"Existence, faculties, assimilation—in other words, personality, liberty, property—this is man." Bastiat
This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote property rights, individual liberty and lassez-faire capitalism. This includes (but is not limited to) anarcho-capitalism, paleolibertarianism, minarchy, agorism and right-wing reactionary-ism against the left (i.e. physical removal, so to speak). All others are welcome to learn and debate us.
Reminder that this is a right-wing thread, so libertine degenerates ('live and let live' faggotry), open-border advocates and faux-libertarians (e.g. Gary Johnson) are not welcome here - people here recognise that property rights imply discrimination and a return to traditional, conservative values.
Although questions are welcome, most of them have already been answered many times, so it is recommended you get to grip with the basics first. Nobody here is obligated to argue with you, so try to avoid using fallacies in your arguments or creating unrealistic scenarios.
>Pastebin: pastebin.com
>Website: libertarianright.org
>Discord & Book Club: discord gg jCVRCR3
>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary (David Friedman) - youtube.com
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com
>(Further Reading - See i.imgur.com
>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
As I promised user yesterday, I compiled the books in the reading list and made it into a torrent.
Although it is not fully completed I have an idea of where to find the missing parts so expect a newer version whenever it is sufficiently updated.
p.s I dont know why anarchist has an ancom flag, it's a black flag
Copypasta from another thread (new image):
Anons, counter.fund (@counterfund on twatter) is a crowd funding platform for /ourguys/. Pax Dickinson, notorious shitlord, is behind this.
I think this works better for us than the lefty top-down model. Discuss.
Sup Forumsacks make sure you seed this, Ron Paul would be proud.
Has anyone read Markets not Capitalism? Thoughts?
Here's a quote from the book
>pic related
Full essay
Do the books listed under "refutations" refute libertarianism?
First row is claims made by people who say the state is essential, etc books under the first row are refutations of the first row
I picked "Anarchism" thinking it was gonna be a black flag, my bad mate
Nice, I find that often you learn the most when it's a dialectic like that.
Just to make sure:
The Politics of Obedience is a refutation of The Prince
Liberty, Games and Contracts and Viking Age Iceland are both refutations of Leviathan
and so on
I think it's pretty good, anarcho-capitalism is unpalatable to a lot of people because the word capitalism is tied up with statist privilege for them. If a word ceases to mean something to the majority there's no point in us clinging to the old meaning.
Also that quote is great, it's Ernest Lesigne. I originally saw it (and I assume Chartier did) in Benjamin Tucker's Instead of a Book: fair-use.org
whateves, im seeding your shit. good job.
You can get most of the books in that picture here I agree, the word has a lot of baggage with it I stopped using it
Are you jewish?
>First row is claims made by people who say the state is essential, etc
Someone said recently that Das Kapital only talks about how capitalism works? Also, who compiled the list?
>be me
>want to climb up the ladder of success and make something out of my life
>live in shitcago
Can proof that?
>who compiled the list
>that Das Kapital only talks about how capitalism works
I haven't read Das Kapital
Can't show you my dick cos its cut. I'm an ex-muslim
There are 3 volumes, 1st and 2nd mostly talk about how capitalism reproduces itself through time. 3rd is like an economics textbook.
The entire ensemble is the shittiest, most boring, lecturing, rambling, baseless crap I have ever tried to study.
You said earlier that you don't like to refer to urself as ancap, what do you use then? Anarchist? I use Market/Individualist Anarchist
can't wait till I read this one
Either market anarchist or left libertarian ,as much as I dislike the latter
the book? reading something else right now?
Black Redneck and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell
Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism by Stephen Hicks
fucking gross. what are you doing here?
Market Anarchists and Individual anarchists consider themselves left but they're still based.
I believe in something similar to the NAP but there is no reason that implies Lockean homesteading. Even if it did, the Lockean proviso should apply but most ancaps like to act like that doesn't exist.
>A branch of market anarchism is left-wing market anarchism such as mutualists or Gary Chartier and Kevin Carson, who consider themselves anti-capitalists and self identify as part of the socialist movement.
So long as no one is being coerced and all interactions are voluntary, I'm down.
I lost it at the helicopter's pilot manual
None of your image is relevant to Chartier or Carson, or indeed left market anarchism as a whole.
This is what happens when you immediately attack everything outside of your happy place without trying to undertand it. For shame.
this a libertarian CAPITALIST thread. I'm sure theres plenty of "happy places" for anti-capitalist anarchists out there. be with your people.
Lolbertarians doesn't solve the problem of capitalism
You are literally sat there getting angry about a word as opposed to the substance behind it, or what it means to people in the modern world.
Correct. Capitalism has no problems.
>a fucking naz-bol.
there are no problems of capitalism.
