused to sign on and stayed as far away from any of the benefits system lest I be tarred with the same brush.
because das' raciss
Well.In Hungary you have to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week for welfare.
Its not as good as you might think.
It made a wide range of people disappear from the welfare system
It made a wide range of people do something useful who never worked a minute in their life
It provides an absolute minimum level of life for those who cant find work after 3 months being unemployed
Fucking feudalism,little kangz in the countryside having literal slaves,deciding who can get work who dont,who starves,who doesnt,its used to intimidate citizens to keep their mouth shut.
They make you do work that has absolutely no meaning,and that kills the soul.
Then, if you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week,when are you going to go for a job interview?
Nice I knew Hungary would be redpilled
The feudalism part could simply be solved by having the institution run by the government not private citizens. The government would be held responsible for their treatment, and these people can vote in elections if they are being mistreated.
They could be allowed time off to go for job interview but they need proof. The whole point of the scheme is to get people off welfare and fix their lives.
True, this isn't a joke. The more you make, the more you want to keep. Doesn't take rocket appliances to figure that out.
Its the mayors in small town who do the feudal king thing,sending the workers to do field work on their big supporters fields instead of cleaning the streets or mowing grass.
It was two steps in the right direction,but it needs very-very careful planning and draconian oversight,otherwise its easy to mistreat them.
Because then no one would be here posting useless memes and useful idiot posts would they mate?
This website was created to KEEP the unemployed in a state of unemployment and depressed.
This site blows up when the internet start automating jobs as a "counter culture" yeah right pull the other one.
lately this site feels alot like work trials i have been on as in they want the poor to contribute something for the promise of getting something something,maybe but who can tell?
quite honestly if the internet got more expensive or people or more jobs were available you would prepare the pepe images to die out no matter how hard they pushed for them to be made.
No one is working 30-40 hours a week,has a circle of friends and then goes and posts on Sup Forums, they are the normies please get a hint.
no, it doesn't work because it's a mess to manage since you need people to run it and you can't look for a job when you are running around picking up trash all day
Cause it's racist to ask niggers to work for their money.
we already do in america
its called walmart
Have you seen our streets, have you seen our roadsides? There is PLENTY of work to do.
I say £10/week standard with an extra £5/day for any day they work doing this kind of job.
>They make you do work that has absolutely no meaning,and that kills the soul.
thats just work
It Worked for hitler
People don't want to work for their NEET bux. There's no shortage of jobs. There's just a shortage of people willing to work jobs that they consider beneath them.
that's simply not true im afraid. lots of place won't hire odd hours (for transport reasons) or flat out hire foreigners entirely for minimum wage posts. Hopefully Brexit will fix this somewhat.
they talk of fruit and vegtables rotting in fields instead of being picked! Try hiring some english workers ffs!
if i had gloves i'd fucking go for it.
we already do in america
its called walmart
walmarts are always pretty near to welfare offices, check it out on google maps!
guess why! (((the rich))) made it that way to sucker you.
you want you pepe's to villify the alt right, they take time and effort to make in mspaint you know, FUCK YOU PAY ME.
>Top cuck
Implying there's anything wrong with cleaning toilets.
Do a good job of it and I give you 100x more the respect than I'd give a shirking software developer.
>Then, if you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week,when are you going to go for a job interview?
Jeez, this dead horse. Up here in the land of milk and honey the career benefits collectors also demand free daycare for their children because otherwise:
>when are you going to go for a job interview?
Guess what, the easiest way to get a job is to be too busy working to accept the time they set. They WILL stay late or meet in early to match your schedule when your reason is. Can't make that time, I'm at work.
working for benefits in relation for the worker is a joke unless the organization involved is either a) the government or b) a charity.
otherwise workfare ACTUALLY keeps people out of work by enabling companies to hire fewer workers while the wages of the workfare workers are paid by the government.
the point of social security is that to act as a safety net for people until they find a job.
working at schlomo and schlomo until they automate the till system for welfare is a joke, working at a charity or the government is a different matter.
really automation and immigration should be regulated because the ancaps are fucking us in the ass on this.
i guess the idea is to get the unemployed people to "contribute" but then again the companies involve don't pay any tax so they don't "contribute" either.
the uk government should block google with the web filter we all know they have until they agree to actually pay a semblance of a proper british tax no more ((((CREATIVE ACCOUNTINNNG)))) allowed.
Oh shit sorry I forgot that for some reason you deserve to have a part of my paycheck just for being alive.
Kill yourself.
maybe the dumb whore should get married like God intended
>maybe the mentally ill whore should get gassed like Hitler intended
makes you wonder why the government interrupt people's sleep patterns with electronic harassment weapons if they want them to be productive members or society?
Surely a gigantic radio wave irradiation program by stealth satellite,radio towers and smart power grids must cost alot of money to implement right?
Or creating a website for people to air their opinon's why not get those people jobs with that money instead?
Why would they want people to be on state welfare instead and post on imageboard sites?
if you're an able bodied, single, childless person you have to prove you're willing to work and are actively searching. ie prove you've done 35+ hours a week of logged job searching, detailing jobs applied for, go to lame job search workshops etc.
if you don't do this you get 'sanctioned' where your benefits are dropped £10 a day (you get about £220 a month if you adhere) until you get back up to the level they want you to be at.
if you just stop going/stop looking for work your claim will be suspended but your sanctions will still accumulate. meaning if you stop looking for 6 months, you will have to do the 35+ hour job search, go to their shitty job search/cv writing classes, go to their pointless bullshit meetings, all at your own expense, for 6 entire months, without any benefits being paid to you. if you have literally 0 money in your bank account you can apply for hardship which i think is £50 a week.
however if you have 7 kids and live in a council provided house you can apply for housing benefit and child support for each of your children, without question, without any hoops to jump through.
i was on UC for about a month and i couldn't take their bullshit anymore. i've found a job anyway but it's still irritating. the people that work at the job center are always complete condescending retards. at one appointment i literally had to do all the computer work for the woman because she had absolutely no idea how to operate a PC.
Ok, you have a point regarding the minimum wage employers which adds to the problem. But you really think some of those on benefits would go and pick fruit at 5am? I doubt that very much - The only ones willing to do that are the immigrants because they know they have limited options and it's better than whatever shithole they came from.
You pay for your employment insurance with every pay cheque in Canada. It builds and you have a certain allotment you're entitled to. It's a good system and makes a lot of sense for seasonal workers who do huge overtime. It's never free money. Also for people sent to school by their workplace (ex. Skilled tradespersons)
We already pay for road/street sweepers, the mess round here though, you might as well sack them and give the work to doleys.
£70 a week or whatever it is for standard bennies.
Pay them for a days work which is deductible from bennies,so they do 4 hours cleaning they get £40 or so.
Making people work for nothing is wrong, I was on bennies I did 3 months work unpaid
All I got was dole money & while it got me a job it was hard going having to pay for lunches and travel etc from just benefits.
because that resembles work too closely.