Why do some niggers have such high IQ?
Why do some niggers have such high IQ?
Oh look
Its this thread again.
>that poster in the background
desu if the first computer he built was a laptop that's pretty impressive
>That fucking poster in the background
Lost my sides.
Bell curve distribution.
exception that proves the rule?
It's from a simple kit. If you you can follow basic instructions you can assemble that laptop
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500,000 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is sexist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the flat earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our gibs? Do the right thing, fellow rural white manlets. Call your senator or congressman and set things alight.
It's another
>celebrate a black kid assembling a computer
White people have low IQ and need to read a story 5 times to get it.
All the dumb niggers in the comments think he really built a computer.
>Why do some niggers have such high IQ?
Dont talk about it
That easy to build
In China they have children doing this as a part of curriculum.
Look at box next to computer.
See box matches computer.
Look at name brand stamp on computer.
No harder than following Lego instructions. They get retarded people from the state home to build computers, here. It's not that big of a deal.
I really want to necklace this nigger faggot
What are You meaning
good for the little niglet.
This is becoming a Twitter meme. Perhaps it has some potential?
Any based black Sup Forumslacks want to build one of those shitty Fischerprice/Playskool cars and have their niglet pose next to it?
>Tyquaundrius just built his first car! Wow! So smart!
This is the one
Technically he built a bit of it. The real question here is why do people think that it requires high IQ to build this.
These cars were awesome and nobody who used one as a child can deny it.
>he screwed screws and connected connectors
>Coloring a laptop with fluorescent paint makes one a genius
The general population goes full retard when anything computer related is involved. They never took the time to learn or just dont want to and so they think anyone who can is a genius.
seriously though these two white dudes built this computer
lil nig just put two plastic pieces he got in the mail together
Holy shit, embarrassing.
HAHA i was thinking exactly this. literally lego's
Seriously though, can you imagine being forced to spend a day in that nigger house?
Statistical distributions exist? Not just averages?
I like his P-47 in the background. If he knows what that is, and drew that, he's okay in my book. A black that knows history, instead of just 'muh dick' is based enough to join the megapodes.
Shit you can teach a gorilla sign language... white people can teach anyone to do anything if we try hard enough. God, we're great.
I think it's cool that kid assembled that computer. That's some delicate screws. And look at how happy he looks!
I think if you're hating on a little boy who's proud to have finished some semi challenging assembly work, you're somehow damaged and probably missing out on a lot of beauty in life.
I want that poster
it's not about hating on a child, he dindunuffin, it's the mother's retardation, and how other blacks are treating this as an accomplishment. Like when a retard successfully uses the bathroom on his own. It's something that other children can easily do. (it's meant for children to assemble). it's not an accomplishment, it's expected.
We don't hate the boy, we hate the parents and snowflakes that parade it around like some sort of definitive example of how black children are as smart as/smarter than white children.
Well, speaking for myself at least.
>Rural white voter
Sure you were, Goldstien.
>$300 with Pi
The nigger could have bought some lenovo shit with Core i3, NSA 10, no-arm-meme with proper GPU acceleration for desktop and video in the browsers. Could even run Loonips virtualized on those 4-8 GB for decent dev. experience.
Picture obviously unrelated. Provide some actual examples.
>1 post by this ID
OP will never reply to us.
>such high IQ
Well,guess what goes in the option field
A boy assembled a DYI computer. His mom is proud. This is not stuff to get mad about.
So easy to build a caveman can do it!
God niggers and liberal whites are so fucking desperate to prove that niggers aren't in fact intellectually inferior. Look at all those retweets. "Bruh this young black boi gone be next scientist if dem whites don't take it away from him!"
Deep down they all know, or at least the liberal whites do. They have that nagging feeling deep down inside them blacks aren't equal intellectually so they'll lash out viciously at anyone mocking this or for seeing what it really is, a task no more difficult than putting together a Lego house.
It would be acceptable if she just said look what my son did isn't that cool, like a normal parent, but she implied that what he did was a feat of genius and he was able to complete this feat of genius because he was black. Which obviously is incorrect, I'm not mad at him, I'm annoyed at his mother. if a white person did this I would call them retarded too.
way to completely disregard the content of both posts you replied too. You're probably upset because you built a cool clock that no one liked ahmed.
Because they ignore the other blacks when they are making fun of him or her for "acting white."
Hahahahah. I'm so dumb, I waited a whole minute before reading the file name.
>Republican flag
Yet in this post you have an abbo flag...
You can't help but feel reminded of that fuckboy who broke apart an electric clock and put it into a case, claiming he had "inveted" it and being showered with scholarships because he was a nog.
I just noticed the fucking poster lol! Why does it say Nigger?
So many slide threads what's really going on
Why are you making shit up in your head to get mad about? The kid assembled a computer, the mom is proud, relax.
I thought the gif was broken, then I saw the other reply and I was like ''SSShhheeeeiiiitttttt''
i checked out the twitter post last night and honestly, i don't even give a fuck about the kid and the laptop anymore.
i got stuck on this picture that some random chick posted..
what the FUCK is that thing in the upper left corner?!?!? it looks like there is a neck underneath, but then it would mean that the thing depicted is a lower jaw and a left cheek, maybe an ear..
i swear i spent like 15 minutes looking at it last night trying to figure out what it was until i got angry and closed it. but now that you've posted this laptop kid shit again, it reminded me of it and i just spent another 10 minutes trying to figure it out.
it's fucking with my mind though man.. especially that weird shit on the left. it looks like she was stuck in a fire and her skin melted away or some shit and she was left with a giant scar. but i can't quite tell where it's located on her face (i assume that it's part of a face, since the thing below looks like a neck and there's what looks like long hair reaching down to it)
i really want to solve this mystery. i feel like it's one of those optical illusions that are really difficult to see and that need to be looked at for ten minutes before you figure it out.. like the duck and bunny thing where you can see either the duck or the bunny depending on how you look at it. those are so amazing once you finally see it.. you go like "HOLY SHIT, HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE IT SOONER?!?"
We SHOULD be amazed, in order for him to do this the boy had to know how to read. GENIUS!
Looks like the main character from A Nightmare Before Xmas
Good lord, what a terrible voice.
Thing is that the mother is likely in her late 40's, her computing knowledge only goes as far as posting on facebook...
When you factor in that, the kid to her must look like a superhuman.
>The nigger could have bought some lenovo shit with Core i3, NSA 10, no-arm-meme with proper GPU acceleration for desktop and video in the browsers. Could even run Loonips virtualized on those 4-8 GB for decent dev. experience.
Could, mind you the idea of a modular laptop that could be endlessly upgraded has a great deal of appeal to me......
Pi if they could get their shit together and allow for addons such as laptop gpu's, extended RAM and hard-drives would have a winner on their hands instead of "babbies first experiments with electronics"
>t. people who don't understand sarcasm
and, for that matter, why do some asians and whites have such high iq's that they're 3 standard deviations further to the right from the most intelligent black person? why is there more genetic diversity within each race than between them? what does it all mean, user?
it's almost as if being a decent person and making good decisions can still get you far, regardless of the circumstances of your birth
>receiving a computer is the same as building a computer
I am very threatened by the superior nigger IQ.
Reminder pic related
Spread it to every threadd
Lost my shit at the background
>"built" a "computer"
More like he stole his first laptop