>proud undocumented mexican-"Amerikan"
How do we stop/deport her?
>proud undocumented mexican-"Amerikan"
How do we stop/deport her?
Went full gypsy and had a stroke; Sorry.
visibility bomp
Send a tip to ICE
Well you can't Amerikkka without the KKK.
i see this shit all the time, esp. Twitter and screencaps of fucking Tumblr. how does this 'proud undocumented' thing not end in an instant deportation?
I seriously still don't understand why there isn't just an 'admitted to being an illegal' option. The only options for ICE tips are other crimes, nothing about just being an illegal.
Call ICE on the bitch.
Yes call ICE please some American do this and post results
>i see this shit all the time, esp. Twitter and screencaps of fucking Tumblr. how does this 'proud undocumented' thing not end in an instant deportation?
The nsa only spies on American citizens.
Why do you care, you subhuman gipsy? You of all people are complaining about indocumented immigrants?
Also, not your personal army. Take this shit to r/the_donald.
>Undocumented and unafraid
She should be afraid, somebody ICE this bitch
Alright, tying the ICE.
Will report in a few minutes.
Oh piss off.
>Le funni all romanians are gypsyes.
We brought gypsyes as slaves. Now we can't do shit.
Well she 's probably involved in the laundering scheme Sanders seems to be addicted too.
I'd report that if I was a Burger.
when it comes to immigrants, it's not about personal army. this is all of our fight
>Texan NOT complaining about the undocumented.
my favorite meme is the Chile is Texas meme
Always archive
Texas is the number one purveyor of the "based hispanics" meme
>how does this 'proud undocumented' thing not end in an instant deportation?
Because you haven't reported them yet.
Not so fast, scratchback.
>How do we stop/deport her?
fuck off, nigger
not your personal army
t. Ahmed
Nice one. How do we deal with the gypsy problem now?
Oh I am so very sorry mister frenchy. I'll be sure to use a pronoun that won't trigger you in the future, and/or put a trigger Waring on my threads from now on.
Currently filling out a form.
We'll need more than one report to make an impact though.
I'm sick of these leeches
>Nice one. How do we deal with the gypsy problem now?
Very hard. A lot of them don't even identify as gypsies. That's why on the minority list there are less gypsies than Hungarians ( en.wikipedia.org
Problem is that they've been here for the last century. I would welcome any idea that isn't radical. Right now I think the best solution would just be to make it even shittier for them, the would go to western Europe, where you guys could deport them back to India where they came from.
>That;s autistic and retarded
Yes. Yes it is, but if you have a better idea please tell me.
Also found this Gem on Wikipedia
>In 2007 Florin Cioabă, an important leader of the Romani community (also known as the "King of all Gypsies") declared in an interview that he worried that Romania may lose its Romani minority.[29] However, the next population census in 2011 showed a substantial rise in those recording Romani ethnicity
>Yes. Yes it is, but if you have a better idea please tell me.
Not really. Hooking them up with the refugee traffickers is the best course of action at this moment. Make them bin their Romanian/Bulgarian ID's, sell them Syrian passports and let them go to the (((west))) for gibmedats. I think that some politicians/activists in our countries need to bribe their community leaders to start propagating this, promising them all the things the West has to offer. Also cutting benefits here would be a tremendous stimuli.
Either that or genocide.
This image made me chuckle.
Deportation bump
Deport that whore
The main problem is that they're having more children than I have dicks up my ass. Seriously, In 2002 the gypsy pop. was about 500 00, in 2011 there were 600 000. God knows how many there are now.
Another idea would be trying to put as many rules for having children for them, so that the population keeps decreasing.
The more rules, the better, the better, the faster.