Does anybody else here feel disgusted because we allow mentally and physically disabled people live, and because other people treat them like something "special"? I mean there is NOTHING valuable in life itself, and letting your kid with Down syndrome isnt getting you anywhere. Our pagan ancestors believed that body is just a vessel and the spirit is immportal. Christianity is the biggest cuckoldry
Does anybody else here feel disgusted because we allow mentally and physically disabled people live...
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midgets need to go too. i cant eat if a midget is in the room
You guys are disgusting and vile
nah, I'm just sorry they become a burden to all of us, and not just their family.
You're obviously retarded, so why did your parents let you live?
If they are already alive you have no right to end their life. However, I think that if you know your child is going to have a reduced quality of life before they are born you should abort them as an act of mercy.
Killing them though is wrong. What makes your life any more valuable than theirs?
you are a monster
I kind of agree that people who are completely utterly unable to contribute to society OR EVEN ENJOY THEIR OWN LIVES should just be put down Sparta style.
Yes. The worst part is forcing incapable people to live, even if they want to die.
They can easily be fooled into death, by promising them a better life and 40 virgins after they die
>we allow mentally and physically disabled people live
you mean americans?
Catholicism supported Hitler.
Post-Modern Protestantism is what has brought about degeneracy
Life begins when the man's sperm reaches and combined with the woman's egg.
Yes they shouldn't be allowed to be born. They are a burden on society.
bahahahahahahahah holy fucking shit this made my morning
How come every time an user post this thread, they convienently forget that NEETs get the gas along with the retarded and degenerates?
Pretty foolish, senpai. Should learn some self-reflection before you get culled by a supporter of "your" ideas.
Maybe he's willing to sacrifice himself to the greater good?
Mental and physical cripples should be put down - they contribute nothing to society yet need to be provided by goverment. Hail Eugenics
Btw: I'm excluding elders and veterans
Get the flamethrower.
This is what they don't show you at 6 months later
Holy shit, who can defend that? Some christian cucks I suppose?
Reminder that they are almost 20 years old each
if the tribe of the disabled can provide for her/him who cares
otherwise it's a theft to enforce other to involuntarily provide for the disabled
which is prohibited by the 10 commandments
you retarded larp-nazi stop baiting
most NEETs just lack motivation. they can be fixed.
cant agree more.
People with live altering mental or physical illness should be put down immidiently no ifs or buts. They are nothing but a strain on society and everyone just bullshits about how "beautiful" they are. No fuck off, your living abortion isnt beautiful at all infact its not even capable of feeling anything but the constant pain and suffering its in.
because my life means i can be a productive member of society wheres their life means they are a strain and live off tax dollars paying for their health care costs and are a burden to all the family around them who have to look after them till they grow old and die.
people shouldn't be murdered because they acquired a disability
Does that justify killing them though?
By that logic, you yourself may also be put to death simply for being a less productive citizen than someone who earns more money.
Also they are consumers, which contributes to our economy and benefits everyone's lives. So I don't know how you would define a productive member of society.
Worked in a kitchen, for an entire year we had this guy with downs syndrome who worked with us an washed dishes.
He showed up on time every day, four days a week. He was the happiest guy on the team. He was actually good at his job, and he'd do anything you needed him to do with gusto and he'd roll his sleeves up and fucking attack any grime on a pot.
When you accidentally burn a pot he'd shake his finger at you, but by the time he was done that pot would be sparkling again.
Coolest guy I've ever worked with.
So you know what, maybe if we let the downs people actually have a chance they can do something. I know that guy did.
sure thing senpai
>living abortion
*milk sprays out of nose*
no by my logic you should be put to death if your mental or physical condition PREVENTS you from being a productive member of society. I'm not talking about shit like being on disability cause you are a scitzo i mean shit like High levels of autism and extreme cases of downs syndrome where you can't even interact with the environment around you rendering you a potato.
why we should feel shame that our grandparents had slaves. They was weaker thats all. they deserve for this
They still contribute to society by consuming medicine, food, clothes etc. which gives other people jobs who work to make those items.
B-b-b-but... Catholics bad! Catholics Nazi!
Yeah, gee, I wonder why we didn't vote for a party that hated us. Really gets the noggin joggin
I'd rather have a disabled person with me in a room than a mudslime though, it's all about setting priorities
fuck this nigger shit, see
Positive eugenics, Marketing the use of Super sperm, which will make 'wunder-babies,' is the most efficient way to fix humanity's gene pool.
Women are very receptive to using
>Does anybody else here feel disgusted because we allow mentally and physically disabled people live
if I were given the choice, prior to being whelped, to live as a retard or to leave the resources more to those more deserved, I'd take the latter option in a heartbeat
It is also a waste of ressources. Refugees and the like also gives other people jobs just by being here, it doesn't mean they really bring enything good to society.
>this is your brain on keynesian economics
Also hadding just covered this shit on RA
I dont agree we should abort all people with deformities, but just using shit isnt a reason for them to live a life.
not really, i am just sad about the resources that get blown into the wind for them.
Yes they should be put down. The resources that it takes to keep them alive is completely disproportionate to what they could ever contribute. I'm like you. I get disgusted when seeing these vegetables. And the excuses people use to justify an arguement to keep them alive is endless.
So long as i, the taxpayer, dont have to pay for it, i dont care
Society taking care of disabled people is attractive because it's a promise that society will take care of you if you get disabled.
>value of life measured in its length
>not in its quality
thats why we lose
I would love you to have a child like that, and just kill it. Bet you could do it, because you are a big bad nazi ubermench!
>tfw nigga is not even blonde
yeah also let's murder old people, and small useless animals
Disabled people are a rarity and the least of our problems, poor fuckers had no choice. Amerifats on the other way deserve to be culled.
>Does anybody else here feel disgusted because we allow mentally and physically disabled people live
I do yeah, when I visit Sup Forums
>Does anybody else here feel disgusted because we allow mentally and physically disabled people live.
no, you tard.