Why is rent so fucking high, in a good neighborhood it's well over fucking $1000, I don't want to live in a fucking nigger or beaner neighborhood but all the rents are to fucking high.
Why is rent so fucking high, in a good neighborhood it's well over fucking $1000...
So you stay always in the hamster wheel and remain to be an enslaved Goy.
If rent is roughly 30% of your income (rule of thumb), you only need to make $40k/year to afford $1000/mo rent. If you're not making more than that, you are nigger tier and deserve to have tyrone as a neighbor.
We seriously need segregation again.
always and forever
>If you're not making more than that, you are nigger tier and deserve to have tyrone as a neighbor
Says fucking who you shitstain?
You've obviously made some poor life choices if you're a grown man who can't afford $1000 rent. Try putting the video games down and stop being an entitled nigger.
Why does the picture look like that?
Move away from the city, or to a mid sized city.
I live in Des Moines and it's mega comfy. 2 bedroom 900 sq ft apartment for $800 in the rich suburb.
I don't think you're one to judge me since you seemed to have had such a perfect life, fuckwad.
Get yourself a 3 bedroom apt for ~$1700-1800
Rent out 2 rooms @ ~$700 each
>Now you have only $400 rent
Tax subventions and Boomers who like to go out with a winning, or better who fear that they will default on the loans they took to buy over priced commodities.
Don't pay your rent, go to court make it last as long as possible and finally declare private bankruptcy.
if it was low enough for you than it would be low enough for niggers and spics, face it you are no better than them
I know how you feel.
I hope you get raped by niggers and spics in the coming race war.
>lives in a nigger/beaner neighborhood
I wouldn't want to raise a family here, but for right now it's not so bad.
I would totally live in a black neighborhood If I were an American though. It just has to be the legal carry and stand your ground state.
numbers confirm. user will die
yeah but you have to live with other people. I fucking wish I could afford just a one bedroom shit hole. My house mate is a massive cunt that losses his shit if I leave a pan soaking in the sink for longer than 10minutes
>It just has to be the legal carry and stand your ground state.
Then the whole neighborhood will be on you, blacks are very hateful.
You answered your own question, dumbass.
People play thousands of dollars to live away from niggers.
>Why is rent so fucking high, in a good neighborhood
You have the answer in the question itself: it's high to keep away niggers and other human trash, or else it would not be a good neighbourhodp anymore.
>Why is rent so fucking high
Government-subsidized housing. Consider that none of the people who died in the London high-rise fire could have afforded to live in that area were it not for the fact that Britain subsidized their flats (with mostly white people's money). It's the same reason that college tuition is so high.
>My house mate is a massive cunt that losses his shit if I leave a pan soaking in the sink for longer than 10minutes
it's literally your responsibility to escalate it then. him being a cunt should lead to you hitting him or something
He owns the house though so If I punch him i'll get kicked out. He would also probably try and get me in trouble with the law. The thing is everything was fine until he I told him that Trump being POTUS isn't going to effect him in anyway and to shut up about it. Ever since then he has become a fuckwit
>shut down all housing development to keep the prices high on their homes
>rare chance apartment complex gets the green to be built, they build luxury suites with swimming pools and jacuzzis and hipster fireplaces
>korea builds tiny affordable apartments and no one needs a roommate or a second job
Homeowners are massive frightened old kikes. GAS the boomers.
>Bait him into attacking you
>Call the cops
>Drag him before court
>Get your own place with the settlement
Bonus point
>Spill the whole story over strayan asocial media
I don't have social media
he would never pick a fight he will just do passive aggressive shit
The few times I have had a go at him for something like his friend parking behind my car so I can't get out of the drive way he has avoided me for days
Is this going to attract that one self hating hapa?
rent is around $3000 here
He doesn't know that pure welfare amounts to about 52k a year.
Free market friend
>paying jews to live in a home
>passive aggressive cunt
Sounds good. Seems like one could get him with Psychological Warfare. Just be a cunt and laugh at him madly whenever he tries to get at you. Hell even laugh madly about him when there is nothing, believe me what such Niggers can't stand is being laughed at, without knowing why. Breaks them and they either attack or go crazy
do you live in a jewish neighbour hood or some shit
Tried living in the country side and getting a car? You know the thing that goes on OIL you get pretty cheap, makes the wrrrm wrrrm noises and gets you places pretty fast? Ever tough of that?
Don't live in a city. Cities are for degenerates.
Buy cheap land and throw an RV or one of the pre-built lofted cabins on it. You can get either for
I hear ya man. I was just in Tacoma Washington and rent was 1075.00 for a two bedroom, I get to salt lake and see a room for rent out of a shit home for 800.00 a month.
It's all so fucking high. Wages have stagnated and haven't moved in my trade since 2006, may have even fell in some places. This trend doesn't change soon we are all fucked.
>citation needed
It's a shame America will never embrace any kind of socialism. Nothing will change anytime soon
How do you live?
pretty sure he already is crazy to some degree. I know his dad went nuts and ended up in some care facility because he though he was spec op's in Vietnam or something like that
Selfishness runs rampant in America. The rich don't want to pay out higher taxes so they want to tax the middle class.
God luck breaking him. If there is already a genetic predisposition, should be easy game. Another tip, it also helps after a phase of mad laughter to offer peace and start again a phase of laughter. And if he tries to kick you out, court, that should give him the rest and he will end up like his father
commiefornia so yes
mooch off my parent's until I save enough to move out. sadly just like everyone else
I live with my mom, my dad is not in the picture and never was, I'm about to go on SSI, we can afford 1000 rent but still it's unreasonably high.
