why there is no illustration of Mohammad ?
Why there is no illustration of Mohammad ?
Harelip. Very embarrassing
I remember this - is this not what was aired? Is it censored now? Is this the mandela effect?
no its not censored
Because unlike Jews, Muslims will actually fucking murder you if you insult them.
In some ways I respect them.
Did some cursory reading, seems the episodes featuring Mohammad has been pulled from their website and isn't available to be streamed from any official sources. No balls.
I don't think they air it anymore
I have the uncensored episode on a HDD some where
>Muhammad, the Muslim prophet with the powers of flame
This I believe, probably easier to just never air it again then go in and actively put a censor bar over an entire character.
Guess they'll never really be able to do a "every south park episode ever" marathon - or at least not genuinely.
killing people over words is subhuman behavior
Matt Stone and Trey Parker give 0 fucks about political correctness. They were pissed at (((Comedy Central))) for folding.
I thought it was hilarious when they showed up to the Oscars dressed in drag tripping balls on acid just to make a mockery of the event.
And yet... Muslims kill people and chimp out and everyone fears and respects them.
Jews try to use reason in their defense and the entire world hates us
Maybe the Muslims have the right idea.
Here's Moses
What the fuck did you just say about words you fucking HUE?
Also: fuck mohamed and all his followers.
IIRC It was censored on initial release back then but later they removed it.
Watched the episode last week on Comedy Central and he wasn't censored
one was before the west and israel radicalized muslims the other after
Because he was a woman.
because a major portion of muslims are illiterate violent savages that go apeshit when someone "disrespect" their evil pedo prophet?
Muslim here
In Islam it is strictly forbidden to draw any prophet, this includes: Mohammed, Jesus (Issa), Abraham (Ibrahim), Miriam (Mother Mary), Moses (Moies), etc...
Some very extreme interpretations of the religion even forbid drawing any of the creations of God. Such as nature and humans.
Drawing the prophets is forbidden to avoid idolatry. Muslims believe that the false portrayals of Jesus have become more important than his actual message. Most Christians rather pray to a false idol (a white anglo-saxon jesus) whose message has been entirely perverted by King James, than truly believing the words of which he spoke. The Holy Texts are meant to be followed, the prophets were simply message bearers for God, they are not anymore special than we are. We are not meant idolize them, we are meant to follow their words.
The extreme view of animals and nature follows from this idea. God's creations should be understood and loved for their being and not depicted in non-perfect forms as art.
For these 2 reasons that is why medieval Muslim art is primarily based on geometries (mosaics) or calligraphy.
I'll answer questions.
>In some way I actually respect them.
I'd have never guessed, Justin.
How do you feel about people who fuck pre teen girls?
Fuck your pig God.
That and how he liked cats were his only redeeming features.
because americans are KEKS
Choke to death on pig flesh you goatfucker.
matt and trey had to censor it because terrorists kept sending death threats because they showed Mohammad in a "insulting" WAY
How come homosexuality is forbidden in Islam despite Muhammad being the biggest faggot to ever live?
>a fucking lear
no but to be honest ,good answer
Ask yourself the question.
How should we choose age of consent?
Based on your ethics you will use a constraint that will determine this age. How would you do it?
I'll tell you how I would after.
Our God is the same as yours. There is only one God in the religions that rose from the Middle-East. Why do Americans think that calling him a pig or whatever is in anyway insulting?
You retards created Monotheism.
>idolises the "perfect man"
>perfect man rapes a 9 year old
>muh historical/cultural context
>the perfect man forgoes his values and bows down to culture
Why are muslims so shit?
>perfect man rapes a 9 year old
It's not homosexuality alone that is forbidden but it is all frivolous sexual acts as first told through the story of Noah and the city of Sodom.
>ask myself the question
I think that pedophiles that groom children for sex deserve a slow painful death.
>Our God is the same as yours
>whats is the holy trinity
>Implying I worship a God created by sandniggers.
You pricks venerate a filthy degenerate.
Of course it's the leaf cuck wanting pedophiles to be mainstream
>we can't judge them
>the age of concent is arbitrary
let's convert to Sandniggerism!
Oh yeah that will trigger them.
Nah you can be a paedo without being a retard.
There's been two episodes with muhammad. One was censored, the other wasn't. Muhammad was even in the intro for a long time.
I'm also not to keen about having to fuck goats and camels
Leafs lie
A leaf is natures toilet paper
Which sex acts? There is a list?
He was in it, originally. I remember watching it live. Comedy central forced them to censor it after death threats poured in.
And we've invented alternatives because they're not even very good at that.
They only got death threats latter when they made the other episode. Comedy Central made them censor it because they were afraid of death threats
So Muslims are so afraid they'll start worshiping a drawing made by some random guy that they have to murder him and rape his children?
