>"It's a crazy experience to grow up in a white country where the white people don't even realize they are white and what kinds of privileges it gives them,"
Niggers upset about how white Finland is
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How can you have white privileges, if everyone around you is white?
what about that one black guys feelings? are you some kind of hateful bigot man like wtf?
fuck em
Black people have the biggest privilege of all. They can spout bullshit all they want about everything and they will always have the back of leftist who think that disagreeing with black people equals racism.
you Mongols better take care of these niggers before they spread like cancer
Fucking nigger are really pissing me of right now am getting sick of it can't watch it happen need to do something.Can't watch Europe die.
Nuking Helsinki would result in a 100% white Finland.
Go get em!
If they don't like it then they should go back to their black countries.
Someone post the diversity world map image.
Mongols think they are white.
Thanks Sweden for "ruskeat tytöt"
>Nuking Helsinki would result in a 100% white Finland.
we would also get rid of most of the cuck politicians at the same time. mestari will be the one pressing the detonation button.
>our Blacks actually behave and adjust
they agreed that he could black them all one by one if he let them take this photo first for their facebooks
>they dont even realize they're white
Infact they're not 'white' they're finns. These Africans dont understand they dont belong here. They need to be shipped back to their continent (Africa) in their countries of origin.
No shit they have a privilige. It's their country fuck ball. You're just some random nigger
Why would you be so hostile towards the country that took you in for nothing other than the kindness of their hearts? I honestly can not imagine the ego behind this.
Why would you respect a country filled with weak cucks and noone who would lift a finger to punish these animals?
>Homo city (helsinki)
>Not diverse enough
i love finns.
just refer him to club swagga
heil suomi
>Too white
Yesterday I was coming home in a bus. It nice, only ones talking were a normie couple, otherwise it was nice and quiet. Then a bunch of somali nigger women came and couldn't shut the fuck up. Rest of he trip got ruined
Yeah, fuck your historically white country and fuck you for enjoying being white in your own country.
What privileges do white people get in white countries? If everyone's privileged, no one's privileged. Or are they just finally admitting that whites are superior and whiteness has the inherent "privilege" of living better lives due to various natural advantages?
godspeed truck-kun
>Be nigger in the part of the world where whites come from
>Can't see any fellow spearchuckers
>Too stupid to process this information
>Revert to the memes jews have installed into you
No, didn't you read the OP? Niggers think mongols are white.
Indeed Spughatti, the immigrants who come here do not recognise the cultural and ethnic differences between all the European countries, they just see us as one white entity. They don't even want to know about our cultures, but purely spread their own.
>how white Finland is
Not for long :^)
Is Finland really the comfiest country?
fucking niggers
I heard Africa is the promised land of niggers. He should go check it out.
>where the white people don't even realize they are white
Exactly. Our world doesn't revolve around the colour of our skin. This cancer stems from America and their Jew propaganda.
yes, promiscuity is for niggers
Sweden, it's Ok if you are living your cuck fantasy but don't bully other countries.
at least those negros are educated
Have a seat
But ethnic Finns are white so Finland is a white country. Why are they upset? Do they also complain about Kenya being too black? I don't care about America but they shouldn't complain about a European country being too white.
That is one autistic nigger
>being white gives you an advantage if the only people you will ever meet are also white
Do they not hear themselves?
we can agree that finns are the mediterraneans of scandinavia
>blacks can go to white countries and become Germans and Finns because whites are privileged
>whites cannot go to a black countries and become Kenyans and Nigerians because that would be cultural appropriation, colonialism, imperialism and racism
Fuck logic.
Get the fuck out swedistan
Soon they will complain about Belarus being too white
i'm not sharing anything with that guy in the bottom right
he'd probably steal it
>[Confused, panicked hooting]
They've been admitting this since the beginning, frankly. It's why you're supposed to bend over and take the black dick and give them everything you own and let them rape your whole family then kill them execution style without complaining about it. Don't you see how white liberals treat niggers? They think they're too dumb to use the internet or carry voter ID.
Sounds like you want to be able to relate to us in some way, huh Vincenzo?
Not a lot of things can easily piss me off anymore but this is one of them. I feel like chimping out.