You're claiming to be a left-libertarian, and an anti-capitalist. spouting about "statist privilege" you categorically do not belong here simply because you're an "anarchist"
Your objection to left libertarianism and anti-calitalism is primarily due to understanding neither.
Also, are you denying that there exist individuals and corporations who owe their wealth to preferential treatment from the state?
What order should I watch Hoppe's lectures in?
>are you denying that there exist individuals and corporations who owe their wealth to preferential treatment from the state?
Those things do exist, and that is not what capitalism is. Why assume anyone who disagrees with you is simply "ignorant" you dongwasher.
That is what capitalism is to the majority of people, and arguably in its original historical usage. You can cry about it meaning something else all you want, it won't change that. Like I said, you're getting caught up in language rather than ideas.
what do ya guys think
>t. ancom flag
"libertarian right"
Im not intrested in what people FEEL like my words mean. Words mean exactly what they mean. This relativist trash is exactly what I hate about leftists, your subjective garbage has nothing to to with right-libertarianism.
Its a subversive edition apparently.
So sick of UK socialism.
How do I communicate to the masses that Labour and socialism is not the answer to their problems.
Are you positing a mind independent meaning of language?
>Right libertarianism fuses natural rights anarchism with Carl Menger's Austrian economics
>The central concept of Austrianism is subjectivism
>Right libertarianism has nothing to do with subjective garbage
Missed off the reply.
Also I don't think I expressed fully enough how retarded it is for you to claim language is objective.
Step 1: youtube.com
Step 2: voat.co
Step 3: Watch the movie Filth
Your entire world is owned by child raping, blood drinking, cannibal jewish masons, and institutions of centralized power and authority are nearly always their plaything.
That is how people's resistance and movements are destroyed.
this is now a meme thread
Value is subjective only to the ever changing state of a man's needs. the reality of his being and the world are forever objective.
>the world are forever objective
H o p p e
how does it feel to not understand human nature?
porn, drugs, consumerism, lower class cultural etc
look up the hobbisan trap.
if you are not retarded and can imagine yourself in that situation you would understand that it would be rational to shoot the trespasser lest he shoots you(this would be the case even if both of you do not want to shoot each other)
>Praxeology, the study of human nature and action
>mfw don't understand human nature
How does it feel to not understand the Trivium?
Human beings are by nature, not good or evil. We are programmable.
You're more worried about some retard doing heroin or jerking off to porn, than a cabal of elite, satanic, gematria ritual obsessed, cannibal, pedophiles running the world through blackmail and mass mind control operations? Please, at least understand the world you live in before you post or fuck off.
>tfw individual empowerment
>tfw marijuana
>tfw firearms
>tfw property
>tfw little to no government involvement in day to day life
don't mind me, just enjoying freedom, liberty and justice for all.
>Human beings are by nature, not good or evil. We are programmable
the main question is: how many millions of people will you kill trying to achieve your ideal utopia?
go and sort yourself out bucko!
at least clean your room before you try to clean society
>government involvement
any state is a big state.
Only the communists, and they aren't really people. so zero.
my room is quite clean!
i don't plan to violate anyone's natural law rights. did i imply that somewhere?
>being this retarded
what you are doing is a sign of either intellectual impairment or laziness on your part.
how does it feel to be a fucking retarded ignoramus?
read you have to understand that all people do not think like you and that just because you do not want something it does not mean it will not happen.
i understand most people are goyim subhuman garbage that deserve to be thrown into meat grinders for the atrocities they passively assist in existing. but i'm not going to fuck with anyone unless they fuck with me. whats your point buckaroo.
my point is your ideal society would instantly turn into a totalitarian shithole. hell if I ended up in your society I would vie to be a totalitarian overlord, not because I desire to be one, but because I understand that if I do not do it, some other fag will and it is better to be the dog that eats rather than the dog that is eaten.
>this level of economic illiteracy
>being this deluded
fiances are not necessarily the best incentives.
fire fighters could commit arson for example, in order to make money.
People would get fire insurance where people would pay for future protection against fires, if a fire did in fact occur then the firefighting company would lose money
who would conduct the investigation? the firefight company? the insurance company?
conducting an investigation would cost money, would it not be easier to just try to blame the consumer via some clause in his contract in order so that you would not have to pay him?
I am pretty sure there would be a clause that is akin to: you are not allowed to light your house on fire.
would it not be easier for them to blame the arson on you and thus freeing themselves from any obligations toward you?
I don't see a company lasting for long if they don't provide the services you have paid for
have you ever dealt with an insurance company? do you not know of the kind of loopholes they use to fuck with people?
do you think the average person knows or cares about any given case of insurance denial?
it is not as though the company would reject everyone, it would just pin any case of arson on the home owner.
and since there will be no proper due process the home owner would have to try to prove his innocence(good luck with that)
The gig's up lads, how will we ever be able to recover from this?
Nice to see a fellow Mark Passio viewer