Why the hell is this allowed in 2017? And how do we stop it?
Why the hell is this allowed in 2017? And how do we stop it?
gas the obese
dat texas vehicle registration/inspection sticker ... this has to be houston
The affects of Capitalism on people
It will only get worse.
Wtf is going on here? What state are you in?
It's called black people and drugs.
As far as how to stop them? Well, I think you already know the answer
Must be very embarassing to be born in US
omg you go girl! she's so strong! This is what a feminist looks like you guys
Probably mentally ill. Sad really.
Did she break the asphalt or was it broken before
How do we stop this?
>full house
spics in cali spicing
its PCP most likely you morons, nothing 'sad' about it
>ywn be a medieval barbarian and take this to its natural conclusion raping all 3 of them
why liv
It's just like a safari.
It's too late
We had our chance with the Soviets, the West chose fascists and capitalism instead. This is the future you chose.
holy shit that was scary.
This cant be allowed in 2017
Kill them all
also nice trips
so because a person took a substance, trying to find peace or happiness or a good time, you're saying they deserve the pain and suffering?
you have no humanity you fucking cunt
What a fucking beta faggit having fist fights with females
That dude is a weak little bitch for allowing a woman to piss him off that much.
fuck this shit, see
Get the fuck out you carebear faggot
>arm comes flying in from behind before the tire makes contact
That cannot be fucking real. I refuse to believe her hand landed so neatly in front of the camera like that.
Liberals will never be able to love like this.
Women must be reminded their place every once in a while. Failure to do so makes them feel empowered, causing nothing but trouble. Sounds familiar?
> they deserve the pain and suffering
Not necessarily, just shoot them where it doesn't hurt.
I want her to use my face as a chair and eat cock like it's a twinkie
Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” At its core, sin is rebellion against God. Our sin separates us from God, the creator and sustainer of life. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6a). God is known as the great “I AM.” Life is in God. So, when we sin and become separated from God, we become separated from true life. Therefore, perforce, we experience death. Sin does not necessarily result in physical death right away. Romans 6 is not telling us that when we sin we will physically die. Rather, it is referring to spiritual death.
So fake.
fuck off martin
anyone has Jewtube linkso I can send it to my firends??
Of all the brutal shit I've seen on 4 chan, this makes me feel something...
too soon
>dude weed lammao
consider suicide
The USA, what a glorious country...
Dogs are more human than chinks
lmfao, dem jiggling lard tits.
The arm is fake as hell
PCP or crack yes...
this is quite cute..... but not OPs webm ......
That was somone else's arm. The arm of the pick-up driver landed on the floor.
pause on 0:2 and you see the arm already in the air before the tyre hits. Obv fake
Got her fat ass running though.
She just lays there, finally understanding just how unequal she really is .
>"Horrey Sheet! I'm not equal u!"
Well done
Head and arm is lowest tier wrestling move.
>not helping her get up and offering her something to cover herself with
>Sup Forums will defend this
Are western values only to be deployed with young, skinny pale qts?
what the fuck
Shit women, liberals, minorities, and other people I don't like will never understand.
y that dog is sleep in road? dog pls dont sleep in road u could get hurt
That determination in his eyes, what exactly was he trying to accomplish?
He killed everyone in the bus
It's called "free will"
This is why I come here.
It retards reply to pointless sliding shitpost reposting "muh shocking and emotional shit somewhere in a place you shouldnt give a shit about"
inb4 300 replies
I know at least one of those other dudes learned Kung Fu. Why didn't they just kee-yah his ass?
Is it me or that chink looks like Fez from that 70's show?
A Commie that beliveing in spiritual death and the words of Gods man? Are you memein?
>It's too late
>We had our chance with the Fascists, the (((West))) chose soviets and capitalism instead. This is the future you chose.
Old lady deserved it
at least she's exercising probably just horny
its fake you idiots
It's amazing how lucky that woman is. The tire could have killed her.
He warned that woman and she tried hitting him first.
You aren't seeing the full video tards.
Astute observation son
Doggy no! This makes me want to hug my puppy
your mother's a whore
all doggos go 2 heaven dontcha know
there's no way he's in a real self defense situation. that guy sperged out.
he had to DEFEND his '''freedom''''
Fuck you, Grandma!
Where was this? Everyone except the truck seems to be acting like a normal human being. The white and black car actually braking and the dude just a few feet away actually looking shocked, so it can't be China.
Crash this bus with no survivors.