Sometimes I read shit like this to get the adrenaline pumping for when I'm about to go lift. Sup Forums is better than /fit/ in this regard.
shame she didn't take a picture of the shelf where all the magazines targeted just for black people are kept
there are fucking loads of them
i blame oprah winfrey
Everyone can spout bullshit. But white men decided to castrate themselves for some reason
This article makes my blood boil. DEPORT THEM ALL!
>I too am Finland
>castrate themselves
Well I guess when we let women and subhumans have any say in society that counts.
oh, the shit i have heard from nignags! Like living in estonia is so fucking privlidged compared to their fucking welfare life here in Finland? Fuck'em!!!
Javla neekerit. They don't belong in Finland. Thank god the Finns are still racist as fuck, but we need to kill all the niggers, Jews, and Muslims out of the country.
Not having to live alongside niggers is the greatest privileged one could imagine.
>I am also interesting
What the fuck. How exactly are Africans and Middle Easterns interesting? What can I have a conversation about with them? What makes them fun? Why would I want to hang out with them?
All right. They can be interesting. Insects can also be remarkably interesting. I still don't want them around.
wtf finland needs to pay reparations for its slave trade now
no because Slavs don't give a fuck and will call him a dumb nigger
It's spelled "colorful"
>"It's a crazy experience to grow up in an east asian country where the asian people don't even realize they are asian and what kinds of privileges it gives them,"
Leftism is an anti-white mental illness, reminder
Black genocide when?
... you know pic you added is propably the "russian" who faught finns in winter wars?
So? I get that same feeling visiting Africa or Asia. What's the point of visiting?
Fuck those chimpz.
That's swedish, Danny
>Finns are still racist as fuck
>we need to kill all the niggers, Jews, and Muslims out of the country
Hold that edge, Danny. This is a 18+ website
Yes. Really.
take some of your kang magic and make africa a utopia........i really hope that stupid black panther movie gets people to go back home.......a africa movement almost started in the 90s but they were just larping......
>Red Army
>people don't want me to live in their country
>move there and get angry that they won't change their beliefs around mine
Wew. Why do they always feel the need to force themselves on everyone?
how do we unite all whites in the world? Lets end this shit. I want to visit mars in my life time
Remeber White Priviledge is handing in CV's, writing cover, letters and having almost faultless education but getting rejected because they'd rather hire Pajeet because he's black
Fucking Love this country.
The whites that do go to africa/are born there are then murdered/raped/robbed daily and it is not reported to us a single time
If a person of colour dies in europe our news is flooded with it non stop for a straight fucking year
Fuck the media and fuck this faggot earth and the people that control it
Are niggers the single most ungrateful sub-human pieces of shit on the planet?
>be Finland
>exist for a while
>Swedes barge in, destroy your native culture and religions, colonize you
>earn your freedom, have to fight off communist shitheads shortly afterwards
>time passes
>other countries screech about how you need to let them in
is there a concept of privilege in a homogenous society regardless of race??
The fuck is that idiot on about?
Go back to the black continent If you don't like the white one.
Why almost all European country should became brown? The politicians, scientist, and other intellectuals who promote that, have to pay the tolls.
What about the crazy experiencing of growing up a nigger in a white country and not even being grateful for your nigger privileges?
I've seen a leftist discussion before where one of them admitted that "unfortunately" the homogenous nature of European societies allows them to exist with beneficial social programs and no police state.
Fucking hell...
First Post Best White Privileged Post
wew looks like they're subtlely becoming redpilled and redpilling other. That's hilarious.
I need this to be a poster in my room.
But that means having to remove an anime poster, so...I don't know.
>homogenous nature of European societies
They say that like the nigger and spic lands aren't somewhat homogeneous. It will never be genetics with these niggers.
Daily reminder that all this is happening to Sweden because they allowed jews to immigrate during WW2.
*redpilling eachother
>Nuking Helsinki would result in a 100% white Finland
You forgot about turku which is slowly turning into the finnish version of malmö
>our Blacks actually behave and adjust
They are out of their zoo cages, so no, they are not adjusting at all.
How the fuck did these subhuman niggers end up here in the first place?
I hope you don't mind, my honfitárs, if I save that image. I offer you a laughing Junkers 87 in exchange.
higher IQ