Basically anything outside of sex with your wife. I've heard people try to make arguments that anal/oral/other kinks are sinful, but the Bible doesn't give a list of all the screwed up things people can come up with sexually. I have heard some reasonable arguments against sadist stuff
no they don't want anyone to find out Muhammad was white
The Super Best Friends episode aired years before the whole Muhammad cartoon thing in France
When you think you've seen every ill-conceived, ethically-vapid thing a leaf can possibly post and then you read this.
Because corporations are not people. People have principles. Viacom has a profit margin.
I guess pisslam was made for you then, quest forth my good man.
I guess mockery of mohammed would be seen a waging war on islam and the koran makes it clear death is the only penalty for that
lol kek
The whole point of the "dont show what he looks like" meme is that its supposed to avoid people shitting all over themselves trying to make heads or tales over a figure head and their image.
the retard sand ranchers took it way too seriously and try and get you killed for it
I can't help but laugh honestly, that a religion can be so poorly created and managed over the generations that its rules lock in place the things they tried to prevent.
Its the same as when you see SJWs fight over whether god was a man or woman, black or asian or some shit.
It forgoes the entire fucking point of it all, and its all a power struggle thing to be in control of the god head figures image.
Which mad mo heard and tried to rip off, like all his crap.
He's basically saying to all the people who are registered as cursed until the end of time in the real scriptures "Heyyyy! Fogedaboudit. They Jooos is all wrong. Is us who is da chooosen people. Anyone says any different - murder them. Oh and don't eat no pigs n stuff either".
That's why they hate the Jews. Jealousy.
Originally the father of all the Muslim races was the firstborn brother who's inheritance was to be the father of the chosen people but he swapped his birthright with his brother for one meal.
It's in the Bible/Torah but I can't remember their names just now.
just because I fucked your mom doesn't mean I want to fuck more smelly animals
>Drawing the prophets is forbidden to avoid idolatry. Muslims believe that the false portrayals of Jesus have become more important than his actual message
Oh damn, you beat me to it
Swapped his birthright with his brother who is the father of the Jews I should say
What about this arian beauty?
not your sister either
Because the purpose of the Prophets is to reacquaint us with reality when we've lost our way. To this end it is not conducive to reproduce an image of a Prophet which may remove us from his reality. Look what the Christians have done with Jesus and you'll get my meaning.
it's like God keeps trying to put our feet on the ground but like kids in a fairground we just keep trying to get back on the rides.
That is not Mohammad, it is our monkey god, the ancestor of all Brazilians according to pol
That's your "religion". The rest of us can draw whatever the fuck we want.
The original kikery. Kek
In the Koran, it states twice that Mohammad is a white man...
That is probably why they don't want him illustrated HAHHAH
>"Just look at how christians..."
Look at your fucking selves. Muslims are the biggest faggots on this planet. Maybe you need a little idol worship. At best you need to relax a little.
There he is!!!!!
We are about to dismantle the Giant Jesus to put that very figure in its place...
Monkey king contemplates where we went wrong
Does any of this fine ladies tickle your funny bone dear pajeet?
Thank you this is a good one
I tweet these reguarly to the Gov of Pakistan ever since they sentenced the one guy to death there for blasphemy
I'm surprised that more /polacks do not do it
hey look, you're a krank and it's flagged
icepick to the nape of your fucking neck fascist cunt
some swedish youth politic group posted pedohammad some time ago during Lucia times
You know how they can eat of the floor? They take their shoes off when they go indoors and because they don't wrap their feet up they don't stink.
What the fuck is up with an omnipotent, omniscient being making fairgrounds and getting pissed off when the kids indulge.
It all sounds like a story someone just pulled out of their ass. There's just no uncontadictory substance to the whole thing
and you have a kunt for a face
>a girl with feet that don't even stink
why even live?
Stop shitting the board up
do you even know what that means?
no I just wanted everyone to start posting uma delicia
Cause bombs
now here's something that bugs me.
>shit on and depict jesus in an insulting/derogatory way? no problem.
>shit on and depict muhammad in an insulting/derogatory way? nope, censor and ban it.
not only is it a blatant violation of the 1st amendment (in america anyway), but it straight up says that it's fine to shit on MY religion's prophet, but not THIS religion's prophet?
i have no problems with islam, but this is horse shit on various levels. it either shows some kind of preference for one religion over the other, or it implies that they're "afraid" of some kind of extreme response from muslims, which is still quite insulting to THEM as it makes a sweeping generalization of an entire religion anyway.
who is the chickenshit coward behind THIS bigoted nonsense?
I just don't get the joke. Please do keep promoting our memes for us though, we love attention.