If you can't afford it you don't belong there. Yet. Work harder.
fuck this faggot shit, go here
Move to the country in Dixieland if you're white
>$500 to rent entire house
>electric cooperatives with $100-150 monthly bill that give you yearly kickbacks
>sit on your porch with no shirt drinking beer and shooting stuff after cozy construction or factory job
>trailer park women that hate niggers and won't care about your nazi and confederate flags
I stay in my mom's basement for only $500 and the money stays in the family.
Then come to live in Eastern Europe or start making 100k a year.
Buy a house. Poor bitch
You mean
>Buy a house I bought 15 years ago on a loan
>Pay me 150% more
becuz da jooz r d 1s contolling market speculation xdd
does that answer satisfy?
>too poor to buy a house in cash
Show account balance and shortly available liquidity before shitposting meme flag
your account balance and shortly available non loan liquidity please
Yea it sucks, I feel for ya. You either get a shit hole in a larger city with drunk assholes as neighbors or sluts as neighbors.
Or get to a smaller city where rent is a bit cheaper, and you won't encounter drunk asshole, the local crackhead, the slut down the hall , Tyrone or Juan
Bastard American mongrel. I hope Russia slaughters you.
Yes pls
I'm starting to think a lot of what Sup Forums says is bullshit
Try $2350 for an apartment in the bay area.
That's on the cheap side.
I feel you bro. Between high rent and inflation causing house prices to go up and purchasing power to go down, I fear I may never be able to buy a home for my wife and I to raise our family.
Shit hurts me to my soul.
You're poor and you don't even know it lol
>500 to rent entire house
You liar.
Its mostly chinks buying up all the land. The government is selling us out to foreigners
$1400 here with a bunch of section 8 dindus all around. tons of spics and asians too.
Kike mongrel, oven.
Rent is almost half my income, but I'm a grad student so I should just be lucky to not be in crippling debt :^/
Youre just mad because you're poor and literally a nigger tier white.
Rich Chinks buying up all of the good property in Cities. Be glad that cars are cheap and reliable so now a 20+ mi daily commute isn't a problem so you can live in the suburbs or country where costs are low and you can live among whites.
I already know I'm poor.
I grew up near the beach and I don't want to move away, it used to be $800 for a 2bdr condo near the beach. Now it's well over $1000.
Its merely a symptom of Keynesian economic policies and The Federal Reserve. We left the gold standard in 1971 and we have expanded government beyond unsustainable, we are self-destructing.
I'm smarter than you could ever hope to be, mamzer, I was redpilled about the Jewish Question at 16 before anyone, I'm turning 25 at the end of July. This is why I don't like American Whites, they don't care about and even cannibalize other Whites if they are poor. Don't correlate wealth with intelligence.
Is that inflation rate?
Fucking freemarket sucks.
More like some other group is destroying us.
Markets and governments are expressions of the people in which those systems occupy. What you are attempting to define, and simultaneously claim to be a freemarket, and the fact it sucks, is not free at all. It was never free and never will be until economics and government are separated.
I completely agree. Most of the private investors of the Federal Reserve. See pic related.
What, you actually thought you'd get your own place? I already accepted that I won't ever be able to afford my own property. That's just how things are now.
>cities are for degenerates
Yes and no. I grew up in an extremely rural area and enjoyed it, and when I'm ready to retire I plan on retiring to a big plot of land as well. But in the meantime I work in a large city and live in a suburb, and it's not as bad as Sup Forums cracks it up to be. Yes there are more liberals, but city conservatives are even more redpilled than rural conservatives since they actually have to live and constantly be around (((artist))) types.
The biggest boost by far is the salaries though. And while those salaries would effectively be wasted by living in the city itself due to a high cost of living, living in a suburb allows you the benefit of having a high salary AND cheap(ish) living, effectively letting you save your money for a proper house/retirement/whatever far faster than you could with a low salary in the country or with high cost of living in the city.
Didn't a free market lead to our current situation?
Maybe you should wash your fucking pans quicker then you lazy faggot.
Yeah but I'm White, I shouldn't have to live like a 3rd world rat, my bloodline is divine royalty. Living like a near animal is for the other races. My ancestors built this country from the ground up.
well there's your fucking problem
Move further away from the city
No tax subventions and a lot of imagination about ROI lead to it.
You're bloodline isn't divine royalty, you're most likely descended from a long line of farmers and peasants, like most people. You're ancestors built this country, but they weren't living like kings.
Bro I live in a fucking beaner neighbor hood and its still 1000 a month.
Some fucking bullshit.
>if all these fucking illegal spics would go the fuck home rent would fall drastically
Move out of the big city. Most cities are infested with fags and sandniggers these days. There are small towns where you don't have to put up with that shit and it's a hell of allot nicer, not to mention cleaner.
Well lets keep importing people who suck up all the cheap places to live, then lets only build ultra luxury apartments to fix the issue.
Hahahaha $1000?!
Try living in California Jr, Denver, CO, and pay $2600 per month. All the while being infested with lazy and thieving Mexican fuckholes.
I make over 50k. Rent is 1100 for one bedroom. I'm still surrounded by spics and niggers, but they're normal. I'm the crazy one
I meant my superior race, you individualist scum. Also how is it fair that there are rich shitskins but I still have to struggle + all the anti-White/colonial/Western sentiment?
Like I said, I want to live near the beach.
Who told life is fair?
I can make it fair. What kind of demon are you? People like you don't make the world a better place. I anticipate your genocide.