Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?

Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?

Is there a reason you still look at porn and touch yourself?

Is there a reason you don't read good book and spent all your time on Sup Forums?

Is there a reason you chose to be a degenerate?

Other urls found in this thread:

I chose to dedicate my life to meme warfare

Guy is on roids. So ya, everyone does something.

>Is there a reason you chose to be a degenerate?

All Hope is gone

i browse Sup Forums all day


Is there any reason why should I?

I don't.

I do both.

I don't.


>Is there a reason you don't read good book and spent all your time on Sup Forums?
the only way this guy read a book is if it was tattooed on his abs
people this vain are not fit to be judging others goals

I watched two or three of this guys vids the other day to see what the fuss is about. I found them somewhat entertaining but I have two questions.

1. Whats with the vegan shit?
2. Does he go into detail with anything? I was looking at his diet and food vids but he doesn't really go into any detail at all.


Trump is president. There's always hope.

>1. Whats with the vegan shit?
He don't like the meat industry.
>2. Does he go into detail with anything? I was looking at his diet and food vids but he doesn't really go into any detail at all.
Not really. He's not too clever.

I mean look at the books he is reading. It's nothing but Young Adult, fantasy and sci-fi novels.

I still don't have a great mind like Elon Musk or Peter Weyland.

All i wish is to create a legacy by creating world-changing-technology.

I don't feel like doing steroids

I don't, I have a cute white gf

What are Sup Forums bible study threads

Depends on your standard for degeneracy

I'd get swole too if I looked like that fucking muppet. Face like a melted candle.

>Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?
Yes. Roids make my hair fall off and destroy my skin. Not worth it

>He don't like the meat industry.
I have to eat rotten meat with cardboard here and i still eat meat.

he's not

Is Elon Musk that smart?
I thought he was just a really rich dude with a boner for space.

>Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?
Injuries make working out difficult.
>Is there a reason you still look at porn and touch yourself?
No, that's why I don't look at porn and touch myself.
>Is there a reason you don't read good book and spent all your time on Sup Forums?
This is my first time on here in a while.
>Is there a reason you chose to be a degenerate?
I'm not a degenerate tho

Well I noticed the books behind him looked like the spines had no wear but that's not for me to say really.

On the vegan thing. He was eating 5 egg omelets...does vegan have a different meaning in nordland?

this. memes are eternal.

t. His supplier

>Is there a reason why I should?

because i assume most of us have a soul draining 9-5 job and adding a gym session on top of that is not worth it.

Nothing is stopping you.

Not as smart as Weyland (who is not real by the way), but he is a self made billionaire and created a lot of world-changing technologies. Electric cars were only introduced to the masses thanks to Elon Musk. Reusable rockets? Musk!

>lifting heavy things and setting them back down repeatedly as a hobby
Working out is boring as hell.

>Injuries make working out difficult.


That is unsustainable long term. The older you get the more your motabalism slows down. It would take you hours of working out and a very strict diet to remain that way, and the moment you stop, the fat would pile on from all the protein your body is used to.

>Beethoven, Symphony No. 5, First Movement
>Greedins, druvrens
>Valiant shield brodrs
>Fukkn massiv
>Beäta leftist
>It is impordnd
>I am a nerd
>Take de glowries pil
>Fair maiden
>The [x] questchn
>Proud sons of Rome
>I rid buks
>Internachionel Dshues
>I have a bisniss in Ijermany
>Polittikel ideoloiji
>OK, cool
>Modder Europe
>Accept me as your mettaphisical commander
>My clothing line is only for de glorious
>Chad nachionalism
>Adhere to my teechings
>Stop wotching porn
>Retake Constantinople
>Uttmost importens
>And who am I?
>xoxo. POOM!

No amount of lifting can ever make me not be a manlet

Well he isn't a Vegan or Vegetarian. I think he have said he is 90% vegetarian or some shit like that but he sometimes eat meat, if he is invited to a BBQ or something then he will eat.

He just makes those kind of dishes usually because he doesn't like the meat industry, but he have eaten meat before on his videos. He just usually stays away from it.

>Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?
Yeah, there's something called genetics, nigger. Ectomorphs are the master race.

10/10 lad

Just find something that compensates that.

>created a lot of world-changing technologies

manlets never learn
doing that gook thing where they enlarge the neck is how every manlet becomes tall.

Thank you gentleman.

>Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?
Because the only way for me too look like that at my age would be through Roids. But I'm going to the gym, and working on it.
>Is there a reason you still look at porn and touch yourself?
Because nofap is a placebo meme
>Is there a reason you don't read good book and spent all your time on Sup Forums?
Are we talking about "A good book", or "THE good book"? if the former, then >implying I don't spend equal time doing both. If the latter, it's because I'm not a Christcuck.
>Is there a reason you chose to be a degenerate?
I didn't choose the degenerate life, the degenerate life chose me

How does he gain muscle on that alone? Don't you need protein and lots of it? If he is a veggie eater, then he must be on steroids or taking tons of protein supplements. You can't get around biology that easily.